The Internet Archive is currently experiencing an outage. Video and audio materials in the DDR are hosted there and are currently unavailable. Transcripts of interviews are still available.

We don't know when Internet Archive will be back up but we'll keep you updated. Status updates are available on their Twitter feed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Thursday, October 10, 11:25am]

[Report of the informal interview of the divisional responsible men and the detained stockade internees]

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ddr-csujad-2-53 (CSUJAD Local ID: sjs_sch_0053, CSUJAD Project ID: sjs_sch_0053)

San Jose State Schmidt (Willard E.) Papers

Report from the incarceree-led government at Tule Lake Incarceration Camp. A transcript from an interview of the "Divisional Responsible Men" and their attempts to challenge the status-quo in the camp. Discusses hunger strike due to the army stealing incarceree items and attempts to release prisoners from the army stockades at the camp. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sjs_sch_0053



San Jose State University Department of Special Collections and Archives

Willard E. Schmidt Papers, Courtesy of San Jose State University Library Special Collections and Archives

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