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757 items
George Azumano Interview Segment 5 (ddr-one-7-32-5)
vh George Azumano Interview Segment 5 (ddr-one-7-32-5)
Prewar recreational activities and sports

This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.

George Azumano Interview Segment 21 (ddr-one-7-32-21)
vh George Azumano Interview Segment 21 (ddr-one-7-32-21)
Returning to Portland

This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.

George Azumano Interview Segment 6 (ddr-one-7-32-6)
vh George Azumano Interview Segment 6 (ddr-one-7-32-6)
Attending dances

This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.

Letter to George Kida from Major E.A. Steuding (ddr-one-3-16)
doc Letter to George Kida from Major E.A. Steuding (ddr-one-3-16)
Letter and envelope to George Kida from Major E. A. Steuding, the acting Provost Marshal for the State of the Oregon, informing George that his request for more information about the date of evacuation and the possibility of re-settlement in his letter written on May 19, 1942 could not be could not be answered by the …
Letter from Geo Clark to Kida family (ddr-one-3-54)
doc Letter from Geo Clark to Kida family (ddr-one-3-54)
Letter from Geo Clark to Kida family (calls them Georgie, Ma, and Pa) dated November 21, 1943. Says they are working too hard. Asks after Mrs. Pyatt and says that it might be a while before they can get up to visit her in the hospital. Mrs. Pyatt's health is failing; he writes that she gets …
Letter from Mary Hedley to George Kida (ddr-one-3-31)
doc Letter from Mary Hedley to George Kida (ddr-one-3-31)
Letter and envelope from Mary Hedley to George Kida in Nyssa, Oregon, dated December 18, 1942. Writes that she wishes they had completed a land deal before because the property is in Mr. Arthur Hedley's name, who is critically ill and no longer lucid.
Letter from Mary Hedley to Miyuki
doc Letter from Mary Hedley to Miyuki "Kay" Kida and family (ddr-one-3-45)
Letter from Mary Hedley to Miyuki "Kay" Kida and family in Nyssa, Oregon, dated April 26, 1943. She writes that she received an Easter card from the Kida family. One of her friends (Bertha) had been seriously ill but recovered.
Letter from Lizzie Clark to Miyuki
doc Letter from Lizzie Clark to Miyuki "Kay" Kida and George Kida (ddr-one-3-53)
Envelope addressed to Miyuki "Kay" Kida in Nyssa, Oregon. Letter from Lizzie Clark to Miyuki "Kay" Kida and George Kida dated November 21, 1943. Mentions they are sorry to hear about Mrs. Pyatt's health. Wishes them a nice Thanksgiving. Hopes they will be able to return home soon. Additional letter sent in same envelope please see …
Letter from Bertha Wylder to Kida family (ddr-one-3-63)
doc Letter from Bertha Wylder to Kida family (ddr-one-3-63)
Envelope addressed to Miyuki "Kay" Kida in Nyssa, Oregon, postmarked December 30, 1943. Letter from Bertha Wylder to Miyuki "Kay" Kida and family dated Wednesday. Mr. Hedley (Mary Hedley's husband) passed away. Bertha writes with news about the plans for the funeral and let them know she had bought flowers for Mr. Hedley in the Kidas' …
Letter from Mary Hedley to Miyuki
doc Letter from Mary Hedley to Miyuki "Kay" Kida (ddr-one-3-26)
Envelope addressed to Miyuki "Kay" Kida in the Portland Assembly Center, letter from Mary Hedley to "friends" meaning Kida family. Three clippings from the newspaper covering food rationing, the possibility of fuel rationing, and the possibility of incarcerated Japanese Americans working in sugar beet fields and other crops in the inner-United States. The letter mentions that …
Letter from Bertha Wylder to Sarah
doc Letter from Bertha Wylder to Sarah "Sade" Pyatt (ddr-one-3-29)
Postcard to Sarah "Sade" Pyatt from Bertha Wylder. Asking after the Kida family, whom she has not heard from in a while. Mentions that food prices are high.
Envelope and letter to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Envelope and letter to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Yoshi Sato (ddr-one-5-42)
Envelope addressed to Mr. Keizaburo Koyama at Camp Livingston from Yoshio Sato at Minidoka. Postmarked November 11, 1942. In red pencil “Dec 15, 42” is written. Along the right edge of the envelope is a white sticker, on the back side of the envelope it reads "U.S.A. 269." Inside the envelope is a letter dated Nov. …
Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Lois Sato (ddr-one-5-18)
Postcard addressed to Dr. Keizaburo Koyama at Camp Livingston from Lois Sato at the Portland Assembely Center. Postmarked Jul 9, 1942. On the left side of the front of the postcard is a red Censored stamp with an unknown signature. On the back of the postcard is a handwritten message from Lois Sato. She writes about …
Envelope and three letters to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Envelope and three letters to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Koyama family (ddr-one-5-1)
White envelope addressed to Mr. Kei Koyama in Missoula, Montana, from the Koyama family in Portland. The envelope is postmarked December 31, 1941. A purple "CENSORED" stamp is on the front of the envelope. Inside the envelope are three letters from Kei's daughter, Miriam Kiyo Koyama; his son, William Koyama; and his wife, Teru Koyama. Miriam …
Envelope to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Envelope to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Teru Koyama (ddr-one-5-17)
White air mail envelope with a red, white and blue border. The envelope is addressed to Dr. Keizaburo Koyama at Camp Livingston. Sender information written in the upper left corner as "Mrs. Kei Koyama/No 16109 sec. 3-D-10/Japanese Assembly Center/N. Portland, Oregon." Postmarked June 23, 1942. Two additional dates handwritten below the postmark: "June 23-42" and "June …
Envelope and letter to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Envelope and letter to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Andrew "Uncle Chape" Goodenough and Eva "Aunt Eva" Goodenough (ddr-one-5-3)
Envelope addressed to Dr. Kei Koyama at Missoula from an unknown sender (possibly the Andrew and Eva Goodenoughs). Postmarked January 19, 1942. Purple "CENSORED" stamp on the lower left side of the envelope. On the back of the envelope “Goodenough” is written in pencil. Letter dated Jan 18, 1942, with a return address in Portland from …
Envelope, card, and letter to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Envelope, card, and letter to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Miriam Kiyo Koyama (ddr-one-5-9)
Envelope addressed to Dr. K. Koyama at Fort Missoula from his daughter, Miriam Kiyo Koyama, in Portland. Postmarked March 7, 1942. In the lower left corner is a purple "EXAMINED" stamp with a cursive D written above in red pencil. On the back the envelope is sealed with a red victory sticker. Inside the envelope is …
Envelope and letter to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Envelope and letter to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Teru Koyama (ddr-one-5-7)
Yellowed envelope addressed to Dr. Kei Koyama at Fort Missula with two postmarks from Portland; dated February 6, 1942. Handwritten is “Air Mail/SPECIAL DEL.” on the left side of the envelope; in red pencil “Feb 13” is written below. There are two purple stamps in the lower left corner: one is a "Fee" stamp from the …
Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Teru Koyama (ddr-one-5-6)
One cent postcard addressed to Dr. Kei Koyama at Fort Missoula from his wife, Teru Koyama, in Portland. The address on the front of the postcard is typed. Postmarked Feb 4, 1942. Censored stamp on the front, with an unknown signature in red pencil. Typed message on the back updates Kei about the children, her health, …
Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Teru Koyama (ddr-one-5-24)
Yellowed postcard address to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama at Camp Livingston from his wife Teru Koyama at the Portland Assembly Center. The postcard is postmarked August 31, 1942. On the left side of the postcard is a purple stamp that reads “Censored/Camp Livingston/Internment Camp/HARMON M. TURNER.” On the back side of the postcard, which is dated …
Letter to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Letter to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from his son William Koyama on Father's Day (ddr-one-5-15)
A letter written to Kei Koyama from his son William Koyama. It is dated June 21, 1942. In the letter William writes to encourage his father to stay positive and look to God as the rest of the family is doing. In the postscript written on the side of the letter, William wishes that they be …
Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Teru Koyama (ddr-one-5-13)
Postcard addressed to Dr. Keizabruo Koyama at Fort Sill from his wife, Teru Koyama, at the Portland Assembly Center. Postmarked May 15, 1942. Dated May 14, 1942. On the back Teru writes Kei asking if he needs more clothes, and that she had stored their belongs with Eva "Aunt Eva" Goodenough. She describes the food at …
Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Eva Koyama (ddr-one-5-11)
Front of one cent postcard is addressed to Dr. K. Koyama at Fort Sill from his daughter Eva Koyama at the Portland Assembly Center. Postmarked May 11, 1942. On the back of the postcard Eva writes about the family and first few days at the Portland Assembly Center. Dated May 7, 1942.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 21 (May 24, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-21)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 21 (May 24, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-21)
Select article titles: "Hearings on temporary Japanese farm labor program completed in Washington; Labor Dep't, labor groups and JACL testifies" (p. 1); "Min Yasui's father dies in Portland, was 70" (p. 1); "JACL-COJAEC lists names of awardees ready to be paid by next appropriation measure; more names to appear" (p. 1); "'Teahouse' production earns unprecedented rave …