[Minutes of the regular joint meeting of the advisory council and the Co-ordinating committee of the Tule Lake Center, March 3, 1944]

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ddr-csujad-2-30 (CSUJAD Local ID: sjs_sch_0030, CSUJAD Project ID: sjs_sch_0030)

San Jose State Schmidt (Willard E.) Papers

Meeting minutes between incarceree-led Tule Lake Camp government and the Advisory Council. Includes discussion on prisoner release from army stockades, the creation of a Young Men's Association and the transfer of incarcerees from Poston Camp. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sjs_sch_0030



San Jose State University Department of Special Collections and Archives

Willard E. Schmidt Papers, Courtesy of San Jose State University Library Special Collections and Archives

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