Decision to incarcerate
World War II
Pearl Harbor and aftermath
Decision to incarcerate
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Densho Encyclopedia :
John DeWitt,
Executive Order 9066,
Final Report, Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast, 1942 (book),
Leland Ford,
Allen Gullion,
Frank Knox,
John McCloy,
Munson Report,
Roberts Commission report,
Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Henry Stimson,
The Fifth Column on the Coast,
Tolan Committee,
Earl Warren,
Western Defense Command
119 items
119 items

Wartime Removal Hits All Coast Aliens, Good or Bad (February 3, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-595)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 3, 1942, p. 15

Fahy Defends Curfew on Japs (May 11, 1943) (ddr-densho-56-913)
The Seattle Daily Times, May 11, 1943, p. 5

Japs to Make Eden in Idaho (April 26, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-773)
The Seattle Daily Times, April 26, 1942, p. 10

Army Order Reveals Eventual Ouster of All Coast Japanese (March 3, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-660)
The Seattle Daily Times, March 3, 1942, p. 1

State C.I.O. Asks Jap Evacuation (March 9, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-678)
The Seattle Daily Times, March 9, 1942, p. 15

Enemy Alien Evacuation Order Held Imminent. Appointment of Property Custodian Asked; Blow to Produce Markets Foreseen; U.S. to Pay Costs (March 1, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-657)
The Seattle Daily Times, March 1, 1942, pp. 1, 5

Ouster of Aliens to Cause Heart-Breaking Problems (February 17, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-630)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 17, 1942, p. 4

Internment of Japs Criticized (April 16, 1943) (ddr-densho-56-900)
The Seattle Daily Times, April 16, 1943, p. 4

Farm Plan Fails; Army May Have to Move Bainbridge Japs (March 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-708)
The Seattle Daily Times, March 23, 1942, p. 9

Japs Here Plan Inland Empire Colony. Nipponese Would Build Model City With U.S. Aid (March 19, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-694)
The Seattle Daily Times, March 19, 1942, p. 1

15,000 in Area Face Evacuation (March 6, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-671)
The Seattle Daily Times, March 6, 1942, p. 12

Korean Urges Interning Of All Japanese (February 19, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-635)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 19, 1942, p. 8

Complete Alien Ouster is Urged (February 11, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-618)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 11, 1942, p. 4

Army Selects Centers for Alien Evacuees (March 6, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-672)
The Seattle Daily Times, March 6, 1942, p. 18

Plans For Evacuating Aliens Told (February 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-644)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 23, 1942, pp. 1, 4

What to Do With Japs Agitates Entire N.W. (February 21, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-642)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 21, 1942, p. 3

Nisei Group to Fight Evacuation (February 20, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-638)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 20, 1942, p. 13

Produce Hit, If Japs Are Ousted (February 19, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-636)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 19, 1942, p. 11

Legion Asks Jap Ouster (February 17, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-629)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 17, 1942, p. 4

We Should Oust Japs From U.S., Says Solon (February 26, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-650)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 26, 1942, p. 5

Evacuation May Cover Area West of Cascades. Government to Help Locate New Homes but Evacuees Must Provide Own Transportation; Dates Unset (February 16, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-626)
The Seattle Daily Times, February 16, 1942, pp. 1, 10

Memo from General Emmons to John McCloy (ddr-densho-67-51)
Memo from General Emmons to John McCloy on nisei in the military. Gives statistics on Nisei in the military in Hawaii and suggests that even though they stopped accepting Nisei in the military creating an all-Nisei combat unit would improve security issues in Hawaii. Emmons says that 300 Nisei already volunteered, an indication of potential success …

Memo: "Summary of Report on Loyal West Coast Japanese" (ddr-densho-67-8)
Memorandum from John Franklin Carter summarizing Curtis Munson's reports regarding the Japanese Americans on the West Coast.

Memo to Francis Biddle from Congressman Ward Johnson (ddr-densho-67-128)
Memo to Francis Biddle from California Congressman Ward Johnson urging immediate incarceration of Japanese Americans.