442nd Regimental Combat Team

The 100th Infantry Battalion began as part of the Hawaii National Guard. On June 5, 1942, 1,432 men left Hawaii for training at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, and later at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. The 100th shipped out to North Africa on August 23, 1943, and saw heavy action in Italy. Because of its heavy casualties and many honors, the 100th became known as the "Purple Heart Battalion." The 442nd Regimental Combat Team was initially formed in 1943 from Japanese American volunteers from Hawaii and the mainland. Perhaps not surprisingly, only about 1,250 Japanese Americans volunteered from the concentration camps. In Hawaii, where there was no mass removal, almost 10,000 volunteered. The 442nd arrived in Italy in June 1944 where the battle-tested 100th Infantry Battalion became its 1st Battalion. In seven major campaigns, the 442nd became the most decorated unit for its size and length of service; the unit suffered 9,476 casualties, more than 300 percent of its original strength.

World War II (240)
Military service (3289)
442nd Regimental Combat Team (3015)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
442nd Regimental Combat Team, Mark W. Clark, Sadamitsu Neil Fujita, Go for Broke! (film), Stanley Hayami, Daniel Inouye, Mike Masaoka, Kazuo Masuda, Rescue of the Lost Battalion


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3015 items
Notification of a Nisei's induction into the military (ddr-densho-25-50)
doc Notification of a Nisei's induction into the military (ddr-densho-25-50)
Letter from the chaplain of the 12th training Regiment at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, to Matahichi Iseri. The letter describes Camp Robinson, where his son, Mitsuo (Mike), had been sent for military training. On January 23, 1942, the government decided to send Japanese American soldiers who were still in service to special camps in Arkansas and Alabama. …
Instructions to an Issei man regarding the burial of his son (ddr-densho-25-62)
doc Instructions to an Issei man regarding the burial of his son (ddr-densho-25-62)
Mitsuo (Mike) Iseri, son of Matahichi and Kisa Iseri, was killed in action during the war. Matahichi Iseri was instructed to fill out a form entitled "Application for Final Disposition of Remains."
The Northwest Times Vol. 1 No. 7 (January 24, 1947) (ddr-densho-229-4)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 1 No. 7 (January 24, 1947) (ddr-densho-229-4)
"Finch Starts Drive to Aid Hawaii GI's" (p. 1),"Urges Improvement of "Blighted' Areas" (p. 1), "L.A. Council Hits Land Law Section" (p. 1).
The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 12 (February 9, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-179)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 12 (February 9, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-179)
"Senate Unit Backs Bill on Equality" (p. 1), "Pvt. Ninomiya Rites Saturday" (p. 1), "Additional Claims Queries, Replies" (p. 2).
The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 41 (May 21, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-208)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 41 (May 21, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-208)
"B.C. Union Resolves Not to Oppose to Japanese Getting Fish Licenses" (p. 1), "Local Community Will Pay Tribute to GI Dead May 30" (p. 1),
The Northwest Times Vol. 2 No. 100 (December 4, 1948) (ddr-densho-229-161)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 2 No. 100 (December 4, 1948) (ddr-densho-229-161)
"OK of Measure for Equality Seen Likely" (p. 1), "Joint Rites Set for Six GI War Dead Saturday, Dec. 11 in Bukkyo-Kai; One of Nisei Heroes is Winner of DSC" (p. 1), "JACL Will Give Claims Forms" (p. 1).
The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 49 (June 18, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-216)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 49 (June 18, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-216)
"Civil Rights Members Ask Introduction of Measure to Defeat Bias Practices" (p. 1), "Rites, Burial for Two War Dead from Area to be Held June 25" (p. 1) "Local CIO Tells Nisei Not to Sit on Fence in Matter of Picking Cannery Union" (p. 1).
The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 65 (August 13, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-232)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 65 (August 13, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-232)
"Next "Open Night' on Wed., Aug. 17; Take Advantage of It, Okada Urges" (p. 1), "Illinois Senator Cites Record of Nisei GI's in Urging Passage of Judd Bill" (p. 2).
The Northwest Times Vol. 2 No. 25 (March 17, 1948) (ddr-densho-229-95)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 2 No. 25 (March 17, 1948) (ddr-densho-229-95)
"Epinal War Heroes' Remains Removed" (p. 1), "Congress Gets Another Bill Aiding Issei" (p. 1), "Story of the 442nd" (p. 2), "Frisco Saints, Berkeley Nisseis to Tangle for "Oriental Title" (p. 3).
The Reveille, Vol. IV, No. 12 (March 30, 1944) (ddr-densho-478-3)
doc The Reveille, Vol. IV, No. 12 (March 30, 1944) (ddr-densho-478-3)
This edition of The Reveille includes various articles, such as Gen. George C. Marshall's visit to Camp Shelby, the 442nd Combat team's victories in sports tournaments, and the announcement of "Go for Broke" as the 442nd Combat Team's song, composed by PFC Harry Hamada. The edition also includes advertisements, events, and updates on the war.
Americans: The story of the 442nd Combat Team (ddr-densho-478-2)
doc Americans: The story of the 442nd Combat Team (ddr-densho-478-2)
The story of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, including the team's training, preparation for overseas movement, campaigns, and battles. It also includes drawings, photographs, maps, an award list, battle honors, and the names of the 442nd infantry regiment and the 552nd field artillery battalion.
Unveiling of the Brothers in Valor World War II memorial monument (ddr-densho-6-3)
img Unveiling of the Brothers in Valor World War II memorial monument (ddr-densho-6-3)
Unveiling ceremony for the Brothers in Valor World War II memorial monument, which honors Nisei soldiers who served during World War II.
Japanese American four-star general (ddr-densho-6-2)
img Japanese American four-star general (ddr-densho-6-2)
Joseph Kamikawa (left) and General Eric Shinseki. General Shinseki was a keynote speaker at this reunion for Nisei veterans.
Inscription, Brothers in Valor World War II memorial monument (ddr-densho-6-4)
img Inscription, Brothers in Valor World War II memorial monument (ddr-densho-6-4)
The Brothers in Valor World War II memorial monument honors Nisei soldiers who served during World War II.
Reunion of Nisei veterans (ddr-densho-6-1)
img Reunion of Nisei veterans (ddr-densho-6-1)
This reunion of Nisei veterans was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, over the Independence Day weekend. Left to right: Joseph Kamikawa, Kay Kamikawa, Lily Oshiro, and William Oshiro.
Nisei soldiers in France (ddr-densho-164-44)
img Nisei soldiers in France (ddr-densho-164-44)
Nisei soldier's caption: Hotel Astoria, Hiyane. The jerries drafted French labor to set up a elaborate defense of concrete bunkers, pillboxes, barbwire, and mines all over the place.
Nisei soldiers visiting Pompeii (ddr-densho-164-17)
img Nisei soldiers visiting Pompeii (ddr-densho-164-17)
Nisei soldier's caption: Pompeii. This city was buried way back when Mt. Vesuvius erupted.