
Identity and values (202)
Family (1973)

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1973 items
Two Nisei girls and a white girl in kimono (ddr-densho-259-233)
img Two Nisei girls and a white girl in kimono (ddr-densho-259-233)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Michi and Yuka [Yasui] in kimono and zori (Japanese sandals) with a Caucasian girl [Bette Miller], also in kimono, between them."
Family portrait of Issei and Nisei (ddr-densho-259-369)
img Family portrait of Issei and Nisei (ddr-densho-259-369)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Family portrait of the Raymond Onishi family."
Portrait of two Nisei brothers (ddr-densho-259-199)
img Portrait of two Nisei brothers (ddr-densho-259-199)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Kay and Ray Tsuyoshi Yasui as a very young child and as an infant."
Japanese American Families in Hood River, Oregon (ddr-densho-259-48)
img Japanese American Families in Hood River, Oregon (ddr-densho-259-48)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Taken in Hood River, on the southwest corner of Second Street and Oak Street. The sign on the window of the corner shop says, 'Slocums Book Store', and further back there is an overhead sign that says, 'Drugs'. The latter was Keir's Drug Store...The picture shows...[Shidzuyo Yasui], [Masuo Yasui], Senichi Tomihiro, Daiichi …
Nisei girls wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-223)
img Nisei girls wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-223)
Michi and Yuka Yasui wearing kimono and posed with a parasol.
Japanese Americans at a cabin in Mosier, Oregon (ddr-densho-259-59)
img Japanese Americans at a cabin in Mosier, Oregon (ddr-densho-259-59)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "The reason why we were all [at a cabin in Mosier, Oregon] that summer was because along about 1929 [Masuo Yasui] developed an almost lethal case of lobar pneumonia [His wife, Shidzuyo] insisted that he quit work entirely and work on the business of getting well. To that end our whole family …
Japanese American family at home (ddr-densho-259-102)
img Japanese American family at home (ddr-densho-259-102)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "The Portland Maeda family, showing Mrs. Yoshiko Maeda, France, Milton & Roy in their home, when the children were very young."
img "Family portrait of a Japanese family in Japan" (ddr-densho-259-381)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Family portrait of a Japanese family in Japan. All are wearing Japanese clothing and some of them are wearing montsuki. Sometimes this jacket is also called a haori."
Japanese woman wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-487)
img Japanese woman wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-487)
Portrait of an unidentified Japanese woman wearing kimono.
Nisei girls wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-221)
img Nisei girls wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-221)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Yuka and Michi [Yasui] sitting, and wearing kimono. Michi is holding a cloth parasol. This is a very cute picture, and I'd guess that Yuka was around 3 years old then."
Two Japanese American families on farmland (ddr-densho-259-247)
img Two Japanese American families on farmland (ddr-densho-259-247)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Nikkei visitors to what must surely have been the Willow Flat farm both [Shidzuyo and Masuo Yasui] are dressed in their farm working clothes This photo shows the typical farm working clothes that [Shidzuyo]--and almost all of the Hood River valley Issei women of the time wore, when working in the orchards …
img "Kuga family from Kumamoto ken" (ddr-densho-259-490)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Portrait in Japan, which Yuka has captioned as the 'Kuga family from Kumamoto ken.' Shown here is a stair-stepping size gradation of their 5 boys."
Japanese American family at train station (ddr-densho-259-210)
img Japanese American family at train station (ddr-densho-259-210)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[Shidzuyo Yasui] and all eight of the Yasui children seeing [Renichi Fujimoto] off at the Hood River train depot."
Portrait of Nikkei family (ddr-densho-259-478)
img Portrait of Nikkei family (ddr-densho-259-478)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Another family portrait of the Tomihiro family." Left to right: Senichi Tomihiro, Chiye Tomihiro, and Satoru Tomihiro.
Family portrait of Issei and Nisei (ddr-densho-259-380)
img Family portrait of Issei and Nisei (ddr-densho-259-380)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Magoichiro and Ume Sato family, who used to live in Parkdale [Oregon] Other than Mr. Sato, the only other person I recognize is Mark Kinya Sato. I'll guess that this picture was taken in 1927-28, because the Sato's youngest son, William Katsuya, was born in 1928, and he's in this photograph."
Two Nisei brothers in front of a fence (ddr-densho-259-180)
img Two Nisei brothers in front of a fence (ddr-densho-259-180)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "This is a very cute picture of Kay and Ches [Yasui] when they were little boys. I will guess that Kay was 4 and Ches was 3 when it was taken."
Family portrait (ddr-densho-259-552)
img Family portrait (ddr-densho-259-552)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Family portrait of the Senichi and Satoru Tomihiro family, with Chiye."
Grandmother and grandchildren on a settee (ddr-densho-259-47)
img Grandmother and grandchildren on a settee (ddr-densho-259-47)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Hisa Fujii Miyake, my maternal grandmother, with Saburo Miyake's three young children on a settee."
Issei and Nisei men at railroad depot (ddr-densho-259-148)
img Issei and Nisei men at railroad depot (ddr-densho-259-148)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[Masuo Yasui], Kay and Ches, together with an unidentified Japanese man, standing in front of the old Hood River Railroad Depot I will guess that Kay was 17 here, and Ches 16."
Japanese mother and child wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-483)
img Japanese mother and child wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-483)
Portrait of an unidentified Japanese mother and child wearing kimono.
Boy wearing gi in Japan (ddr-densho-259-8)
img Boy wearing gi in Japan (ddr-densho-259-8)
Roku Yasui wearing Nihon gi in Nanukaichi, Japan.
Portrait of Nikkei family (ddr-densho-259-488)
img Portrait of Nikkei family (ddr-densho-259-488)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Portrait of the Shohei and Tei Endo family of Willow Flat, Oregon. There have been two spellings for their last name--Endo, as in the Oregon Japanese census of 1928, or Endow, as in Linda Tamura's book, The Hood River Issei. Shohei came to the U.S. in 1908, and Tei, his wife, in …
Family at Miyajima, Japan (ddr-densho-259-294)
img Family at Miyajima, Japan (ddr-densho-259-294)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Michi, Fumi and Saburo Miyake at Miyajima, Japan, with the famous 'floating' torii [gate] in the background. This is considered to be one of the 3 most famous scenic views in Japan."
Japanese woman and girls wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-492)
img Japanese woman and girls wearing kimono (ddr-densho-259-492)
Portrait of an unidentified Japanese woman and two girls wearing kimono, posed with a stuffed dog.