Military Intelligence Service

The first Japanese Americans to serve in the military during World War II were linguists involved in the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). The MISLS was charged with training soldiers in the Japanese language for intelligence purposes. Japanese Americans served as both instructors and students at the school, which opened on November 1, 1941. The Language School began recruiting instructors and later students directly from concentration camps as early as July 1942. MISLS graduates were assigned in small teams to units fighting in the Pacific and to intelligence centers throughout the Allied command. They translated captured documents, interrogated prisoners of war, wrote propaganda, encouraged Japanese soldiers and civilians to surrender, and monitored radio broadcasts. After the war, they acted as interpreters at the war crime trials and for the occupation government in Japan.

World War II (240)
Military service (3289)
Military Intelligence Service (1180)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
John Aiso, Fort Snelling, Masaji Marumoto, Jack Matsuoka, Military Intelligence Service, Military Intelligence Service Language School, Walter Tsukamoto, Karl Yoneda


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1180 items
Large building and road (ddr-ajah-2-683)
img Large building and road (ddr-ajah-2-683)
Caption below photo: Main Entrance to City Hall
Couple standing under tree (ddr-ajah-2-761)
img Couple standing under tree (ddr-ajah-2-761)
Inscribed on back: Me and Hisako Yokoyama. Cute ain't she? San Quentin quail MAYBE. Sister's swell too. Can't afford to rent that pix. Beautiful Ogden, with women with snow white complexion. Sociable? YES. Caption: Tsutomu "Tsunch" Inouye, of Alameda, CA., and a young woman he apparently fancied in Ogden, Utah. August 1941. Supplemental scan, front and …
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Caption: joe Iwataki and Company A trains of the 61mm mortar at Fort Ord, near Monterey, CA., 1941. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-97 with additional notes
Man in uniform standing by car (ddr-ajah-2-758)
img Man in uniform standing by car (ddr-ajah-2-758)
Caption: Tsutomu "Tsunch" Inouye, of Alameda, while at Fort Ord, near Monterey, CA., for basic training. June 1941. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-75 with additional notes
Portrait of women in photo folder (ddr-ajah-2-817)
img Portrait of women in photo folder (ddr-ajah-2-817)
Inscription on folder: To Mrs. Tsuchiya and Mary / Always Taniyo Alice / 12/15/1943. Caption: Alice Taniyo Iwataki, of Alameda, CA., was born in 1913 and died in 2016. She married Masaru "Roy" Iwata. She is Joe Iwataki's sister. Photo: December 15, 1943 in st. Paul Minnesota.
Man sitting at desk (ddr-ajah-2-703)
img Man sitting at desk (ddr-ajah-2-703)
Caption below photo: Hubert D. Minnis, WOJG Missouri
Damaged building (ddr-ajah-2-682)
img Damaged building (ddr-ajah-2-682)
Caption below photo: Normal school building
Two men outside camp building (ddr-ajah-2-538)
img Two men outside camp building (ddr-ajah-2-538)
Caption below photo: Kan Takgami / John Kawachi / Senseis
Two men in suits (ddr-ajah-2-496)
img Two men in suits (ddr-ajah-2-496)
Caption below photo: Joseph C. Grew / Col. Rasmussen
Men in barracks (ddr-ajah-2-430)
img Men in barracks (ddr-ajah-2-430)
Caption below photo: Barrack #10 - Senseis' Stronghold