[Statement to Willard E. Schmidt, National Chief, Internal Security, or to whomever it may concern, January 15, 1944]

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ddr-csujad-2-97 (CSUJAD Local ID: sjs_sch_0098, CSUJAD Project ID: sjs_sch_0098)

San Jose State Schmidt (Willard E.) Papers

Statement signed by 20 officers of the Internal Security Department requesting that Fenton Mahrt, "a man of long police experience" and employee of the WRA, be considered for the permanent position of Chief of Internal Security to head the Internal Security Division. The officers state that they do not consider this document to be a petition or a demand, but instead a statement. Envelope contains the text, "Personal and Confidential." Names: Pedersen, Oscar E.; Stowers, R.; Johnston, James H.; Cook. J.B.; Hamilton, H.E; McGahey, E.G.; Holding, N. ; Weston, Louis E.; Whiturll, M.B.; Luzows, Willhur F.; Lomis, Paul W.; Hawkins, A.N.; William, J.; Strong, W.W.; Bohorium, Joseph; Frost, E.L.; Gordoff, Myron; Downes, James S.; Smith, H.C.; Barns, C. A. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sjs_sch_0098




San Jose State University Department of Special Collections and Archives

Willard E. Schmidt Papers, Courtesy of San Jose State University Library Special Collections and Archives

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