Facilities, services, and camp administration

World War II (231)
Concentration camps (1454)
Facilities, services, and camp administration (2039)

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Manzanar Children's Village


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2039 items
Crippled Children Clinic (ddr-densho-356-867)
doc Crippled Children Clinic (ddr-densho-356-867)
Notes from the crippled children clinic. Document has been redacted to protect individual's personal health information.
Card to Yuri Domoto from Margaret McClain (ddr-densho-356-327)
doc Card to Yuri Domoto from Margaret McClain (ddr-densho-356-327)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from Margaret McClain that provides Yuri with a possible job opportunity at Minidoka and provides details about Margaret's life in Chicago. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-321 and ddr-densho-356-413.
Application for Public Assistance Grant (ddr-densho-356-967)
doc Application for Public Assistance Grant (ddr-densho-356-967)
Blank copy of an Application for Public Assistance Grant for Granada Relocation Center.
Request for Change of Address (ddr-densho-356-965)
doc Request for Change of Address (ddr-densho-356-965)
Blank copy of a Request for Change of Address in Granada Relocation Center.
Amache Consumer Enterprise bills (ddr-densho-356-811)
doc Amache Consumer Enterprise bills (ddr-densho-356-811)
Nine Amache Consumer Enterprise five dollar bills issued to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada.
Welcome to Amache guide (ddr-densho-356-859)
doc Welcome to Amache guide (ddr-densho-356-859)
Booklet made for Tule Lake transfers that provides information about Granada in both English and Japanese.
Letter to Yuri Domoto from Min Yonekura (ddr-densho-356-295)
doc Letter to Yuri Domoto from Min Yonekura (ddr-densho-356-295)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from Minoru "Min" Yonekura. In the letter Min writes about his first few days at Topaz and the trip there. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-277 and ddr-densho-356-320.
Block Distributions (ddr-densho-356-866)
doc Block Distributions (ddr-densho-356-866)
Block Distributions, case notes, and glossary of terms. Document has been redacted to protect individual's personal health information.
Reading list (ddr-densho-356-936)
doc Reading list (ddr-densho-356-936)
Reading list for study group for advanced aides
Medical Social Work Cases (ddr-densho-356-929)
doc Medical Social Work Cases (ddr-densho-356-929)
Policies for working on welfare cases that are additionally medical cases.
Black Managers List (ddr-densho-356-954)
doc Black Managers List (ddr-densho-356-954)
List of Block Managers in Amache from April 24, 1943.
What Relocators Need to Know (ddr-densho-356-1007)
doc What Relocators Need to Know (ddr-densho-356-1007)
Outline of topics that individuals and families might need information about in order to successfully relocate. Topics include: How to find your way when traveling, finding housing, applying for a job, getting along with others, making friends, and getting involved in the community.
Survey of Disabled (ddr-densho-356-869)
doc Survey of Disabled (ddr-densho-356-869)
Survey of the disabled in Amache. Document has been redacted to protect individual's personal health information. Document has been redacted to protect individual's personal health information.
Letter to Yuri Domoto from Tomi Domoto (ddr-densho-356-300)
doc Letter to Yuri Domoto from Tomi Domoto (ddr-densho-356-300)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from her cousin Tomi Domoto in which discusses the first month at Jerome and general news about mutual friends. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-277 and ddr-densho-356-320.
Monthly record sheets (ddr-densho-356-1004)
doc Monthly record sheets (ddr-densho-356-1004)
Daily Record Sheets converted to track work over the course of a month. Document has been redacted to protect individual's personal health information.
Incoming Evacuees Reception Committee Outline of Duties (ddr-densho-356-857)
doc Incoming Evacuees Reception Committee Outline of Duties (ddr-densho-356-857)
Document detailing members of the reception committee, their duties, and the time table for the committee to prepare for the arrival for transfers from Tule Lake.
Reading list (ddr-densho-356-931)
doc Reading list (ddr-densho-356-931)
Reading list for study group for advanced aides
Letter to Yuri Domoto from James Lindley requesting her to service on the reception committee (ddr-densho-356-851)
doc Letter to Yuri Domoto from James Lindley requesting her to service on the reception committee (ddr-densho-356-851)
Letter from James G. Lindley, Granada Project Director, to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada. The letter requests Yuri serve on the reception committee, which was created to plan for the arrival of approximately 1000 people transferring to Granada from Tule Lake.
Newsreel cameramen in camp (ddr-densho-37-354)
img Newsreel cameramen in camp (ddr-densho-37-354)
Original WRA caption: (L to R) Frank Vail newsreel cameraman for Pathe and Joe Rucker of Paramount photograph boundary markers.