Memo from Co-ordinating Committee to Chief of Police Schmidt [Willard E. Schmidt], February 3, 1944

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ddr-csujad-2-72 (CSUJAD Local ID: sjs_sch_0072, CSUJAD Project ID: sjs_sch_0072)

San Jose State Schmidt (Willard E.) Papers

Calls for special meeting of the Project Director, Advisory Council, and Co-ordinating Committee to discuss Committee recommendations, and refers to four attached memoranda, each from Co-ordinating Committee 1608-A to R. [Raymond] R. Best, Project Director, dated February 2, 1944 and written by Byron Akitsuki, Executive Secretary. Subjects of the memoranda are: Receipt of Red Cross Gift [of soy sauce]; Nomination of Temporary Police Commissioners; Creation of New Employment Opportunities; and Preparation for Referendum Votes prior to the Replacement of this Committee. The latter memo states that a referendum, which would give incarcerees a voice in the Center's management, would help to overcome negative feelings. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sjs_sch_0072


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San Jose State University Department of Special Collections and Archives

Willard E. Schmidt Papers, Courtesy of San Jose State University Library Special Collections and Archives

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