Pinedale Logger Vol. I No. 3 (June 6, 1942)

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ddr-densho-192-3 (Legacy UID: denshopd-i192-00003)

Pinedale Logger Collection

Selected Article Titles: "1446 Votes Cast. Center Council to Name Mayor Next Week" (p. 1), "Comedy, Music, Dancers Highlight Show Saturday" (p. 1), "Rumor-Tism" (p. 2), "Comfort Foreseen in Barrack Life" (p. 3), "How to Crash Mess by Toots Nakamura" (p. 3), "Feeding Stations for Tots Soon" (p. 6), "Overflooding of Showers Problem" (p. 6), "First Aid Class Claim 50 Members" (p. 6), "Pinedale Staff Extends Welcome to New Community" (p. 6), "10 Mile Speed Limit" (p. 6).

June 6, 1942




Courtesy of the Hoover Institution Library

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