Correspondence regarding need for Internal Security staff, December 1943

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ddr-csujad-2-85 (CSUJAD Local ID: sjs_sch_0085, CSUJAD Project ID: sjs_sch_0085)

San Jose State Schmidt (Willard E.) Papers

Teletype from John H. Provinse to Dillon S. Myer requesting additional staff for the police department in very of the "general upset conditions now existing here" (December 3, 1943); teletype from Earl D. Brooks of the WRA Personnel Division approving some positions and requesting additional information for others (December 6, 1943); and letter from Willard E. Schmidt, Internal Security Officer, to Earl D. Brooks responding to Brooks' teletype with information about qualifications for various positions as well as functions and duties (December 16, 1943, 2 pages). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sjs_sch_0085

1943-12-03; 1943-12-06; 1943-12-16



San Jose State University Department of Special Collections and Archives

Willard E. Schmidt Papers, Courtesy of San Jose State University Library Special Collections and Archives

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