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1322 items
Gene Akutsu Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1000-1-2)
vh Gene Akutsu Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1000-1-2)
Growing up around "Profanity Hill," Seattle, Washington
Akiko Kurose Interview I Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-41-4)
vh Akiko Kurose Interview I Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-41-4)
Growing up in an ethnically diverse neighborhood in prewar Seattle
Emery Brooks Andrews Interview Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-155-5)
vh Emery Brooks Andrews Interview Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-155-5)
Father's early involvement with the Seattle Japanese American community, and the Seattle Japanese Baptist Church
Emery Brooks Andrews Interview Segment 27 (ddr-densho-1000-155-27)
vh Emery Brooks Andrews Interview Segment 27 (ddr-densho-1000-155-27)
Description of father's funeral service: feeling overwhelmed by showing of community support
Emery Brooks Andrews Interview Segment 26 (ddr-densho-1000-155-26)
vh Emery Brooks Andrews Interview Segment 26 (ddr-densho-1000-155-26)
Memories of father's passing, impact on the Japanese American community in Seattle
Frank Miyamoto Interview Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1002-1-1)
vh Frank Miyamoto Interview Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1002-1-1)
Prewar activities: attending the University of Washington, conducting a study of the Seattle Japanese American community for master's thesis

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the …

Waseda and Nippon baseball teams (ddr-densho-430-1)
img Waseda and Nippon baseball teams (ddr-densho-430-1)
Two baseball teams standing together on a baseball field in front of spectators. On one set of team uniforms is "Waseda" and on the other is "Nippon." In the center are two men holding a triangular flag that reads "To Waseda University from N.A.C. Seattle Wash U.S.A. 1927 Nippon A.C."
Sumo meet (ddr-densho-430-24)
img Sumo meet (ddr-densho-430-24)
Photograph of participants in a large youth sumo meet in Tacoma. Japanese along the right edge translates to "Tacoma youth sumo meet Showa 5, February 8-9." Paper taped along the bottom right of the image reads "Tacoma Feb 1930" in red ink.
Boys' Life (October 1973) (ddr-densho-478-1)
doc Boys' Life (October 1973) (ddr-densho-478-1)
The 56th page of the October 1973 edition of Boys' Life includes "True Story of Scouts in Action," which illustrates the true story of Warren Higa, aged 16, providing first aid to a hit-and-run victim.
Woman standing in Maneki Garden (ddr-densho-166-4)
img Woman standing in Maneki Garden (ddr-densho-166-4)
The garden of the Maneki restaurant in Seattle, owned and operated by an Issei couple, Kida and Yone (usually known as Oshizu) Iwasauke. The restaurant was established prior to World War II, and is still in operation today. Pictured is Masaye Mayeno, the niece of Yone Kaita. Yone invited Masaye to come to the U.S. and …
Seattle Glove Company employees (ddr-densho-166-7)
img Seattle Glove Company employees (ddr-densho-166-7)
Masaye is second from the left, top row. Mrs. Davis, the owner's wife, is third from the left, front row.
Seattle Glove Company employee party (ddr-densho-166-5)
img Seattle Glove Company employee party (ddr-densho-166-5)
Masaye Mayeno, third from right, and her good friend, Mrs. Sakai, is on the far right.
Postcard of Maneki Garden (ddr-densho-166-1)
img Postcard of Maneki Garden (ddr-densho-166-1)
The garden of the Maneki restaurant in Seattle, owned and operated by an Issei couple, Kida and Yone (usually known as Oshizu) Iwasauke. The restaurant was established prior to World War II, and is still in operation today.
Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-281)
img Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-281)
Black and white photographic print of voyage on ship Acadia from Seattle, Washington, to Japan, leaving Seattle harbor with two gulls flying in foreground and ships in background.
Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-279)
img Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-279)
Black and white photographic print of voyage on ship Acadia from Seattle, Washington, to Japan, leaving Seattle harbor with three ships in view.
Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-280)
img Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-280)
Black and white photographic print of voyage on ship Acadia from Seattle, Washington, to Japan, leaving Seattle harbor with ship in right foreground.
Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-278)
img Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-278)
Black and white photographic print of voyage on ship Acadia from Seattle, Washington, to Japan, leaving Seattle harbor with pier in view.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 2 (July 12, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-28)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 2 (July 12, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-28)
Select article titles: "House group recommends temp'y farm labor plan be continued: 'No ill effects' on domestic labor market recorded" (p. 1); "JACL Campaign Against Anti-Nisei Films on TV Circularized by NARBT" (p. 1); "Small Claims Court Hears Civil Right Cases" (p. 1); "$86,550 damage suit filed in traffic death of Sakamoto" (p. 1); "Mr. Moto, …