Military Intelligence Service

The first Japanese Americans to serve in the military during World War II were linguists involved in the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). The MISLS was charged with training soldiers in the Japanese language for intelligence purposes. Japanese Americans served as both instructors and students at the school, which opened on November 1, 1941. The Language School began recruiting instructors and later students directly from concentration camps as early as July 1942. MISLS graduates were assigned in small teams to units fighting in the Pacific and to intelligence centers throughout the Allied command. They translated captured documents, interrogated prisoners of war, wrote propaganda, encouraged Japanese soldiers and civilians to surrender, and monitored radio broadcasts. After the war, they acted as interpreters at the war crime trials and for the occupation government in Japan.

World War II (239)
Military service (3289)
Military Intelligence Service (1180)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
John Aiso, Fort Snelling, Masaji Marumoto, Jack Matsuoka, Military Intelligence Service, Military Intelligence Service Language School, Walter Tsukamoto, Karl Yoneda


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1180 items
W.D. Form No. 50A: Notification of Personnel Action (ddr-densho-446-173)
doc W.D. Form No. 50A: Notification of Personnel Action (ddr-densho-446-173)
Ai Chih Tsai's resignation as Military Intelligence Service Analyst to take job with UNRRA on May 15, 1946
Letter from Lt. Col. E. M. Hudgins to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-115)
doc Letter from Lt. Col. E. M. Hudgins to U.S. Department of Justice (ddr-densho-446-115)
Letter in support of Tsai's requests to change his status to friendly alien. Hudgins is Tsai's supervisor in current Military Intelligence Service position. Hudgins offers strong support for his character, ability, assistance to US war effort.
Letter from Elaine Schulman to Ryo Tsai (ddr-densho-446-154)
doc Letter from Elaine Schulman to Ryo Tsai (ddr-densho-446-154)
Check enclosed ($53.47) for compensation for Tsai's services while employed in Office of War Intelligence.
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (ddr-densho-446-123)
doc Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (ddr-densho-446-123)
Request for executive action to change status to "friendly alien" based on prior work for U.S. government in order to avoid deportation, to avoid consequences for wife and baby, and to allow Tsai to be considered for employment in the American Consulate in Formosa and Chinese Embassy [typed draft]
Two men in uniform (ddr-ajah-6-29)
img Two men in uniform (ddr-ajah-6-29)
Caption below photo: Great friends Kenji Tomita (left) and Dan Mashihara. Both were from Alameda, CA., circa 1946, Tokyo, Japan. Both men served with the Military Intelligence Service, but not did not work together.
Two men in uniform (ddr-ajah-6-45)
img Two men in uniform (ddr-ajah-6-45)
Caption above photo: Kenji Tomita and Dan Mashihara of Alameda, CA., in Tokyo 1946. Caption includes details of Kenji and Dan's military service in WWII
The graduating class at Fort Snelling, Minnesota (ddr-densho-432-25)
img The graduating class at Fort Snelling, Minnesota (ddr-densho-432-25)
This is probably a photograph of the graduating class at Fort Snelling, Minnesota. Tsutomu Matsumoto stands in row 5, far right in a suit and tie. Caption on reverse: "Matsumoto."
Letter from Ruth Yamada Matsumoto to Lillian Yamada Kuwata, May 9, 1952 (ddr-densho-432-18)
doc Letter from Ruth Yamada Matsumoto to Lillian Yamada Kuwata, May 9, 1952 (ddr-densho-432-18)
Letter from Ruth Yamada Matsumoto to her sister, Lillian Yamada Kuwata. The Matsumotos lived in Washington Heights in Tokyo, Japan. Ruth writes about the communist riots and their car being destroyed. She also discusses life in Japan with her family.
The Matsumoto Family in playing in snow (ddr-densho-432-23)
img The Matsumoto Family in playing in snow (ddr-densho-432-23)
Caption on reverse: "The Matsumotos and friend. / Washingto [sic] Heights, Tokyo, Japan / about 1954 or 1955." Left to right: Clyde Matsumoto, uknown, Ruth Matsumoto, Dawn Matsumoto, and Allen Matsumoto.
Spady Koyama Interview I Segment 19 (ddr-densho-1000-38-19)
vh Spady Koyama Interview I Segment 19 (ddr-densho-1000-38-19)
Experiencing a different racial climate, being Nisei in the segregated South
Spady Koyama Interview I Segment 26 (ddr-densho-1000-38-26)
vh Spady Koyama Interview I Segment 26 (ddr-densho-1000-38-26)
Military Intelligence Service duty in the Pacific, encountering Japanese soldiers
vh Tsuguo "Ike" Ikeda Interview I Segment 22 (ddr-densho-1000-123-22)
Drafted into U.S. Army, enduring basic training and attending the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Fort Snelling, Minnesota

As a teenager prior to World War II, began keeping scrapbooks with newspaper articles and memorabilia, a lifetime habit.