Higher education

The Issei (first-generation Japanese immigrants) put great emphasis on education as a means of succeeding in the U.S. While many Nisei (second-generation Japanese Americans) obtained college degrees, they found professions closed to them. It was not uncommon for educated nisei to be forced to settle for menial jobs in the ethnic community. Frequently, Japanese Americans could find jobs commensurate with their education only by becoming independent professionals such as doctors and dentists providing services to the Japanese community. The World War II incarceration interrupted thousands of students' university educations.

Education (336)
Higher education (812)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
Yamato Ichihashi, Yuji Ichioka, Harry Kitano, T. Scott Miyakawa, S. Frank Miyamoto, National Japanese American Student Relocation Council, Tamotsu Shibutani, Tamie Tsuchiyama, Toshio Yatsushiro


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812 items
Elmer and Jack (ddr-densho-287-197)
img Elmer and Jack (ddr-densho-287-197)
Photograph of two men standing with third crouched down behind them. The two men standing are Elmer Anderson (left) and Jack Anderson (right). The man crouching is Bud Wolf. Weitten on the album page below the image is "Elmer Anderson Jack Anderson (Not Brothers) Bud Wolf" in white ink.
Graduation portrait (ddr-densho-287-22)
img Graduation portrait (ddr-densho-287-22)
Portrait photograph of an unidentified woman in a graduation cap and gown.
Band (ddr-densho-287-79)
img Band (ddr-densho-287-79)
Photograph of a crowd from behind the Oregon State College band.
Mikie Kageyama Graduation Portrait (ddr-densho-287-708)
img Mikie Kageyama Graduation Portrait (ddr-densho-287-708)
Portrait of Mikie (Kageyama) Yasui in a Graduation cap and gown. Written on the image in the lower right corner is "Mikie Kageyama" in blue ink.
Women's Weekend Chairmen (ddr-densho-287-88)
img Women's Weekend Chairmen (ddr-densho-287-88)
Photograph of the Women's Weekend chairwomen standing on the steps of a building. Second from the right is Molly (Kageyama) Maeda.
Portrait (ddr-densho-287-24)
img Portrait (ddr-densho-287-24)
Portrait of an unidentified women in a nurse's uniform
Memorial Union (ddr-densho-287-640)
img Memorial Union (ddr-densho-287-640)
Photograph of Memorial Union building on the Oregon State College (now Oregon State University) campus. Identicial to ddr-densho-287-306 & ddr-densho-287-699.
Group of friends (ddr-densho-287-199)
img Group of friends (ddr-densho-287-199)
Photograph of a group of 13 people standing and sitting on the ground. Front row left to right: Al and Walt. Second row: Harlan. Third row: Pearl, Arden Brownell, and unidentfied. Fourth row: Thelma, Lois, Larrance and Elmer Anderson. Back row: Jack Anderson, Walstrom, and Bud Wolf. Written on the album page below the image is: …
Four graduates (ddr-densho-287-672)
img Four graduates (ddr-densho-287-672)
Photograph of four men in graduation caps and gowns standing on the stairs of Poling Hall. From left to right: Milton Maeda, Wes, Milan, and Dave. Written on the album page is "Poling Hall Seniors --Wes - Milan - Dave" in black ink.
Arden (ddr-densho-287-195)
img Arden (ddr-densho-287-195)
Photograph of Arden Brownell standing oustide. Written on the album page below the image is "Arden 'Ace' Brownell" in white ink.
Graduation portrait (ddr-densho-287-23)
img Graduation portrait (ddr-densho-287-23)
Portrait photograph of an unidentified woman in a graduation cap and gown.
Art Kodani Graduation portrait (ddr-densho-287-692)
img Art Kodani Graduation portrait (ddr-densho-287-692)
Portrait of Art Kodani in a graduation cap and gown. Written in the lower right corner of image is "Sincerely Art Kodani '35" in blue ink. Written on the album page below the image is "Art Kodani" in black ink.
Graduation Portrait (ddr-densho-287-742)
img Graduation Portrait (ddr-densho-287-742)
Portrait of a man in graduation cap and gown with a hood.
Men's Halls (ddr-densho-287-703)
img Men's Halls (ddr-densho-287-703)
Photograph of a building. Written on the album page below the image is "Men's Halls" in black ink.
Commerce Building (ddr-densho-287-95)
img Commerce Building (ddr-densho-287-95)
Photograph of the Commerce Building at Oregon State College (now known as Oregon State University). Etched into the image along the bottom is "Commerce Bldg. Christian"
Group of friends (ddr-densho-287-198)
img Group of friends (ddr-densho-287-198)
Photograph of a group of 12 people standing and sitting on the ground. Front row left to right: Bud Wolf, Walt, Jack Anderson, and John. Second row left to right: Al, Harlan, and unidentified. Third row left to right: Arden Brownell, Larrance and Elmer Anderson. Back row left to right: Thema and Walstrom. Written on the …
Graduation portrait of Molly Kageyama (ddr-densho-287-27)
img Graduation portrait of Molly Kageyama (ddr-densho-287-27)
Graduation portrait of Molly (Kageyama) Maeda dressed in a cap and gown. Written in the lower right corner is "June-'41" in blue ink. Same as ddr-densho-287-143.
Album 1 (ddr-densho-287-21)
doc Album 1 (ddr-densho-287-21)
Molly (Kageyama) Maeda's red photo album containing images of young nisei at Oregon State College (now Oregon State University), graduation portaits, and images of life at Minidoka.
Group of friends (ddr-densho-287-196)
img Group of friends (ddr-densho-287-196)
Photograph of a group of seven people standing together outside. Written on the album page below the image is "Walt Arden Jack Elmer Keith Lois Thelma" in white ink.
Album 2 (ddr-densho-287-151)
doc Album 2 (ddr-densho-287-151)
Milton Maeda's brown photo album of pre-war life including photographs of travel to Salem, Oregon; Yakama, Washington; and Alaska to visit friends and work in canneries, and college life.
Graduation (ddr-densho-287-43)
img Graduation (ddr-densho-287-43)
Photograph of an unidentified woman standing oustide in her graduation cap and gown.
Graduation portrait of Mable (ddr-densho-287-33)
img Graduation portrait of Mable (ddr-densho-287-33)
Graduation portrait of Mabel dressed in a cap and gown. Written in the lower right corner is "To Molly Sincerily, Mable 5/21/41" in blue ink.
Molly's Graduation Portrait (ddr-densho-287-143)
img Molly's Graduation Portrait (ddr-densho-287-143)
Portrait of Molly (Kageyama) Maeda dressed in a cap and gown. Same as ddr-densho-287-27.