Geographic communities
757 items
757 items

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 5 (August 2, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-31)
Select article titles: "Protest envoy acceptance of 'Jap' Text of 'Night Beat' interview on use of word 'Jap': Ambassador Matsudaira doesn't care; professor dislikes term" (p. 1); "JACL calls on senators to reject further substantive change to civil rights bill; 'heart of House-passed measure cut out" (p. 1); "Dinner honoring ex-Gov. Sprague set for Aug. 25" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 25 (December 20, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-51)
The holiday issue included advertisements bought by JACL members and chapters that included personal addresses and phone numbers to better foster communications between Japanese American communities. These addresses and phone numbers have been redacted to help protect the privacy of Japanese American communities. Please contact Densho to request the original version.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 109, No. 1 (July 7-14, 1989) (ddr-pc-61-26)
Selected article titles: "Ujifusa Feels Money Rally Now Bad Idea" (p. 1), "JACL-LEC Submits Changes in Detail to Proposed Redress Act" (pp. 1, 7), "Movie-for-TV Shines Its Spotlight on Internment" (p. 2), and "Greater Portland Area Nikkei Opens Campaign for J.A. Historical Garden in Waterfront Park" (p. 3).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 109, No. 6 (September 8, 1989) (ddr-pc-61-31)
Selected article titles: "Heart Mountain's Fair Play Committee: So. Calif. JACLers Throw Spotlights on Nisei WWII Draft Resistance Movement" (pp. 1, 10, 12), "Initial Redress Notices Being Mailed to Those Aged 90 and Up" (pp. 1, 10), "Portland Memorial Garden Project Gains Momentum" (p. 3), and "350 Outstanding Students Across Nation Apply: Profiles: National JACL Scholarship …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 88, No. 2035 (March 23, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-11)
Selected article titles: "Rites at Camp Minidoka Being Planned for August" (p. 1), "U.S. Occupation of Japan: Reflections & Views" (pp. 3, 14), "Albert Einstein: His Single Visit to Japan Recalled" (p. 3), and "Portland's Bush Garden: Two Years Pass to Reopen" (p. 10).
![Pacific Citizen, Vol. 112, No. 8 [March 1, 1991] (ddr-pc-63-8)](https://ddr.densho.org/media/cache/6e/ac/6eac0d3e9a1a0736aaec32fece355cc3.jpg)
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 112, No. 8 [March 1, 1991] (ddr-pc-63-8)
Select article titles: "Pan American Nikkei group sends relief goods to Peruvians" (p. 1), "Stamps of disapproval" (p. 1), "Personalized licenses still controversial" (p. 1), "Honored" (p. 7).

Letter to Harry L. Stafford (ddr-sbbt-2-29)
An unsigned letter addressed to Harry L. Stafford explaining what information would be helpful to incarcerees as they leave camp. The author, likely Yoshito Fujii, requests to become a field agent for the War Relocation Authority to gather information from the eastern United States to assist incarcerees in finding opportunities outside of the camps.

6th Annual NWYPBF convention (ddr-sbbt-3-3)
Group photograph of the Sixth Annual Northwest Young People's Buddhist Federation attendees.

9th Annual NWYBL convention (ddr-sbbt-3-7)
Group photograph of the Ninth Annual Northwest Young Buddhist League convention attendees.

Wedding portrait (ddr-densho-322-1)
The wedding of Kazuo Kinshita and Ami Nakao at the Oregon Buddhist Temple in Portland.

Wedding reception (ddr-densho-322-2)
Ami Kinoshita, dressed in kimono, and her husband Kazuo at their wedding reception.

Men outside Abe residence (ddr-densho-383-131)
Written on album page below photograph: "Yoichi Matsuda, Henry Yamada. Portland, Oregon 1931" (left to right).

Wedding party (ddr-densho-363-1)
Photograph of the wedding party at Sam Sakamoto and Hanaye (Fujiwara) Sakamoto's wedding. The photograph was taken by Frank C. Hirahara.\n\nTo view more photographs of the Sakamoto wedding and other photographs taken by Frank C. Hirahara please visit the Oregon Nikkei Endowment's Frank C. Hirahara Collection.

Japanese American Courier Vol. 9, No. 441 (June 27, 1936) (ddr-densho-96-476)
Selected article titles: "Group Awareness Gives JACL Power" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Thousand Local Spectators See Waseda Defeat Taiyo A.C., 11-1, at Civic Stadium" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 6, No. 301 (October 14, 1933) (ddr-densho-96-334)
Selected article titles: "Arguments Told by U.S. Leaders for Asia Quota" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 5, No. 253 (ddr-densho-96-285)
Selected article titles: "Holden Address Heard by State Normal School" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 10, No. 476 (February 27, 1937) (ddr-densho-96-511)
Selected article titles: "Roosevelt Backs Bill to Replace Late N.R.A. Plan" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 5, No. 212 (ddr-densho-96-244)
Selected article titles: "Emperor Disbands Diet; Statements Read by Officials" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 4, No. 208 (December 19, 1931) (ddr-densho-96-239)
Selected article titles: "Yoshizawa Named Foreign Minister on Inukai Cabinet" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 9, No. 426 (March 14, 1936) (ddr-densho-96-461)
Selected article titles: "Confab Will Moot Pacific Problem" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 9, No. 428 (March 28, 1936) (ddr-densho-96-463)
Selected article titles: "Policies of 'Drift' Will Lead to War" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 5, No. 252 (ddr-densho-96-284)
Selected article titles: "Politics Out as Tokio Unites on Economic Front" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 10, No. 491 (June 12, 1937) (ddr-densho-96-526)
Selected article titles: "Fisheries Bureau Denies Japanese Imperil Salmon" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)