
Schools were quickly organized in the concentration camps, but they suffered from crude facilities and lack of teaching materials. Instruction was given for nursery through high school, and adult education was offered. Trained teachers were in short supply, however, and uncertified Japanese Americans with college degrees often filled in. The War Relocation Authority (WRA) deliberately emphasized Americanization in the education program. Some found it painfully ironic to watch incarcerated youth recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

World War II (239)
Concentration camps (1640)
Education (1515)


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1515 items
Information on teaching positons in the Manzanar Japanese relocation area (ddr-csujad-48-44)
doc Information on teaching positons in the Manzanar Japanese relocation area (ddr-csujad-48-44)
Notice by Roy Nash and Genevieve W. Carter regarding information on teaching positions at "Manzanar Japanese Relocation Area," with a handwritten note on the last page for a meeting with Leon C. High at the Winnedumah Hotel in Independence, California. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9044. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American …
Invoice, correspondence, card and envelope regarding rental of caps and gowns for March 7, 1943 (ddr-csujad-48-52)
doc Invoice, correspondence, card and envelope regarding rental of caps and gowns for March 7, 1943 (ddr-csujad-48-52)
Assorted communication for the rental of graduation caps and gowns for the graduating senior class at Manzanar High School between Harry Bentley Wells and Manzanar Cooperative Enterprises, and between the Cap and Gown Company of California and Mr. S. Sugimoto at Manzanar Cooperative Enterprises. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9052. See this object in the California …
School assignment (ddr-csujad-48-21)
doc School assignment (ddr-csujad-48-21)
Assignment by Midori Kunitomi (first name missing due to torn upper right corner, determined via class roster) for Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Kunitomi describes the United States as a melting pot of the world, where everyone has a equal chance and racial difference is not …
Advice of personnel action, WRA P-4, Harry Bentley Wells (ddr-csujad-48-82)
doc Advice of personnel action, WRA P-4, Harry Bentley Wells (ddr-csujad-48-82)
Form WRA P-4 indicating the following action for Harry Bentley Wells: Change in Status, Division and Unit. Remarks: Reassignment under New Organizational Chart. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9082. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0082
Period IV, World Geo. and History Wells 7-5-2 (ddr-csujad-48-118)
doc Period IV, World Geo. and History Wells 7-5-2 (ddr-csujad-48-118)
Class roster and grades for Period 4, World Geography and History, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. Thirty-seven students are listed, four were added in pencil, and three were added in black pen at a later date. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9927. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American …
Wells World History and Geo. Per. 3 (ddr-csujad-48-117)
doc Wells World History and Geo. Per. 3 (ddr-csujad-48-117)
Class roster for Period 3, World History and Geography, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. Thirty-four students are listed, three are crossed out, and two have been added in black pen. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9926. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0926
Letter from Satoru Sakuma to Harry Bentley Wells, March 3, 1942 (ddr-csujad-48-55)
doc Letter from Satoru Sakuma to Harry Bentley Wells, March 3, 1942 (ddr-csujad-48-55)
Letter and envelope from Sat Sakuma to Harry Bentley Wells describing the journey from Manzanar to Minidoka. He also describes the conditions at Minidoka when they arrived and in his opinion a lacking education system. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9055. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0055
Important items for your attention (ddr-csujad-48-136)
doc Important items for your attention (ddr-csujad-48-136)
A memorandum to education personnel highlighting new procedures. This includes the use of the materials in the Visual Education Department and the Text-Book warehouse, creating a record of complaints and disturbances, encouraging the creation of a daily schedule, and planning at least a weeks worth of lessons, and discussing the new library service in Study Hall …
Essay: you can't have everything (ddr-csujad-48-28)
doc Essay: you can't have everything (ddr-csujad-48-28)
Essay by Yoshio Kusayanagi for Senior Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Yoshio describes the need to try to get the most out of every day, and not waste away your life. He identifies the need to preserve through any hardship and give one's all to win past …
Room rating (ddr-csujad-48-59)
doc Room rating (ddr-csujad-48-59)
Blank form for self-rating a classroom after spending Saturday working toward a better room arrangement. Name is filled out with Mr. Wells 7-5-2, but scores are not provided for any of the sections. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9059. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0059
Senior problem: my future (ddr-csujad-48-12)
doc Senior problem: my future (ddr-csujad-48-12)
Term paper by Wataru Okamoto for Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Wataru recounts that before the war and forced evacuation he wanted to be a fisherman or grocery store owner. However, once at Manzanar, he decided on becoming a gym instructor in both baseball and basketball. …
Niseis problems today (ddr-csujad-48-32)
doc Niseis problems today (ddr-csujad-48-32)
Assignment by Mitsuko Mitsui for class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Mitsuko starts by stating the questions relating to the future, and that the answers are nothing but rumors that don't help to solve any of the problems. The Nisei are said to be a people without a country, …
Memorandum from Genevieve W. Carter to Sub-Committee on Controversial Issues, January 18, 1943 (ddr-csujad-48-97)
doc Memorandum from Genevieve W. Carter to Sub-Committee on Controversial Issues, January 18, 1943 (ddr-csujad-48-97)
A memo from Genevieve W. Carter to the Sub-Committee on Controversial Issues regarding the letter sent to Ralph Merritt. Dr. Carter requests that the discussion of all controversial issues be avoided for one to three weeks. She indicates this decision was made in consultation with Ralph Merrit, and a committee of Japanese. She continues with an …
Story of civilization, per. II (ddr-csujad-48-121)
doc Story of civilization, per. II (ddr-csujad-48-121)
Log of books checked out by thirty-three students in Period 2, Story of Civilization, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. One students name was added in red colored pencil, and one has been crossed out. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9930. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project …
Memorandum from Harry Bentley Wells (ddr-csujad-48-79)
doc Memorandum from Harry Bentley Wells (ddr-csujad-48-79)
Memorandum concerning discipline in the Manzanar Secondary Schools with suggestions to modify existing rules and policies, written by Harry Bentley Wells. He discusses the lack of consistency in enforcing the rules and notices by each teacher as a cause of the issues. Wells then offers a number of suggestions to modify existing rules and forms used …
What my future holds (ddr-csujad-48-15)
doc What my future holds (ddr-csujad-48-15)
Term Paper by Yaye Shimizu for period III Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Yaye begins be discussing the possibility of relocating out of Manzanar, she notes that her father is interned in Louisiana and wants them to stay settled in the camp. However, she wants to …
My future plan (ddr-csujad-48-17)
doc My future plan (ddr-csujad-48-17)
Term Paper by Michiko Mikami for period III Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Michiko focuses on the injustices done to his family and himself in events leading up to and including the mass removal. He mentions that his father was detained by the FBI for several …
Interdepartmental communication from Dr. Genevieve W. Carter to Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, April 21, 1943 (ddr-csujad-48-80)
doc Interdepartmental communication from Dr. Genevieve W. Carter to Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, April 21, 1943 (ddr-csujad-48-80)
Interdepartmental communication addressing the suggestions of Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School, written by Dr. Genevieve W. Carter, Superintendent of Education. Carter responds to each suggestion and then provides two recommendations. She would like to have the rules come from a handbook developed by the students and establish more parent contact. Transcription is …
Invitation to Senior Prom at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-48-41)
doc Invitation to Senior Prom at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-48-41)
Manzanar High School Senior Prom invitation: Folded, opens right to left; tied at the top left corner with white ribbon; buff light weight card stock. On the front, graphics include red cherry blossoms, layered on top of royal blue and black graphic. Inset page has a red stencil of a cherry blossom and written in black …
Looking ahead (ddr-csujad-48-8)
doc Looking ahead (ddr-csujad-48-8)
Term paper by Betty Hashimoto for period III Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Before being sent to Manzanar, Betty had planned to attend Woodbury Business College and then get a job as a receptionist with solid accounting skills. Betty briefly mentions a need for the Nisei …
My future in the post-war America (ddr-csujad-48-7)
doc My future in the post-war America (ddr-csujad-48-7)
Term paper by Jogi Yamaguchi for period III Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Jogi first discusses the choice he had to face in staying in America or leaving for Japan. He knows life in the US will be difficult and doesn't think he will ever see …
Log of books checked out by students, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School (ddr-csujad-48-112)
doc Log of books checked out by students, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School (ddr-csujad-48-112)
Log of books checked out by seventeen students for a course taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. The authors include Jennie Hall, Beatty, Robinson, and Louise M. Mohr. Several of the names have been crossed out. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9921. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization …
Program of control in one's school room (ddr-csujad-48-106)
doc Program of control in one's school room (ddr-csujad-48-106)
Title: "A Program of Control in One's School Room." Report by Lois Hosford on the methods of control in a classroom. The author identifies school as another phase of community life, in which the teacher aim is training individuals to make a living and live well with others. He discusses a number of essential characteristics for …
Lists of names of staff members at Manzanar incarceration camp written by Harry Bentley Wells (ddr-csujad-48-142)
doc Lists of names of staff members at Manzanar incarceration camp written by Harry Bentley Wells (ddr-csujad-48-142)
Two lists of names of staff members at Manzanar Incarceration Camp written by Harry Bentley Wells. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9952. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0952
Economy class record book (ddr-csujad-48-43)
doc Economy class record book (ddr-csujad-48-43)
Metal comb bound book titled, "Economy Class Record Book," which Harry Bentley Wells used as a grade book while at Manzanar High School. The inside cover includes a key to the marks, the first several pages track attendance, followed by student names and grades for the courses he taught, the back cover has a list of …