Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 3 (July 26, 1957)

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Pacific Citizen 1957 Collection

Select article titles: "Almost 20,000 Mainland Issei Naturalized Within Past Decade" (p. 1); "Senate Takes Up Civil Rights Bill, 71-18 Vote" (p. 1); "Washington JACL Office analyses House Subcommittee report on Japanese farm labor" (p. 1); "Lonely airman's Japanese wife recovers from suicide attempt; steps to regain custody of children stirs interest in Kansas City" (p. 2); "Issei pastor tries to explain reason for suicide attempt" (p. 2); "Gov. Knight signs bill designed to save Nisei farmer, nurserymen sizeable taxes" (p. 3); "Nisei civil service employees affected by evacuation aided" (p. 3); "Fountain Valley, new city headed by Nisei mayor, tackles budgetary problems" (p. 3); "Ex-Heart Mountain Teacher Visits L.A." (p. 3); "Traditional Hi-jinks, Gaiety To Prevail at July 27 Spree" (p. 4); "Race bias declared U.S.'s No. 1 problem" (p. 4); "Chapters may be 6-star campaigner" (p. 5); "Ex-wrestler runs amuck in city hall, batters police car" (p. 7); "'Jazz in Li'l Tokio' benefit concert" (p. 7); "Anti-bias Bill In Minnesota Still Pending" (p. 8); "PC columnist Hosokawa quizzes Japanese prime minister for Denver Post exclusive" (p. 8); "Ex-signal corps radar officer heads technical staff at electronics firm" (p. 8).





Courtesy of the Pacific Citizen