Concentration camps

The War Relocation Authority (WRA) oversaw construction of ten concentration camps in sparsely populated and isolated areas. Between June and October 1942, Japanese Americans were transferred from the "assembly centers" to the larger camps. Housing approximately 120,000 people, the camps were designed to be self-contained communities, complete with hospitals, post offices, schools, warehouses, and residential areas. The WRA attempted to establish normalcy by setting up newspapers, a degree of self-government, sports leagues, and social events. But confinement, monotony, and harsh conditions exacerbated tensions between pro- and anti-camp administration residents and between the disempowered Issei and their U.S.-born Nisei children. At several centers, conflicts erupted into violence and at the Manzanar concentration camp the unrest resulted in fatal shootings. The WRA gradually granted work and school leave to those they considered "loyal." The last camp closed in March 1946.

World War II (240)
Concentration camps (1640)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
Concentration Camps, U.S.A. (book), Gila River, Heart Mountain, Jerome, Manzanar, Minidoka, Poston (Colorado River), Psychological effects of camp, Rohwer, Sites of incarceration, Topaz, Tule Lake


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1640 items
Minidoka incarceration camp entrance (ddr-csujad-32-2)
img Minidoka incarceration camp entrance (ddr-csujad-32-2)
Photograph of the entrance to the Minidoka incarceration camp. Photo featured on page 4 of the Minidoka Incarceration Camp Photograph Album (csudh_ben_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ben_01_001_005_010
Minidoka incarceration camp barracks (ddr-csujad-32-7)
img Minidoka incarceration camp barracks (ddr-csujad-32-7)
Photograph of the Minidoka incarceration camp barracks from a distance. Photo featured on page 5 of the Minidoka Incarceration Camp Photograph Album (csudh_ben_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ben_01_001_006_015
Group of female children on barrack stairs (ddr-csujad-32-17)
img Group of female children on barrack stairs (ddr-csujad-32-17)
Group photograph of female children standing on the stairs of barrack C-D at the Minidoka incarceration camp. Photo featured on page 7 of the Minidoka Incarceration Camp Photograph Album (csudh_ben_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ben_01_001_009_027
Minidoka incarceration camp entrance (ddr-csujad-32-5)
img Minidoka incarceration camp entrance (ddr-csujad-32-5)
Photograph of the entrance to the Minidoka incarceration camp. Photo featured on page 4 of the Minidoka Incarceration Camp Photograph Album (csudh_ben_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ben_01_001_005_013
Women standing in front of camp barrack (ddr-csujad-32-8)
img Women standing in front of camp barrack (ddr-csujad-32-8)
Photograph of three women, [Ev, Louise, and Gwen] in front of a barrack at the Minidoka incarceration camp. Photo featured on page 5 of the Minidoka Incarceration Camp Photograph Album (csudh_ben_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ben_01_001_006_017
Group of children at Minidoka incarceration camp (ddr-csujad-32-15)
img Group of children at Minidoka incarceration camp (ddr-csujad-32-15)
Group photograph of children on risers, possibly for a play or event, at the Minidoka incarceration camp. Photo featured on page 7 of the Minidoka Incarceration Camp Photograph Album (csudh_ben_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ben_01_001_008_025
Names of incarcerees that I sent letters (ddr-csujad-34-9)
doc Names of incarcerees that I sent letters (ddr-csujad-34-9)
A handwritten note by Hiroshi Fukuwa. It lists names that he sent a letter during his incarceration. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: hrs_07_001
Grove of the Poston desert (ddr-csujad-35-13)
img Grove of the Poston desert (ddr-csujad-35-13)
A photograph of a grove of the Poston desert. Dried sage plants are captured. The handwritten note on the back side reads: A grove of the Poston desert, Colo. River Relocation Center, Poston, Arizona, 1942-1945. Aug. 18th. Title from note. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: kuw_01_13_001
Poston I 1942-1992 50 year camp reunion (ddr-csujad-35-23)
doc Poston I 1942-1992 50 year camp reunion (ddr-csujad-35-23)
A booklet for Poston I 50 year camp reunion which was held at Torrance Marriott Hotel, Torrance, California, on October 9-11, 1992. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: kuw_01_21_001
Ten visits: brief accounts of our visits to all ten Japanese American relocation centers of World War II (ddr-csujad-35-17)
doc Ten visits: brief accounts of our visits to all ten Japanese American relocation centers of World War II (ddr-csujad-35-17)
A booklet written by Frank and Joaane Iritani. A brief account of their visits to all ten incarceration camps. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: kuw_01_15_001
Official program Poston memorial monument dedication (ddr-csujad-35-18)
doc Official program Poston memorial monument dedication (ddr-csujad-35-18)
A booklet for a program of the Poston memorial monument dedication held on October 6, 1992 in the Poston camp in Arizona. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: kuw_01_16_001
View of Colo. River (ddr-csujad-35-14)
img View of Colo. River (ddr-csujad-35-14)
A photograph of the Colorado River. The handwritten note on the back side reads: View of Colo. River, May 27th 1942-1945. Colorado River Relocation Center, Poston, Arizona. Title from note. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: kuw_01_13_002
Photograph of Manzanar with mountains in the background (ddr-csujad-47-339)
img Photograph of Manzanar with mountains in the background (ddr-csujad-47-339)
Photograph of Manzanar incarceration camp taken from a guard tower looking toward the Sierra Nevada mountains. The staff housing and administrative buildings visible along with several cars. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_merritt_0498
Photograph of Mount Russell and surrounding mountains with Alabama Hills in the foreground (ddr-csujad-47-87)
img Photograph of Mount Russell and surrounding mountains with Alabama Hills in the foreground (ddr-csujad-47-87)
Photograph of Mount Russell with Mount Whitney just behind it. In front are the Alabama Hills with the L.P. logo on the hill. The foreground has a number of trees and a grassy field. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_merritt_0141
Photograph of a side road facing the Sierra Nevada with barracks on the side (ddr-csujad-47-343)
img Photograph of a side road facing the Sierra Nevada with barracks on the side (ddr-csujad-47-343)
Photograph of a dirt road facing the snow-covered Sierra Nevada at Manzanar incarceration camp. Several buildings are visible on the right side. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_merritt_0502
Letter from Satoru Sakuma to Harry Bentley Wells, March 3, 1942 (ddr-csujad-48-55)
doc Letter from Satoru Sakuma to Harry Bentley Wells, March 3, 1942 (ddr-csujad-48-55)
Letter and envelope from Sat Sakuma to Harry Bentley Wells describing the journey from Manzanar to Minidoka. He also describes the conditions at Minidoka when they arrived and in his opinion a lacking education system. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9055. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0055
Supplementary statement by Mr. D. S. Myer before the Sub-Committee of the Military Affairs, Committee of the U. S. Senate (ddr-csujad-48-102)
doc Supplementary statement by Mr. D. S. Myer before the Sub-Committee of the Military Affairs, Committee of the U. S. Senate (ddr-csujad-48-102)
Report by Dillon Myer regarding the history and activities of the War Relocation Authority and the "relocation program." Includes a memorandum of understanding between the WRA and the War Department, description of problems with the "evacuation program," evacuation of Hawaii, administrative policies on housing, food, education, medical care, employment, public works, community welfare, community enterprises, community …
Manzanar from the inside (ddr-csujad-48-62)
doc Manzanar from the inside (ddr-csujad-48-62)
Text of address by Roy Nash, Director of the Manzanar War Relocation Project, given to the Commonwealth Club of California, San Francisco, on July 31, 1942 for the purpose of "interpret[ing] the actuality of a War Relocation Center housing 10,000 evacuees" in view of perceptions of mistreatment of incarcerees in California. Sections of the speech include …
Nisei men, women, and children carrying furniture (ddr-csujad-44-51)
img Nisei men, women, and children carrying furniture (ddr-csujad-44-51)
A photograph of a long line of Nisei men, women, and children, incarcerated at Tule Lake, California, carrying desks and chairs. The line stretches into the distance and past a row of barracks. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0051
Group of Nisei 8th graders with a teacher outside a barrack (ddr-csujad-44-29)
img Group of Nisei 8th graders with a teacher outside a barrack (ddr-csujad-44-29)
A large group photograph of boys and girls who are 8th graders incarcerated at Tule Lake, California, with their teacher. The group of children is posing in three rows outside a barrack. The girls and boys in the back two rows are standing. The girls in the front row are seated in chairs. Their Caucasian teacher …
Photograph of man standing in a farm field at Manzanar with Sierra Nevada in the background (ddr-csujad-47-58)
img Photograph of man standing in a farm field at Manzanar with Sierra Nevada in the background (ddr-csujad-47-58)
Photograph of a man standing in the middle of a farm field near Manzanar incarceration camp. The crop looks fully grown, and there is a tractor in the middle left of the photograph. The Sierra Nevada can be seen in the background. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_merritt_0093
Photograph of the guard tower on the northwest corner of Manzanar with Sierra Nevada in the background (ddr-csujad-47-86)
img Photograph of the guard tower on the northwest corner of Manzanar with Sierra Nevada in the background (ddr-csujad-47-86)
Photograph of the guard tower on the northwest corner of Manzanar with Sierra Nevada in the background. The photograph is taken from outside of the camp boundaries. The floodlight and accompanying power lines can also be seen. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_merritt_0135
Photograph of Death Valley (ddr-csujad-47-109)
img Photograph of Death Valley (ddr-csujad-47-109)
Photograph of Death Valley National Park. Hills and mountains can be seen stretching to the horizon. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_merritt_0194
End of the trail, impounded cars (ddr-csujad-47-19)
img End of the trail, impounded cars (ddr-csujad-47-19)
Photograph of the impounded cars lined up outside of Manzanar with Mount Williamson in the background, a line of buildings can be seen on the right side of the photograph stretching into the distance. Caption reads: End of the trail, impounded cars. Title from caption, which was taken from the original photo album. See this object …
Photograph looking across the desert toward the snow-covered Sierra Nevada (ddr-csujad-47-154)
img Photograph looking across the desert toward the snow-covered Sierra Nevada (ddr-csujad-47-154)
Photograph looking across the desert toward the snow-covered Sierra Nevada. The barbed wire fence surrounding Manzanar is visible along with a line of utility poles. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_merritt_0270