
Japanese Americans used religion as one way to handle the stress of the incarceration experience. Church served as both a spiritual comfort and a place for community gatherings. On Sundays, Buddhist and Christian services and Sunday schools were held in the recreation halls. State Shintoism was another popular religion within the Japanese American community but was banned by the U.S. government on the grounds that it included "Emperor worship." Church services initially were given in both Japanese and English, but camp authorities later banned the use of Japanese at all group gatherings (although translation into Japanese was later permitted at some religious services).

World War II (239)
Concentration camps (1640)
Religion (270)

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270 items
Bussei review, vol. 2, no. 8 (Jan. 11, 1944): pages 1-14 (ddr-csujad-38-358)
doc Bussei review, vol. 2, no. 8 (Jan. 11, 1944): pages 1-14 (ddr-csujad-38-358)
New year's edition of "Bussei review"published on January 11, 1944, at the Poston camp in Arizona. It is published by Poston III Young Buddhist Association (YBA) which is affiliated with the Buddhist Church of America. It contains pages 1-14. Pages 15-16 are found in item: csudh_nao_0418. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 7. See …
Bussei review, vol. 2, no. 8 (Jan. 11, 1944): pages 15-16 (ddr-csujad-38-359)
doc Bussei review, vol. 2, no. 8 (Jan. 11, 1944): pages 15-16 (ddr-csujad-38-359)
New year's edition of "Bussei review"published on January 11, 1944, in the Poston camp in Arizona. It is published by Poston III Young Buddhist Association (YBA) which is affiliated with the Buddhist Church of America. It contains pages 15-16. Pages 1-14 are found in item: csudh_nao_0417. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 8. See …
Tei Bukkyokai [=Given by Bukkyokai] (ddr-csujad-5-230)
Tei Bukkyokai [=Given by Bukkyokai] (ddr-csujad-5-230)
A photograph of Bukkyokai members possibly taken at the Rhower incarceration camp, Arkansas. This photograph is given by the Bukkyokai to Seiichi Okine. The date, "August 15, 1944," is recorded on the backside. This item is enclosed in an envelope, which is found in item: csudh_oki_0223. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American …
Obon, Rohwer, Arkansas (ddr-csujad-5-339)
img Obon, Rohwer, Arkansas (ddr-csujad-5-339)
Photographed are Akiko An and Kiku Tanimoto, Ayame May Okine, and Dorothy Ai Okine. It is taken during the obon event in the Rohwer incarceration camp. The handwritten notes on the backside read: Obon, Rohwer, Arkansas. A photograph from "Dorothy Ai Aoki photo album" (csudh_oki_0300), page 11. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese …
Toshiye Hirose interview (ddr-csujad-6-7)
doc Toshiye Hirose interview (ddr-csujad-6-7)
Oral history interview with Toshiye Hirose. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: SCRC_HIROSE_TOSHIYE
Granada Christian Church Sunday School news, 1942 (ddr-csujad-7-21)
doc Granada Christian Church Sunday School news, 1942 (ddr-csujad-7-21)
Newsletter put out by the Granada Christian Church for it's congregation. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: HMLSC_Granada Christian Church Sunday School News
Granada Christian Church news, vol. 1, no. 2, 1942 (ddr-csujad-7-20)
doc Granada Christian Church news, vol. 1, no. 2, 1942 (ddr-csujad-7-20)
Newsletter for the Granada Christian Church congregation. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: HMLSC_Granada Christian Church News
Sunday School class (ddr-densho-106-9)
img Sunday School class (ddr-densho-106-9)
Betty Morita Shibayama is in the back row, sixth from the right.
Cross erected by camp inmates (ddr-densho-11-7)
img Cross erected by camp inmates (ddr-densho-11-7)
This cross, erected by inmates at the Tule Lake concentration camp, sits on top of a formation called Castle Rock. It is being approached by pilgrimage attendees.
Memorial plaque (ddr-densho-11-11)
img Memorial plaque (ddr-densho-11-11)
This plaque was placed at the base of the cross on Castle Rock on October 2, 1982. The plaque honors Christian ministers who served the inmates at the Tule Lake concentration camp.
Minister and wife in front of barracks (ddr-densho-152-26)
img Minister and wife in front of barracks (ddr-densho-152-26)
A Presbyterian minister and his wife in front of their barracks in Heart Mountain concentration camp. Original caption: "These three pictures are of Rev. and Mrs. Donald Torumi. He's a young Nisei Presbyterian minister. A splendid fellow. His wife was a Y.W. secretary before their marriage. These three pictures were taken February 5. Elizabeth and I …