Law and legislation
Immigration and citizenship
Law and legislation
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Immigration Act of 1952
157 items
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 110, No. 4 (February 2, 1990) (ddr-pc-62-4)
Select article titles: "Chinese Immigration Relief Act Veto Sustained; Bush's Executive Order Rules"(p.1); "Study of JACL's Actions During WWII Due for April Presentation"(p.1); "Sen Nishiyama Compares Heritage and Human Rights in U.S.-Japan Relations at Selanoco Fete"(p.3); "Issei History of U.S. in Agriculture"(p.6).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 121, No. 6 (September 15-October 5, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-18)
Selected article titles: "Mineta Resigns" (pp. 1, 6), "Proposed Cuts in Legal Immigration Opposed by Three APA Organizations" (pp. 1, 10), "JA Community Reacts to Mineta Resignation" (p. 9), and "Excerpts from Mineta's Sept. 11 Farewell Speech" (p. 11).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 121, No. 1 (July 7-20, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-13)
Selected article titles: "JACL Leaders Get Grim Message: Immigration on Rough Road in Congress" (pp. 1, 5), "4,000 Potentially Eligible Redress Recipients Sought" (p. 3), "Tule Lake Reunion Features Symposium on JA Legacy" (p. 4), and "Viewpoint: Racism Fueled A-Bomb in WWII" (p. 9).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 123, No. 8 (October 18-31, 1996) (ddr-pc-68-20)
Selected article titles: "Immigration Bill Softens Impact of Welfare Reform" (pp. 1, 11), "Congress Passes Land Transfer Bill for Manzanar Site and JA Patriotism Memorial" (p. 1), "MIS Pushes Search for Medal of Honor Awards" (p. 5), and "Personally Speaking: Historic Northern California Nisei Baseball Artifacts on Display" (p. 6).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 123, No. 3 (August 2-15, 1996) (ddr-pc-68-15)
Selected article titles: "JACL, Nisei Veterans Speak to Manzanar Historic Site Panel" (pp. 1, 5), "Bill Would Bar Critical Aid to Legal Immigrants" (pp. 1, 11), "Youth: A Day in the Life of a JACL Intern" (pp. 9, 12), and "Very Truly Yours: Nisei Week: More Than Three Generations Old" (pp. 9, 11).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 123, No. 7 (October 4-17, 1996) (ddr-pc-68-19)
Selected article titles: "Most Native Hawaiians Favor Self-Determination" (pp. 1, 11), "California Proposition 209 Debate on Affirmative Action Heats Up" (pp. 1, 9), "D.C. Notes: The Confusing Maze of Immigration Reform" (pp. 1, 12), and "Historic Japanese Tombstone in San Diego Stolen" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 122, No. 5 (March 1-14, 1996) (ddr-pc-68-5)
Selected article titles: "JACL Leaders Critical of California Civil Rights Initiative" (p. 1), "Asian Stereotyping: Out of Focus, Out of Time, Out of Line" (pp. 1, 10), "'More Perfect Union' Exhibit Reaches Cleveland Heights" (p. 3), and "APA Groups Join for Immigration Concerns" (p. 10).
Certificate of registration (alien poll tax. pol. code sec. 3841) (ddr-csujad-38-534)
A certificate of registration for Alien Poll Tax Policy registered by Tomosuke Masukawa on July 23, 1921. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_05_02_002
Alien tax receipt (ddr-csujad-38-539)
An alien tax receipt issued by Nihon Yuisen Kabushiki Kaisha. It certifies that Tomosuke Masukawa, who boarded on Tatuta [Tatsuta] Maru from Yokohama, Japan, on November 1, 1938, and arrived at Los Angeles Harbor, paid 8 dollars of alien tax required by the United States. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization …
General Emmons has settled Japanese Issue, Editorial in San Francisco Chronicle, September 20, 1943 (ddr-csujad-19-9)
Editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle describing "the excellent statement of General Delos Emmons regarding military policy towards the return to the Pacific Coast of Japanese-American evacuees." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WRA_01-02_01
Final order, judgement, and decree as to certain named plaintiffs who have submitted affidavits in lieu of oral testimony (ddr-csujad-12-10)
According to these court proceedings the plaintiff by Charles Elmer Collett, Assistant United States Attorney, Attorneys for Defendants, Tsugitada Kanamori is to be hereinafter identified as a citizen of the United States of America. This document makes it clear that the purported renunciation of his citizenship is "null, void, and without legal effect upon that status …
Letter from Wayne M. Collins to Tsugitada Kanamori, May 13, 1958 (ddr-csujad-12-9)
This letter refers to the court proceedings in item: csudh_tsu_0010. The letter reiterates the court decision that Tsugitada Kanamori's renunciation of his citizenship as a result of "fear, coercion, and duress," will be canceled and therefore confirming that Kanamori remains a citizen of the United States. Collins adds that the transmittal letter can be taken to …
Affidavit (ddr-csujad-12-26)
This affidavit belongs to Tsugitada Kanamori. It states that in 1945 he was repatriated to Japan in 1945 and that he did not swear allegience to the United States of America. According to the affidavit, Kanamori did so in order to keep his family together and to remain in camp. He also asserts that he was …
Letter from Wayne M. Collins, Attorney at Law, to Tsugitada Kanamori, May 19, 1958 (ddr-csujad-12-11)
This letter by Wayne M. Collins, Attorney at Law, discusses the "Final Order, Judgement and Decree," which was brought to litigation on behalf of Tsugitada Kanamori, who had renounced his United States citizenship. According to the judgement, which can be seen in item: csudh_tsu_0010, this renunciation is null and void and thus Kanamori will remain a …
Letter from Michi Weglyn to Frank Chin, July 30 1985 (ddr-csujad-24-70)
A letter from Michi Weglyn to Frank Chin in which she writes about the historical immigration quotas for Japanese and Chinese immigrants. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: chi_05_004
Declaration of homestead: Head of family (ddr-csujad-42-27)
A declaration of homestead signed by Fumio Fred Takano for the property, Lot 21 in Block 11 of G. W. Morgan's Sycamore Grove Tract, Los Angeles. It is notarized by Nisuke Mitsumori. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_16_002
Policy of title insurance (ddr-csujad-42-12)
Title insurance policy which insures Fumio Fred Takano and Robert John Landry, Jr. on the property, Lot 21 in Block 11 of G. W. Morgan's Sycamore Grove Tract, Los Angeles, owned by Fumio Fred Takano. Issued by Southern Title Guaranty Company. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_10_002
Full reconveyance (ddr-csujad-42-15)
Full reconveyance issued by Southern Title Guaranty Company on the property, Lot 21 in Block 11 of G. W. Morgan's Sycamore Grove Tract, Los Angeles, purchased by Fumio Fred Takano. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_10_005
Full reconveyance (ddr-csujad-42-17)
Full reconveyance issued by Ticor Title Insurance Company of California on the property owned by Fumio Fred and Yoneko Takano. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_12_001
Purchaser's receipt (ddr-csujad-42-21)
A purchaser's receipt issued by Bank of America for a money order. Attached to "Real estate mortgage short form" which is found in item: csudh_tak_0019. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_14_003
Real estate mortgage short form (ddr-csujad-42-19)
A mortgage short form. Fumio Fred Takano loaned 2,000 dollars from Itsuhei Takano and the property, Lot 21 in Block 11 of G. W. Morgan's Sycamore Grove Tract, Los Angeles, is pledged. Accompanied with items: tak_01_14_002 and tak_01_14_003. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_14_001
Receipt for the payment of taxes (ddr-csujad-42-16)
A receipt for the payment of the property tax in 1938-1939 by Fumio Fred Takano. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_11_001
Settlement of escrow (ddr-csujad-42-13)
A settlement of escrow for the property in Los Angeles, California under the name of the new owner, Fumio Fred Takano. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_10_003
Full reconveyance (ddr-csujad-42-10)
Full reconveyance issued by Title Insurance and Trust Company on the property, Lot 21 in Block 11 of G. W. Morgan's Sycamore Grove Tract, Los Angeles. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_09_002
Receipt from Southern Title Guaranty Company to Fumio Takano, February 8, 1938 (ddr-csujad-42-14)
A receipt issued by Southern Title Guaranty Company. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_10_004