Law and legislation
Immigration and citizenship
Law and legislation
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Densho Encyclopedia :
Immigration Act of 1952
157 items
157 items

Admits Japs to White Schools. Japan Will Exclude American Labor From Its Shores and President Agrees to Exclude Japanese Labor. Mayor Schmitz Issues Statement Explaining Attitude of Californians and It Is Endorsed at White House. (February 19, 1907) (ddr-densho-56-76)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 19, 1907, p. 4

Many Japs Arrested. Number Smuggled In Landed Near Ballard Today. (February 27, 1900) (ddr-densho-56-2)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 27, 1900, p. 3

Jap Detention Bill Supported (March 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-709)
The Seattle Daily Times, March 23, 1942, p. 10

General -- All Stirred Up. San Francisco Labor Unions Get After Japanese Labor. (July 22, 1901) (ddr-densho-56-23)
The Seattle Daily Times, July 22, 1901, p. 4

Japs Displeased, But are Resigned (February 19, 1907) (ddr-densho-56-78)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 19, 1907, p. 4

Cannot Practice. The Supreme Court Bars Young Japanese Lawyer Who Applied for Admittance. (October 22, 1902) (ddr-densho-56-31)
The Seattle Daily Times, October 22, 1902, p. 2

John Sharp Williams Warns Californians (February 19, 1907) (ddr-densho-56-77)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 19, 1907, p. 4

Root Explains About Japanese Agreement (December 17, 1908) (ddr-densho-56-135)
The Seattle Daily Times, December 17, 1908, p. 2

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 19 (May 10, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-19)
Select article titles: "Continuation of Japanese Farm Labor Held Likely by Hillings" (p. 1); "San Diegans urge elimination of Fuzz Young Story" (p. 1); "'Golden Reel' prize awarded to Nisei" (p. 1); "Against farm labor program but for higher Japan quota" (p. 1); "Seven months remain for 'illegally admitted' aliens in U.S. to change status to …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 5 (February 1, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-5)
Selected article titles: "JACL's seven point legislative program for 85th Congress bard Larger quotas for Japan, speed up on claims program among JACL objectives" (p. 1); "Race Discrimination report submitted to Washington Governor" (p.1); "Protest against Dr. Sammy Lee moving to Santa Ana change to welcome signs" (p. 1); "Nisei killed in air crash over school" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 7 (August 16, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-33)
Select article titles: "Matsudaira to cooperate in JACL campaign to depopularize 'Jap'"; "First Evacuee Claim to Court of Claims Filed" (p. 1); "JACL urges congressional action on Dirkson or comparable immigration bill" (p. 1); "Over 200 attend NC-WNDC quarterly hosted by Monterey CLers, hear Czech American tell experiences behind Iron Curtain" (p. 4); "Consul-General in Full …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 12 (March 22, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-12)
Select article titles: "Japan Actor to Visit Hollywood, Aided stranded Nisei during War" (p. 1); "Simplified form for renunciant now at I&NS" (p.1); "Purple Heart veteran steals ring; nets $10, but faces 15-yr. prison term" (p. 3); "Busy start for Monterey Peninsula CL, auxiliary and Boy Scouts calendared" (p. 5); "Permanent home for Korean tyke sought …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 4 (July 26, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-30)
Select article titles: "TV Critic says Anti-Nisei Films Should be Junked" (p. 1); Aliens seeking adjustment of residence status allowed trips to U.S. possessions; Japanese circus performer can visit Hawaii" (p. 1); Library Named in Memory of Ex-Calif. Issei" (p. 2); "U.S.-Japan gov't cooperation assured for Nisei businessman's international confab" (p. 2); Hawaiian students gather material …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 5 (August 2, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-31)
Select article titles: "Protest envoy acceptance of 'Jap' Text of 'Night Beat' interview on use of word 'Jap': Ambassador Matsudaira doesn't care; professor dislikes term" (p. 1); "JACL calls on senators to reject further substantive change to civil rights bill; 'heart of House-passed measure cut out" (p. 1); "Dinner honoring ex-Gov. Sprague set for Aug. 25" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 25 (June 21, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-25)
Select article titles: "1st Nisei Voted Mayor of City in Orange County" (p. 1); "Senate Leaders Urged by JACL To Place Civil Rights Bill Ok'd by House on Calendar, By-Passed Committee" (p. 1); "1st Oriental descent Canada member of parliament elected" (p. 1); "NARTB invited to join JACL campaign to help rid anti-Nisei movies on TV" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 23 (June 7, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-23)
Select article titles: "26,000 Japanese War Brides in U.S. Group Told" (p. 1); "Senate Committee Amends Claims Supplemental Appropriation Bill" (p.1 ); "Non-profit groups listed for 1st time as claim awardees" (p. 1); "JACL participates in Memorial Day Rites at Arlington Cemetery; sagging Nisei interest in war dead scored by D.C. JACLers" (p. 1); "Rep Judd's …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 7 (February 15, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-7)
Selected article titles: "Justice Dep't officals to visit West Coast to investigate claims" (p. 1); "Dr. Rusch decorated at Embassy for promoting Japanese American friendship" (p. 1); "Rev. Kano retires from active ministry among Japanese in Nebraska; helped Issei with Americanization instructions" (p. 2); "Brotherhood Week program in L.A. set" (p. 3); "JACL joins 48 Nat'l …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 20 (May 17, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-20)
Select article titles: "Permanment Stay Offered Skilled Japanese on Temporary Visa" (p. 1); "Curriculum body acts on CL protest of 'Fuzz Young' story" (p. 1); "Claims payment appropriations up for endorsment" (p. 1); "Los Angeles-born Nisei successful in transition to life in Detroit circles" (p. 1); "Calif. pension bill passes Assembly" (p. 1); "Japanese Americans Among …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 6 (August 9, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-32)
Select article titles: "Matsudaira sorry on acceptance of 'Jap'" (p. 1); "Senate Passes Civil Rights Bill By 72 to 18 Vote" (p. 1); "Amb. Matsudaira's acceptance of word 'Jap' viewed as setback in JACL national campaign to elimiate racial slur" (p. 1); "L.A. consul feels protest 'appropriate'" (p. 2); "New York: Protest Delegation Planned by Chapter …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 63, No. 14 (September 30, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-39)
Select article titles: "Study of Nisei attitudes on American political practices now underway" (p. 1); "House repeals cooly trade laws" (p.1); "Anti-Semitism still a simmering sore" (p. 3); "6 Nisei join silent picket of women in front of Chicago realty board" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 24 (June 17, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-24)
Select article titles: "Stronger civil rights bill sought in wake of Meredith shooting" (p. 1); "Single-family home owners not in real estate business and receive no public assistance may discriminate" (p. 1); "Ex-Japan princess sums up 2-year stay in U.S., lauds women's independence" (p. 4); "New Law Recalls Hawaii as Immigration Policy Molder" (p. 6).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 63, No. 5 (July 29, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-30)
Select article titles: "History Project: Humorous Diary" (p. 1); "Five espoused for distinguished honors" (p. 1); "JCCA hails proposals to end Canadian immigration bars" (p. 1).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 2 (January 16, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-2)
Selected article titles: "Immigration laws may earn '70 dress" (p. 1), "JACL grants $1,700 to eight needy AJA students" (p. 1), "Calling all chapters to aid Indians" (p. 1), "Morality Guide for Cal. School Use Adopted" (p. 3), "Seek U.S. funds to push teaching or morals, ethics" (p. 3), "Congress will repeal Title II when convinced …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 1 (January 7, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-1)
Select article titles: "The Nisei Personality" (p. 1); "Seattle Nisei talk with Negroes" (p. 1); :Japanese viewpoint on U.S. - Japan relations expressed" (p. 2); "442nd Veteran Appointed New Selective Service Director" (p. 4); "Discussion of new immigration law centers on individual labor certificate" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 57, No. 5 (August 2, 1963) (ddr-pc-35-31)
Selected article titles: "Two Alternatives Offered to Remove National Origins Quota Sen. Fong Joins Sen. Hart co-Sponsor New Immigration Bill" (p. 1), "Chapter Implementation of Civil Rights Policy Delineated" (p. 1), "Paintings of WRA Camp Life Donated" (p. 1), and "Washington Newsletter: NOT 'Our Voice'" (p. 2).