225 items
Letter to Mamie, November 2, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-130)
Correspondence to Mamie describing events that occurred at Tule Lake incarceration camp on November 1, 1943. Correspondent describes the labor strike, a visit from Dillon S. Myer, director of the War Relocation Authority, a crowd of Japanese gathering at the camp administration building, the army's response, and the beating of Dr. Pedicord. See this object in …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 16 (June 10, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-91)
Selected article titles: "Farm Report Made for May. 379 1/2 Acres of Row Crops Planted Last Month; 6000 Chicks Purchased" (p. 1), "Alien Registration Official to Arrive" (p. 1), "Leave Regulations Effective June 1" (p. 1), "Fifteen to Arrive From Jerome, Ark." (p. 1), "Tule Segregees Unwanted by Japanese Gov't" (p. 1), "Two Parolees Return" (p. …
Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 152 (December 15, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-238)
Selected article titles: "Dillon Myer Sees Benefit to All in Spreading of Japanese Population"; "Yes, He Would Like Nothing Better Than to Return to U.S. -- But Can't"; "Oversees Publication Staff Names Disclosed"; "Esquires Hold Christmas Skating Party Dec. 20"; "Faculty Dischargees Honored at Party"; "Human Side of Reconversion Told in Survey"; "WACS Draw Eyes"; "Council …
Chapter 8: At War Relocation Authority (ddr-densho-472-1)
Unpublished autobiographical writing by C. Moxley Featherston about the years he worked at the War Relocation Authority as an lawyer. The writing includes stories from his years a Project Attorney at Gala River, Granada, and Minidoka, and his thoughts about the legal arguments and politics surrounding the incarceration. He was involved in the building of the …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 17 No. 3 (July 24, 1943) (ddr-pc-15-28)
Selected article titles: "Draft for Japanese Americans Is Recommended By Senate Military Affairs Committee" (p. 1), "WAC's to Open Ranks to Japanese American Women" (p. 1), "Manzanar College Accredited By State" (p. 1), "Relocation of Loyal Evacuees Will Be Continued, Declares War Mobilization Director" (p. 1), "Late Shelby Volunteers Drill Doubly Hard to 'Catch Up'" (p. …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 25 (December 23, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-52)
Selected article titles: "Army Revokes West Coast Exclusion Order" (p. 1), "Proclamation Restores Right Of Evacuee Group to Return To Homes After January 2" (p. 1), "Supreme Court Rules Loyal Citizens Cannot Be Detained" (p. 1), "Hood River Legion Post May Replace Some Nisei Names" (p. 3), "Expanded Relocation Effort By WRA in East Seen by …
Manzanar Free Press Relocation Supplement Vol. 1 No. 1 (April 14, 1945) (ddr-densho-125-368)
Selected article titles: "Daniel Chapman Arrives Next Week from East to Aid Resettlers" (p. 1), "Students Leaving With Parents on Relocation May Receive Credits" (p. 1), "Americans Do Note Like to Hear Foreign Languages" (p. 2), "Introduce New England Farming to Issei in New Booklet Published" (p. 2), "Gets 'Good Treatment' in Los Angeles City" (p. …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4328 (June 26, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-42)
Selected article titles: "The Open Forum: Action by Our Government And Attorney General Urged Against Vigilantes. Both Branches of the California ACLU Send Messages to Top State Officials"; "Land Acquired by Aliens in Cal. Declared State Property by Court. Dummy Real Estate Deals Held Fraud in Legal Decision"; "Half of Housing Facilities at Poston, Gila Will …
Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-31)
Amy Morooka writes to Violet Sell about Violet's health, a visit from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, upcoming Easter celebrations, and more.
Manzanar Free Press Vol. 5 No. 18 (March 1, 1944) (ddr-densho-125-215)
Selected article titles: "Delegates Meet With Director for Draft Discussion. Merritt Leaves for Washington With Local Citizens' Message" (p. 1), "Seven Boys Held on Unauthorized Leave" (p. 1), "First Manzanar Group in Tule After 36-Hour Trip" (p. 1), "House Passes Bill Aimed at Disloyals" (p. 1), "Responsibility to U.S. Told Delegates" (p. 1), "Lift Curfew Law …
Manzanar Free Press Vol. 6 No. 104 (June 20, 1945) (ddr-densho-125-349)
Selected article titles: "Residents of Block 13 Hold Farewell Picnic" (p. 2), "JACL Publishes Booklet on Nisei War Effort" (p. 2), "Hold Worship Services for Issei in Milwaukee" (p. 2), "Mackenzie Campaigns Against Japanese Return" (p. 2), "Emancipation League Formed by Japanese Who Seek Democracy" (p. 3), "California 'Hoodlums' Criticized by Sixteen" (p. 3), "Vandals Attempt …
Tanforan totalizer, vol. 1, no. 19 (September 12, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-2325)
Tanforan totalizer, final issue, vol. 1, no. 19, whichi is a newsletter published at the Tanforan Temporary Assembly Center. Covers a background on WRA Director Dillon S. Myer, WRA policies on basic provisions, community enterprises, work and pay, order of merit, private employment, clothing allowances, self government, and an overview of events and happenings at the …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 8 (October 10, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-7)
Selected article titles: "City Planners to Meet With Dillon Myer" (p. 1), "September Pay Delayed Here" (p. 1), "3-Day Conference to Open on Farm Self-Subsistence" (p. 1), "Dr. Neher Goes to Arkansas" (p. 1), "Fire Force Seeks Women for Wardens" (p. 1), "Hunt Needs 125 Tons Coal Daily" (p. 1), "Editorial: This Must Be Our Goal!" …
Manzanar Free Press Vol. 6 No. 61 (January 20, 1945) (ddr-densho-125-305)
Selected article titles: "Dillon Meyer [Myer] Explains Necessary Procedures in Obtaining Grants" (p. 1), "Discuss Nisei Return to School Classroom" (p. 1), "On Exclusion Orders" (p. 1), "Anti-Nisei Feeling Hits Coast Stores" (p. 1), "15,000 War Jobs Seen for Nisei on Coast Return" (p. 1), "Discharged Veteran Found Dead at Gila" (p. 1), "Propose Stripping Citizenship …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 17 No. 23 (December 11, 1943) (ddr-pc-15-48)
Selected article titles: "Military 'Fluke' Gave Army's Japanese American Battalion Chance to Fight on Italy Front" (p. 1), "Report Rivers Evacuee Shot By Army Sentry. Refused to Answer Challenge of Soldier, Says WRA Official" (p. 1), "Japanese American Woman, Wife of Chinese, Receives Permission to Return Home. Reported First Nisei To Win Right to Reenter Seattle …
Correspondence regarding need for Internal Security staff, December 1943 (ddr-csujad-2-85)
Teletype from John H. Provinse to Dillon S. Myer requesting additional staff for the police department in very of the "general upset conditions now existing here" (December 3, 1943); teletype from Earl D. Brooks of the WRA Personnel Division approving some positions and requesting additional information for others (December 6, 1943); and letter from Willard E. …
Cooperative Colonization (ddr-sbbt-2-27)
A proposal to incentivize incarcerees to leave the concentration camps by investing in land, farming equipment, and other materials for Japanese Americans to establish "colonies in fertile land suitable for agriculture."
Contact List (ddr-densho-356-953)
Contact list for each of the 10 War Relocation Authority Camps and War Relocation Authority government offices.
War Relocation Authority contact list (ddr-densho-381-43)
A contact list of War Relocation Authority directors.
Sumida Family Collection (ddr-densho-379)
The Sumida Family Collection contains material about Chimata and Masako Murakami Sumida and their six children, Alice Yuriko Endo, Grace Rayko Nagai, Emmy Ito, Marshall Masaru Sumida, Theodore Tetsuro Sumida, Marjorie Yohko Matsumoto, and their families. Before World War II, Chimata Sumida owned a music store located in Los Angeles’ Japanese Town that sold music, instruments, …
Report and minority views of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities on Japanese War Relocation Centers (ddr-densho-381-55)
A report submitted by John M. Costello to the House of Representatives discussing concerns with the War Relocation Authority's management of the concentration camps.
Meeting of the Community Council and the Block Commissioners with Mr. Myer (ddr-sbbt-2-31)
Community council members and block commissioners meet with Mr. Dillon S. Meyer, outlining the difficulties of leaving Minidoka and present a series of requests.
They Work for Victory: The Story of Japanese Americans and the War Effort (ddr-densho-483-137)
Pamphlet on Nisei in the United States during World War II. Includes photograph.
Scrapbook of newspaper clipping (ddr-densho-483-100)
Loose scrapbook pages containing newspaper and magazine clipping, a press release, and a speech transcript. Selected article titles: Seattle Post-Intelligencer: "Seattle Japs return home" (p. 1), "The National Director speaks to residents" (p. 2), "237 Bainbridge Japs leave, head south" (p. 3), "No refunds for japs, says city" (p. 4), "Sad farewells while troops stand by" …