Across the Mojave Desert

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Harry Hiroshi Imamura Collection

Caption: "Across the Mojave Desert the four-mile-long convoy cut northward, following the arrow-straight flight of the Sierra Highway to the cool, snow-topped mountains. Pacing the procession at 30 m.p.h. was a jeep with red headlights. Behind it rolled a staff sedan carrying the provost marshal in command of the convoy. Behind that follows a press car. And thereafter, led by baggage trucks, rattled the long ranks of Japanese internees, interspersed periodically with jeeps. The railroad tracks on the far side of the road were those of the Southern Pacific's inland route."


Still Image

National Park Service, Manzanar National Historic Site

Courtesy of the Imamura family and the National Park Service, Manzanar National Historic Site

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