
Identity and values (202)
Family (1973)

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1973 items
Japanese American family on a farm (ddr-densho-259-171)
img Japanese American family on a farm (ddr-densho-259-171)
Kay Yasui, Tsuyoshi (Ches) Yasui, Renichi Fujimoto, Masuo Yasui, and Michi Yasui sitting outside.
Three Nisei siblings on a farm (ddr-densho-259-75)
img Three Nisei siblings on a farm (ddr-densho-259-75)
Minoru, Michi, and Ches (Tsuyoshi) Yasui at the family's farm in Mosier, Oregon.
Nisei children drinking milk (ddr-densho-259-426)
img Nisei children drinking milk (ddr-densho-259-426)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Michi, Roku and Shu [Yasui], sucking on what appear to be milk bottles taken in front of the dilapidated wooden storage shed attached to our old home on Third Street. We always used to call that side room the hisashi. That old hisashi was always a scary place to me, because it …
Nisei brother holding baby sister (ddr-densho-259-479)
img Nisei brother holding baby sister (ddr-densho-259-479)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Roku [Yasui] holding a baby, Third Street home. Yuka [Yasui] has captioned this baby as being her, but I don't know how she knew this, because the baby's back is to the camera. Maybe it's because this baby was wearing such a huge and baggy diaper that you can't even see its …
Japanese American family on a hillside (ddr-densho-259-203)
img Japanese American family on a hillside (ddr-densho-259-203)
The Yasui family and friends in Mosier, Oregon. Counterclockwise from top: Reverend Isaac Inouye, Masaki Asai, Renichi Fujimoto, Shu Yasui, Roku Yasui, and Masuo Yasui.
Nisei child sitting on a table (ddr-densho-259-154)
img Nisei child sitting on a table (ddr-densho-259-154)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Min[oru Yasui] sitting on a round table covered with a crocheted white cloth."
Four Nisei children in yard (ddr-densho-259-441)
img Four Nisei children in yard (ddr-densho-259-441)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Shu, Roku, Michi & Ches [Tsuyoshi Yasui] at the Third Street home."
Five siblings (ddr-densho-259-13)
img Five siblings (ddr-densho-259-13)
Five siblings: Michi, Yuki, Min, Ches, and Kay Yasui.
Wedding portrait (ddr-densho-259-291)
img Wedding portrait (ddr-densho-259-291)
Wedding portrait captioned "Mr. and Mrs. Yasui." However, it does not appear to be a portrait of Masuo and Shidzuyo Yasui.
Issei and Nisei men at railroad depot (ddr-densho-259-212)
img Issei and Nisei men at railroad depot (ddr-densho-259-212)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[Masuo Yasui], Kay and Ches, together with an unidentified Japanese man, standing in front of the old Hood River Railroad Depot I will guess that Kay was 17 here, and Ches 16."
Four Nisei children at home (ddr-densho-259-32)
img Four Nisei children at home (ddr-densho-259-32)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[A picture] showing the stair-stepping sizes of the early Yasui kids at home."
Nisei boys at the beach (ddr-densho-259-127)
img Nisei boys at the beach (ddr-densho-259-127)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[This is] the Columbia River beach at the [Yasui family's] Mosier farm, and Ches [Tsuyoshi Yasui] & Min[oru Yasui], and the 2 Kanemasu brothers, Kazuo and Wataru, are playing around in the water in their underwear."
Nisei children rabbit hunting (ddr-densho-259-204)
img Nisei children rabbit hunting (ddr-densho-259-204)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Kay, Ches [Tsuyoshi], Min[oru], Michi and Roku [Yasui] have gone rabbit hunting. It shows Kay cradling a rifle in his left arm and holding a dead rabbit in his right hand. Ches has his .22 caliber rifle held high aloft in his right hand, and a dead rabbit in his left."
Nikkei family in a park (ddr-densho-259-406)
img Nikkei family in a park (ddr-densho-259-406)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Part of the Yasui family sitting in what appears to be a park [Left to right]: Shidzuyo, holding a baby, probably me; Ches, Min[oru], & Masuo, holding a young child, most probably Shu."
Nisei child on a hobby horse (ddr-densho-259-153)
img Nisei child on a hobby horse (ddr-densho-259-153)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Ches [Yasui] on a white & dapple gray hobby horse, taken at the Third Street home in Hood River."
Issei mother with baby (ddr-densho-259-382)
img Issei mother with baby (ddr-densho-259-382)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Japanese mother with her baby, who is lying in a wicker crib with a pacifier in its mouth. Yuka [Yasui] has identified this woman as Kinuyo Takeoka, the wife of Daiichi. If this is so, then that baby must be Kay Takeoka who was born in 1920."
img "Young Nisei boy standing in a car behind the steering wheel" (ddr-densho-259-386)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Young Nisei boy standing in a car behind the steering wheel. Yuka [Yasui] has captioned this youngster as being Kay Takeoka."