Conflicts, intimidation, and violence

World War II (239)
Concentration camps (1640)
Conflicts, intimidation, and violence (262)

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262 items
Letter from Tokie Slocum (ddr-densho-67-41)
doc Letter from Tokie Slocum (ddr-densho-67-41)
Letter from Tokie Slocum, Ex-Sgt. Major, U.S. Army, to Major Riorand regarding riots in Manzanar concentration camp, urging for the removal of "seditious" persons of Japanese ancestry from Manzanar.
doc "Confidential Report on the Okamoto Case" (ddr-densho-67-17)
Tule Lake Community Analysis Staff's confidential report on the Shoichi Okamoto shooting incident. Contains three accounts of the incident and its effect on Tule Lake residents. Residents are asking that military guards be removed from interior fences. There were numerous other incidents with MPs leading up to the shooting.
National Emergency Conference report (ddr-densho-67-15)
doc National Emergency Conference report (ddr-densho-67-15)
Japanese American Citizens League report from a conference addressing internal security in Manzanar concentration camp, California. Report warns of internal strife, danger of pro-Japan groups, reports on judicial system, fire and police protection, and illicit activities. Includes an account of an attack on a Japanese American camp police officer, and description of "gangs" within camp.
doc Memo: "Japanese Relocation Centers, Activities of Inmates" (ddr-densho-67-21)
Memo from District Intelligence Officer D. Dwight Douglas to the Director of Naval Intelligence. Informing the Director of Naval Intelligence of information regarding pro-Japanese activities in camps provided by informants within the camps. Urges stronger action by the Naval Intelligence in reviewing "enemy alien" cases, involvement in camp administration.
doc "Murder in Camp Manzanar" (ddr-densho-67-18)
Document written by J.Y. Kurihara. Account of incident in which Harry Ueno, a kitchen worker, was accused of assaulting Fred Tayama, JACL member and accused "informant." Kitchen Workers Union members and Manzanar residents went to administration to demand the release from jail of Ueno and soldiers fired on crowd, killing one person. Members of the Kitchen …
doc "Notes and Observations of 'Kibei Meeting'" (ddr-densho-67-42)
"Notes and Observations of 'Kibei Meeting,'" submitted to the government by Karl Yoneda. Topics of meeting: internal improvement issues, arguments and tension between pro-Japanese and pro-American individuals.