126 items
126 items

Rae Takekawa Interview (ddr-densho-1000-89)
Sansei female. Born August 27, 1927, in Bellevue, Washington. Raised on the family farm in Bellevue, Washington, prior to World War II. Was incarcerated at the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Was released early to harvest sugar beets in Chinook, Montana. At the onset of World War II, her father was …

Diana Morita Cole Interview (ddr-densho-1000-483)
Nisei female. Born May 26, 1944, in the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Prior to World War II, parents lived in Hood River, Oregon. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, they were removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California, before transferring to Minidoka. After leaving camp, the family resettled in …

Chizuko Norton Interview (ddr-densho-1000-73)
Nisei female. Born July 3, 1924, in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar childhood in Japan; Bellevue, Washington; and Kirkland, Washington. Incarcerated at Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Returned to Seattle after the war, obtained master's degree from the University of Washington in the field of social work. Founded Seattle's first alternative school …

Tokio Hirotaka - Toshio Ito - Joe Matsuzawa Interview (ddr-densho-1000-23)
Mr. Hirotaka was born in 1910, Mr. Matsuzawa was born in 1913, and Mr. Ito in 1922. All three are Nisei males, born and raised in Bellevue, Washington. They and their families were incarcerated at the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Prior to the war, their families were part of a …

Kiyoshi Seishin Yamashita Interview (ddr-densho-1000-265)
Nisei male. Born February 14, 1920, in Kent, Washington. Grew up in the nearby town of Auburn, where parents ran a farm. Family was involved Auburn Buddhist Church. Graduated from the University of Washington in 1942 and removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Recruited out of Tule Lake to teach …

Giro Nakagawa Interview (ddr-densho-1000-422)
Nisei male. Born March 13, 1921, in Seattle, Washington. Grew up in Kent, Washington, where parents ran a farm. In the 1930s, moved to South Bend, Washington, to work for the New Washington Oyster Company. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and soon left to work on farms in Utah for …

Notice to report to work (ddr-densho-25-78)
Mae Iseri received permission to work as a recreation leader at Pinedale Assembly Center.

Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 6 (June 27, 1942) (ddr-densho-192-6)
Selected Article Titles: "Blood Donors" (p. 1), "$5500 in Wages Given Out on First Pay Day" (p. 1), "Free Coupon Books to be Issued Soon" (p. 1), "No Refunds on Pop Bottles" (p. 1), "'Geta' Drive Planned to Aid Rubber Campaign" (p. 1), "Evacuees Aid War Effort" (p. 2), " No Orders on Relocation" (p. 3), …

Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 9 (July 14, 1942) (ddr-densho-192-9)
Selected Article Titles: "Center Busy with Moving Activities" (p. 1), "9,166 at Tule" (p. 1), "Baby Care Provided" (p. 1), "Nippon Books Being Tagged" (p. 3), "Police Chief Johns Lauds Evacuee Center" (p. 5), "Evacuees Good Americans -- Hauck" (p. 8).

Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 7 (July 3, 1942) (ddr-densho-192-7)
Selected Article Titles: "42 Workers Leave for Beet Fields" (p. 1), "Council Bans Group Donations" (p. 1), "Democracy Today -- July 4, 1942" (p. 2), "First Baby Born at Pinedale Center" (p. 2), "18 Nurses Aides Enrolled" (p. 4), "Long Lines Mark Coupon Distribution" (p. 5), "Program for Issei Tonight" (p. 6), "Shuichi Fukui, American. Tacoma …

Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 5 (June 20, 1942) (ddr-densho-192-5)
Selected Article Titles: "Death of Matsumoto Reveals Colorful Life" (p. 1), "Medical Family Augments Staff" (p. 1), "Tulelake Destination of Camp Harmony Evacuees" (p. 1), "Nippon Print Contraband" (p. 4), "Americanization Class Will be Conducted" (p. 5), "Facts and Figures: Food Consumption. More Fresh Fruits, Vegetables Served" (p. 6), "Hospital 'C' Enlarged" (p. 10).

Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 4 (June 13, 1942) (ddr-densho-192-4)
Selected Article Titles: "DeWitt Orders Daily Count of Center" (p. 1), "Yasumura Heads Advisory Board" (p. 1), "General MacArthur Honored" (p. 1), "For Desperate Fems: How to Catch a Man" (p. 3), "Pies Like Mom's in the Baking" (p. 4), "Visitors to be Permitted" (p. 4), "Center Tots Begin Kindergarten" (p. 4), "234 Students Enroll in …

Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 2 (May 30, 1942) (ddr-densho-192-2)
Selected Article Titles: "Election Wednesday. Polls to be Open 8 to 6, All Over 16 Allowed to Vote" (p. 1), "Memorial Day by the Reverend Daisuke Kitagawa" (p. 1), "Clinic Hours Announced by Hospital Babies May Have Special Food" (p. 1), "Tacoma Boy Suffers Broken Collarbone" (p. 2), "Inductees Urged to Report New Address" (p. 2), …

Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 2 (May 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-192-1)
Selected Article Titles: "Self-Governing Body for Center Planned. Election Next Week" (p. 1), "Candidates for Block Election Announced" (p. 1), "Canteen Opens with Capacity Business" (p. 1), "Pinedale Quota Passes Half Mark" (p. 1), "Local Gov't to Stress Democracy. Service Director King Praises Nisei" (p. 1), "Mumps Chicken Pox Claim 7 Patients" (p. 1), "Inoculations Held" …

Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 8 (July 10, 1942) (ddr-densho-192-8)
Selected Article Titles: "Relocation of Students Discussed" (p. 1), "Various Groups Plan Farewell Parties" (p. 1), "Block C Residents to Move First" (p. 1), "Pinedale Enjoys Unusual Fourth" (p. 4), "Ice Cream Sales, Hit New High" (p. 9).

Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 3 (June 6, 1942) (ddr-densho-192-3)
Selected Article Titles: "1446 Votes Cast. Center Council to Name Mayor Next Week" (p. 1), "Comedy, Music, Dancers Highlight Show Saturday" (p. 1), "Rumor-Tism" (p. 2), "Comfort Foreseen in Barrack Life" (p. 3), "How to Crash Mess by Toots Nakamura" (p. 3), "Feeding Stations for Tots Soon" (p. 6), "Overflooding of Showers Problem" (p. 6), "First …

William Marutani Interview (ddr-phljacl-1-14)
Nisei male. Born March 31, 1923, in Kent, Washington. During World War II, was incarcerated at the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving camp to attend college in South Dakota, was drafted into the U.S. Army and served with the Military Intelligence Service during the postwar occupation of Japan. After …

Mary Haruka Nakamura Interview (ddr-one-7-65)
Nisei female. Born March 21, 1924, in O'Brien, Washington. Grew up in the Auburn/Kent area of Washington, where parents ran a farm and then a grocery store. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving camp, settled in Ontario, Oregon.
(This material is based …

Toshikazu "Tosh" Okamoto Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-240)
Nisei male. Born October 8, 1926, in Seattle, Washington. Grew up in Renton, Washington, where father operated a farm. During World War II, was removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Briefly transferred to the Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. Drafted into the army and served in Italy as a replacement …

Toshikazu "Tosh" Okamoto II (ddr-densho-1000-248)
Nisei male. Born October 8, 1926, in Seattle, Washington. Grew up in Renton, Washington, where father operated a farm. During World War II, was removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Briefly transferred to the Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. Drafted into the army and served in Italy as a replacement …

Homer Yasui Interview I (ddr-one-7-26)
Nisei male. Born December 28, 1924, in Hood River, Oregon. Grew up in Hood River, where father and uncles ran a store. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving camp, attended college in Denver and Philadelphia. Eventually became a physician and returned to …

George Iseri Interview (ddr-one-7-40)
Nisei male. Born April 23, 1920, in Thomas, Washington. Grew up in Thomas where father ran a general store. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Left camp to work in Weiser, Idaho, and opened a service station. Eventually moved to Ontario, Oregon.
(This material …

Taylor Tomita Interview (ddr-one-7-61)
Nisei male. Born February 17, 1922, in Odell, Oregon. Grew up in Odell, where parent ran a farm. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Transferred to the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Served in the military before returning to the Hood River area.
(This material …

Homer Yasui Interview II (ddr-one-7-27)
Nisei male. Born December 28, 1924, in Hood River, Oregon. Grew up in Hood River, where father and uncles ran a store. During World War II, removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving camp, attended college in Denver and Philadelphia. Eventually became a physician and returned to …