
Identity and values (202)
Family (1973)

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1973 items
Girl standing in front of trees (ddr-densho-259-6)
img Girl standing in front of trees (ddr-densho-259-6)
Yuka Yasui standing in front of a birch tree in her family's backyard in Hood River, Oregon.
Family portrait of Issei and Nisei (ddr-densho-259-371)
img Family portrait of Issei and Nisei (ddr-densho-259-371)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Family portrait of the Karasawa family. Some time in the late 19 teens, the Karasawa family moved to Hood River, where they opened a laundry, on Oak Street, I think. They were one of the few Japanese families who lived permanently in town, although there had been other sojourners."
Nikkei children in Japan (ddr-densho-259-270)
img Nikkei children in Japan (ddr-densho-259-270)
The Karasawa family with kites in Japan, including Rin Karasawa (center) and Jun Karasawa far right).
Nisei baby in yard (ddr-densho-259-469)
img Nisei baby in yard (ddr-densho-259-469)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Shu [Yasui] at the Third Street home. In this picture, I don't think he had any more hair then then he does now."
Nisei boy outside garage (ddr-densho-259-515)
img Nisei boy outside garage (ddr-densho-259-515)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Me, at around age 10-11, standing on the east side of our old garage In the background is a huge pule of cut up apple wood, which we three young boys--Roku, Shu & me--had to load onto wheelbarrows, and trundle down a steep concrete steps to the basement, to be later burned …
Portrait of Japanese family in Nanukaichi (ddr-densho-259-495)
img Portrait of Japanese family in Nanukaichi (ddr-densho-259-495)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Formal portrait of the Saburo and Fumi Miyake Midori (Saburo & Fumi's firstborn child), Goro, Shiro, Saburo, and Saburo/[Shidzuyo Yasui]'s mother, Hisa Fujii Miyake."
Nisei boy in hat and coat (ddr-densho-259-417)
img Nisei boy in hat and coat (ddr-densho-259-417)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Shu, in front of our old Third Street home, Hood River, [Oregon]. This is a very cute picture and it's also a very characteristic pose when he was a shy little boy."
Three Nisei children on a farm (ddr-densho-259-73)
img Three Nisei children on a farm (ddr-densho-259-73)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Kay & Min, and part of Ches [Yasui] as young children."
Formal portrait of eight Japanese men in Nanukaichi (ddr-densho-259-54)
img Formal portrait of eight Japanese men in Nanukaichi (ddr-densho-259-54)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[Masuo] and [Shinataro] Yasui posing with 6 young Japanese men."
Four children lined up outside (ddr-densho-259-10)
img Four children lined up outside (ddr-densho-259-10)
Three brothers and a girl lined up in ascending order in front of the Yasui home in Hood River, Oregon.
Nisei brother and sister (ddr-densho-259-462)
img Nisei brother and sister (ddr-densho-259-462)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Kay and Yuka [Yasui] at the Third Street home [in Hood River, Oregon]."
Issei mother and baby daughter (ddr-densho-259-194)
img Issei mother and baby daughter (ddr-densho-259-194)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[Shidzuyo Yasui] holding Yuka [Yasui] as a baby in her arms, taken on the Hood River courthouse lawn on April 24, 1927, presumably by Kay [Yasui]."
Portrait of a lawyer and his wife from Hood River (ddr-densho-259-50)
img Portrait of a lawyer and his wife from Hood River (ddr-densho-259-50)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Ernest Chandler Smith and his wife Alice. E.C. Smith was an attorney, and he did all of our legal work, as he did for many other Hood River Issei Smith had verbally--not legally--defended Dad when he was in an internment camp; and he spoke sympathetically about the plight of the Nikkei who …
Nisei boy on a farm (ddr-densho-259-72)
img Nisei boy on a farm (ddr-densho-259-72)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A typical pose/appearance of Ches [Tsuyoshi Yasui] as a youngster."
Father and two sons (ddr-densho-259-16)
img Father and two sons (ddr-densho-259-16)
Rikichi Maedo and his sons Milton and Roy sitting on the front steps of their porch. Possibly photographed in Portland, Oregon.
Group portrait in front of torii in Japan (ddr-densho-259-292)
img Group portrait in front of torii in Japan (ddr-densho-259-292)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Large number of Japan relatives (my guess) with Michi [Yasui]. There's a fairly large torii [gate] in the background and what seems to be ongoing construction of a mon (Japanese entrance gate)."
Five Nisei siblings as children (ddr-densho-259-158)
img Five Nisei siblings as children (ddr-densho-259-158)
Kay, Tsuyoshi (Ches), Min (Minoru), Yuki, and Michi Yasui as children. Ches Yasui is carrying Michi Yasui as a baby.
Three Nisei brothers on steps (ddr-densho-259-499)
img Three Nisei brothers on steps (ddr-densho-259-499)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Kay, Ches [Tsuyoshi] & Min[oru Yasui], sitting on the steps of what I believe might have been the Yasui Brothers second store in Hood River [Oregon]."
Nikkei family portrait (ddr-densho-259-396)
img Nikkei family portrait (ddr-densho-259-396)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Portrait of the Daiichi and Kinuyo Takeoka family, taken in their home on Pacific St., Portland."
Father and children on a hillside (ddr-densho-259-71)
img Father and children on a hillside (ddr-densho-259-71)
Masuo Yasui with his children Kay, Ches (Tsuyoshi), Minoru, and Michi on a hill near their farm in Mosier, Oregon.