Work and jobs

Both Issei and Nisei took jobs within the camps, at wages set not to exceed soldiers' pay: $12 per month for unskilled labor, $16 for skilled labor, and $19 for professional employees. WRA staff was paid much more for the same jobs. Though public opinion mandated such low pay, dissatisfied Japanese Americans objected to losing their right to make a decent living. They had to use their sparse income for necessities, such as warm clothing and shoes.

World War II (231)
Concentration camps (1454)
Work and jobs (1374)

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Amache Silk Screen Shop


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1374 items
Amache Farm Program Bulletin No. 1. May 13, 1943 (ddr-densho-356-912)
doc Amache Farm Program Bulletin No. 1. May 13, 1943 (ddr-densho-356-912)
Amache Farm Program Bulletin No. 1 from May 13, 1943. Bulletin requesting additional farm labor. Details how many people and in what types of jobs.
Letters to Yuri Domoto from Kayoko Riusaki and Sonoko Riusaki (ddr-densho-356-342)
doc Letters to Yuri Domoto from Kayoko Riusaki and Sonoko Riusaki (ddr-densho-356-342)
Two letters to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada mailed together, one from her niece Kayoko Riusaki and one from her sister Sonoko Domoto Riusaki. In the first letter Kayoko tells about joining the girl scouts, a cancelled scouting trip, and preparations on starting the 5th grade. In the second letter Sonoko writes about life in Gila River, being …
Letter to Yuri Domoto from Min Yonekura (ddr-densho-356-295)
doc Letter to Yuri Domoto from Min Yonekura (ddr-densho-356-295)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from Minoru "Min" Yonekura. In the letter Min writes about his first few days at Topaz and the trip there. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-277 and ddr-densho-356-320.
Amache Farm Program Bulletin No. 2. May 15, 1944 (ddr-densho-356-913)
doc Amache Farm Program Bulletin No. 2. May 15, 1944 (ddr-densho-356-913)
Amache Farm Program Bulletin No. 2 from May 15, 1943. Bulletin requesting additional farm labor, outlining that labor is needed due to national food shortages preventing Amache from purchasing food on the open market
Reading list (ddr-densho-356-936)
doc Reading list (ddr-densho-356-936)
Reading list for study group for advanced aides
What Relocators Need to Know (ddr-densho-356-1007)
doc What Relocators Need to Know (ddr-densho-356-1007)
Outline of topics that individuals and families might need information about in order to successfully relocate. Topics include: How to find your way when traveling, finding housing, applying for a job, getting along with others, making friends, and getting involved in the community.
Blank Case Work Forms (ddr-densho-356-962)
doc Blank Case Work Forms (ddr-densho-356-962)
Blank copies of case work forms. Includes: Face Sheet, Daily Work Schedule, and Application Forms.
Memo about office rules (ddr-densho-356-915)
doc Memo about office rules (ddr-densho-356-915)
Memo from John J. O. Moore to office staff about office rules.
Memo regarding future public assistance grants to ministers (ddr-densho-356-917)
doc Memo regarding future public assistance grants to ministers (ddr-densho-356-917)
Memo to John J. O. Moore from W. Ray Johnson regarding the compensation ministers are receiving from the outside and from supporters. Recommends not providing further public assistance.
November Monthly Statistical Report (ddr-densho-356-999)
doc November Monthly Statistical Report (ddr-densho-356-999)
Statistical report for the month of November prepared by Yuriko Domoto Tsukada
Reading list (ddr-densho-356-931)
doc Reading list (ddr-densho-356-931)
Reading list for study group for advanced aides
Labor in Topaz (ddr-densho-357-744)
img Labor in Topaz (ddr-densho-357-744)
Handwritten caption: "Cooks, assistants, dishwashers."
Heart Mountain Fire Department (ddr-densho-363-31)
img Heart Mountain Fire Department (ddr-densho-363-31)
The Heart Mountain Fire Department pose for a group photograph after a meal. The caption at the bottom of the photograph reads "Heart Mt. Wyoming Fire Dept 1944".
Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-41)
img Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-41)
Mess Hall employees relax next to Shoshone River during the staff picnic. Pictured (from left to right): Tomiye Ichida, Nancy Oyama, Joanne Kuwahara, Kimi Kuwahara, and Asano Maruyama
Firefighter sitting on firetruck (ddr-densho-363-32)
img Firefighter sitting on firetruck (ddr-densho-363-32)
Frank Komoto served on the Heart Mountain Fire Department.
Japanese Americans clearing sagebrush (ddr-densho-37-703)
img Japanese Americans clearing sagebrush (ddr-densho-37-703)
Original WRA caption: A farm rake pulled by a Fordon-Ferguson tractor gathers up sagebrush previously bladed off by a road patrol.
Camp beauty shop (ddr-densho-37-16)
img Camp beauty shop (ddr-densho-37-16)
Original WRA caption: High school girls working part time in [the] beauty shop, which is operated by the Minidoka Consumers Cooperative.
Japanese American harvesting spinach (ddr-densho-37-606)
img Japanese American harvesting spinach (ddr-densho-37-606)
Original WRA caption: Gila River Relocation Center, Rivers, Arizona. Momayo Yamamoto in the spinach harvesting field at this relocation center.
Camp street construction (ddr-densho-37-410)
img Camp street construction (ddr-densho-37-410)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar, California. A street is being constructed at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Japanese American clearing land (ddr-densho-37-706)
img Japanese American clearing land (ddr-densho-37-706)
Original WRA caption: An evacuee drives a heavy tractor pulling a triangle of heavy railroad irons breaking off sagebrush. This is one of the methods of clearing off land of the sagebrush adjacent to the Minidoka Relocation Center.
Japanese Americans feeding cows (ddr-densho-37-604)
img Japanese Americans feeding cows (ddr-densho-37-604)
Original WRA caption: Gila River Relocation Center, Rivers, Arizona. M. Fujita is pictured feeding the cows at the dairy farm school. He works days on the hog farm, and spends his evenings at the school to learn milking and the care of the cows. Prior to evacuation, he was a builder of fishing boats at San …
Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-43)
img Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-43)
Mes hall 21-27 picnic to the Shoshone River. Front Row: Mr. Nakamura, Asano Maruyama, Kimi Kuwahara, Tomiye Ichida; Back Row: Yanaichi Kubo, Joanne Kuwahara, Nancy Oyama
Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-45)
img Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-45)
Kimi Kuwahara at mess hall picnic to the Shoshone River. The caption on the back of the photograph reads "May 13, 1944".