Facilities, services, and camp administration

World War II (231)
Concentration camps (1454)
Facilities, services, and camp administration (2039)

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Manzanar Children's Village


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2039 items
Poston doctor office (ddr-densho-475-25)
img Poston doctor office (ddr-densho-475-25)
Black and white photograph of the interior of a doctor's office in Poston concentration camp where one medical professional is attending to a female patient facing away from the camera. Two men are working in the background.
Barracks (ddr-densho-475-368)
img Barracks (ddr-densho-475-368)
Black and white photograph of an unpaved road, with a water tower, and tar paper covered barracks.
Poston (ddr-densho-475-4)
img Poston (ddr-densho-475-4)
Black and white overhead photo of Poston concentration camp buildings with Riverside Mountains visible in the background.
Poston (ddr-densho-475-15)
img Poston (ddr-densho-475-15)
Black and white photograph of buildings at Poston concentration camp, including a large water tank that has a roof constructed over it and the number "31" painted on its side. (related object: ddr-densho-475-244)
Japanese garden and landscape (ddr-densho-475-301)
img Japanese garden and landscape (ddr-densho-475-301)
Black and white photograph of Japanese garden with gazebo at Poston concentration camp, buildings, and skyline.
Barracks (ddr-densho-475-240)
img Barracks (ddr-densho-475-240)
Black and white photograph of Poston barracks building with "Block" sign on it (related object: ddr-densho-475-372)
Poston (ddr-densho-475-11)
img Poston (ddr-densho-475-11)
Black and white photograph of buildings at Poston concentration camp, including an water tank that has a large "31" painted on it.
Women eating at mess table (ddr-densho-475-425)
img Women eating at mess table (ddr-densho-475-425)
Black and white photograph of a group of five unidentified women sitting at a mess hall table eating a meal.
Setting up hair dryer (ddr-densho-475-430)
img Setting up hair dryer (ddr-densho-475-430)
Black and white photograph of an unidentified woman setting a hair dryer over a client's hair.
Barracks - overhead (ddr-densho-475-441)
img Barracks - overhead (ddr-densho-475-441)
Black and white photograph of the overhead view of barracks at Poston.
Poston administrative buildings (ddr-densho-475-420)
img Poston administrative buildings (ddr-densho-475-420)
Black and white photograph of administrative buildings at Poston.
Barracks (ddr-densho-475-439)
img Barracks (ddr-densho-475-439)
Black and white photograph of barracks on the edge of Poston.
Poston block building (ddr-densho-475-8)
img Poston block building (ddr-densho-475-8)
Black and white photograph of wooden barracks building with a sign that says "BLOCK 22 MEN" (related object: ddr-densho-475-240)
Poston relation office, post office, and other buildings (ddr-densho-475-419)
img Poston relation office, post office, and other buildings (ddr-densho-475-419)
Black and white photograph of the Relocation Office, US Post Office, and other administrative buildings at Poston with a few cars parked out front.
Poston (ddr-densho-475-237)
img Poston (ddr-densho-475-237)
Black and white photograph of Poston concentration camp buildings.
Poston buildings (ddr-densho-475-244)
img Poston buildings (ddr-densho-475-244)
Black and white photograph of buildings at Poston concentration camp, including a large water tank that has a roof constructed over it and the number "31" painted on its side (related object: ddr-densho-475-15)
Poston canal and dock (ddr-densho-475-230)
img Poston canal and dock (ddr-densho-475-230)
Black and white photograph of a Poston canal with a dock. (related object ddr-densho-475-26)
Poston Library (ddr-densho-475-19)
img Poston Library (ddr-densho-475-19)
Black and white photograph of the interior of the Poston library; small shelves with rows of books are against the walls with wooden picnic-style tables in the middle of the room. One person is looking at materials against a wall and two people are sitting at a table looking at periodicals.
Poston canal with lifeguard tower (ddr-densho-475-235)
img Poston canal with lifeguard tower (ddr-densho-475-235)
Black and white photograph of Poston canal with dock/staging area and lifeguard tower (related object: ddr-densho-475-31)
Poston relocation office and post office (ddr-densho-475-424)
img Poston relocation office and post office (ddr-densho-475-424)
Black and white photograph of the Relocation Office and US Post Office buildings at Poston.
Poston buildings (ddr-densho-475-36)
img Poston buildings (ddr-densho-475-36)
Black and white photograph of buildings and road at Poston.
Man standing outside Poston General Hospital (ddr-densho-475-445)
img Man standing outside Poston General Hospital (ddr-densho-475-445)
Black and white photograph of an unidentified man standing outside Poston General Hospital.
Poston no. 1 (ddr-densho-475-3)
img Poston no. 1 (ddr-densho-475-3)
Black and white overhead photo of Poston concentration camp buildings. On the backside is an inscription in pencil, "Poston, Arizona Internment Camp, No. 1"
Two women styling another's hair (ddr-densho-475-428)
img Two women styling another's hair (ddr-densho-475-428)
Black and white photograph of two unidentified woman in aprons styling another unidentified woman's hair. To the side at a receptionist's area is an unidentified woman writing in a ledger.
Poston canal dock (ddr-densho-475-236)
img Poston canal dock (ddr-densho-475-236)
Black and white photograph of dock and lifeguard tower in Poston canal (related object: ddr-densho-475-399)