Minidoka Irrigator
The Minidoka Irrigator was published from September 10, 1942 to July 28, 1945. The newspaper was staffed mainly by camp inmates who wrote the articles, set the type, and printed the final copies. The Irrigator offered advice on how to adapt to life in Minidoka and publicized camp activities, such as dances and sports events.
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Minidoka Irrigator
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Minidoka Irrigator (newspaper)
188 items
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 48 (January 22, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-73)
Selected article titles: "Selective Service Open to Nisei. Reclassification of Citizens to Begin, War Department Announces" (p. 1), "Evacuee Future to be Discussed. 4-Man Relocation Team Will Visit Hunt Feb. 7-10" (p. 1), "Chicago Conference Postponed; Hunt Will Send Delegates" (p. 1), "Colorado Attorney Finds Japanese May Own Property" (p. 1), "17 Year Olds Must Register …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. II No. 11 (February 6, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-27)
Selected article titles: "WRA Registration Ordered Here. All Males, Females 17 and Older Are Affected" (p. 1), "Meetings Set to Inform Public On Induction Plan" (p. 1), "Ex-Bainbridge Residents Coming Here" (p. 1), "102 Students Released Since September" (p. 2), "Opportunity Assured All. Relocation Success Depends On Evacuees, Says Sasaki" (p. 3), "To Loyal Issei, Nisei …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 5 (September 29, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-5)
Selected article titles: "Scarcity of Trucks Holds Stored Goods" (p. 1), "Rehousing Program Revised Under Huycke Supervision" (p. 1), "Colonists Will Vote Tonight" (p. 1), "Dining Hall Workers First to Pick Labor Delegates" (p. 1), "Co-op Drives For Membership" (p. 2), "55 Compete in Giant Go Tournament" (p. 2), "Public Works Jobs Open But Others Filled" …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 18 (June 26, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-45)
Selected article titles: "Supreme Court Upholds Curfew Regulations. Yasui and Hirabayashi Must Serve Sentences" (p. 1), "Ready to Serve Sentences, Aver Curfew Violators" (p. 1), "Navy School Accomplishes Teaching Job. Director Visits Hunt, Seeks Qualified Men to Augment Faculty" (p. 1), "Minneapolis Friendliest City in U.S., Visiting Camp Savage Soldiers Agree" (p. 1), "11-year-old Youth Victim …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 28 Part 2 (September 16, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-103)
Selected article titles: "Stretching 1,00 Acre Farm Supplies All Food for Project. Surplus Products Exchange With Other Projects Makes Hunt Self-Sustaining" (p. 1), "Hog, Poultry Units Add to Prestige; Growth Fast Despite Insufficient Staff to Man 1000 Acres" (p. 1), "Community Gov't. Set up Dec., 1943. Residents Realize Necessity of Self-governing Body To Express Desires" (p. …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 17 (November 11, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-16)
Selected article titles: "Two Chosen Delegates to JACL Meet" (p. 1), "Hospital Workers Receive September Pay" (p. 1), "Stafford in S.L. To Seek Reason For Coal Delay" (p. 1), "Nisei, Kibei for Army School Sought by Placement Office" (p. 1), "Buy War Bonds, Residents Advised" (p. 1), "Relocation Faces Lull Till Winter Quarter Begins" (p. 1), …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 7 (October 7, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-6)
Selected article titles: "Three-Point Program For Labor Cited" (p. 1), "Myer, National W.R.A. Head Due Here Monday for Visit" (p. 1), "7 Man Planning Board Picked Okajima Polls Highest Vote" (p. 1), "Two Voted in Labor Board" (p. 1), "Ten Leave for Domestic Jobs" (p. 1), "Editorial: 'Whose Fault Was It?'" (p. 2), "Family Transfer Forms …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 3 (March 11, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-80)
Selected article titles: "Project Council Takes Up Many Community Problems. Commission at First Meeting last Friday Eight Candidates Nominated for Judicial" (p. 1), "War Dept. Clarifies Army Policy In Replay to Petition by Mothers" (p. 1), ";Puka Puka; Boys of 100th Battalion Prove Worth Under Fire in Italy" (p. 1), "Removal of Nisei From Camp Grant …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 5 (March 25, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-187)
Selected article titles: "Council Airs City Problems. Miso, Moyashi Plants; OPD Situation Argued" (p. 1), "Women Drivers, Mechanics Needed by Motor Pool" (p. 1), "Dr. Neher Urges Caution Against Sagebrush Trips" (p. 1), "Brave Yanks With Yellow Skin" (p. 2), "Camp-Wide Egg Hunt Scheduled" (p. 2).
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 50 (February 5, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-186)
Selected article titles: "Residents to Elect Councilmen Monday. 16 Candidates Eligible for Council Seats; Qualified Voters to Ballot for Seven" (p. 1), "Inspectors Will Arrive for Alien Registration" (p. 1), "Rare Foodstuff Distribution Decided by Group" (p. 1), "Company of Army Troops Removed from Tule Center" (p. 1), "Minidoka Will Hear Facts About Outside. Relocation Experts …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 30 (December 30, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-21)
Selected article titles: "Stamp Plan Is Clarified By Essene" (p. 1), "18-Year-Olds Must Register For Draft" (p. 1), "United JACL Group Seen" (p. 1), "N.M. Residents Oppose Entry Of Japanese" (p. 1), "Babies Born in Hunt Duly Registered, Says Dr. Neher" (p. 1), "Survey Shows Reunion of Internee Families Favored" (p. 2), "17,000 Gifts Donated Hunt" …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 27 (December 16, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-19)
Selected article titles: "Study Relocation Program -- Holland. WRA Employment Head Gives Advice" (p. 1), "Block 44 Opening In Few Days" (p. 1), "Motion Pictures Taken Here For Official Files of WRA" (p. 1), "Student Council Lists Objectives" (p. 2), "Nominal Change To Be Made For Cashing Personal Checks" (p. 3), "Arts And Handicraft Taught Grade …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 18 (June 21, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-93)
Selected article titles: "Farm Program For 1944-5 Set. Early Summer Harvest Yields 25,000 Pounds of Vegetables, S. Kamaya Reveals; 660 Acres Now Planted" (p. 1), "Quarterly Census Set For June 30" (p. 1), "Evacuee Land Owners Warned of Campaign. Dillon S. Myer Instructs Residents of Escheat Proceedings Now Being Conducted By Pacific Coast States" (p. 1), …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 1 (September 10, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-1)
Selected article titles: "Huycke Sees Early End of Housing Jam" (p. 1), "Off Project Work to Start: Beet Workers Leaving First" (p. 1), "Stafford Gives First Message" (p. 1), "Portland Colonists Here" (p. 1), "Editorial: Eyes on Tomorrow" (p. 2), "50 Cops Pound Dusty Beat" (p. 2), "Harmonious Living, Goal of Program" (p. 2), "First Wed" …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 20 (November 21, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-153)
Selected article titles: "Evacuation Illegal?" (p. 1), "Sign Up for Clearance, Advice Given" (p. 3), "Irrigator Hit by Shortage of Typewriters" (p. 3), "Co-op Pleas Free Movies for Young; Studies Bus Demands" (p. 3).
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. V No. 22 (July 28, 1945) (ddr-densho-119-148)
Selected article titles: "Four Dining Hall Closures Announced" (p. 1), "Relocatees Assistance Asked by D.S. Myer" (p. 1), "Irrigator Pays Tribute to Hunt Men Killed in Action" (p. 1), "The Last Chapter" (p. 2), "We Come to the End -- Looking to the Future" (p. 4).
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 23 (July 22, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-189)
Selected article titles: "Three Hunt Men Killed in Italian Fighting. War Department Notifies Next of Kin; Nine Others Wounded; One Missing in Italian Campaign. Fifth Army Takes Livorno" (p. 1), "69 Hunt Men Inducted; 10 Pass Exams. 12 Face Federal Charge of Failing to Report for Induction" (p. 1), "Expatriation Law Clarified by Barrett. Applicant Must …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 21 (July 17, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-48)
Selected article titles: "Stafford Defines Basic WRA Relocation Policy" (p. 1), "Graduation Rites Held at Language School Saturday" (p. 1), "Relocation Must Be Goal For Evacuees -- Stafford" (p. 1), "New Efficiency Work Hours Inaugurated" (p. 1), "Two Hundred-Six Seniors Receive Diplomas at Commencement Friday" (p. 1), "Center to Be Used Not Named Yet. Repatriation Applicants …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 29 (December 25, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-159)
Selected article titles: "Christmas Issue" (p. 1), "A Prayer for Peace" (p. 3), "Editorial: Everything For, Nothing Against" (p. 4), "American Friends Service Committee Sends Greetings" (p. 6), "Abe Case Top Story. Irrigator Lists Leading Stories" (p. 11), "The Night Before Christmas: Hunt 1942 Wartime Version" (p. 16), "Special News Section: Special Dining Permits Denied" (p. …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 7 (April 8, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-83)
Selected article titles: "Centerwide Census Taken" (p. 1), "Servicemen From Various Camps Visit Hunt" (p. 1), "Evacuee Property Studied By Residents, Councilmen" (p. 1), "Tule Holds Leave Clearance Hearings" (p. 1), "Evacuee Property Ruling Amended" (p. 1), "Nisei Ruled Eligible To Get Farm Loans. Applicants Must Meet Loyalty, Character Requirements, Says Washington" (p. 1), "Camp Savage …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 19 (July 3, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-46)
Selected article titles: "Newsmen See Hunt During 'Open House'" (p. 1), "Myer Orders Project Payroll Cut. 2900 Job Quota Set" (p. 1), "Stafford Declines Resignation of Commission" (p. 1), "Nine Volunteers Wait Army Call" (p. 1), "Pay, Timekeeping Process Clarified" (p. 1), "Dies Committee Demands Reorganization of WRA" (p. 1), "Resolution Asks Pacific Coast 'Leadership' Aid" …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 37 (November 18, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-113)
Selected article titles: "Lt. J. Kanaya, Former Portlander Rescues Sgt. Exposes Himself to Shell Fragments Treating Nine Other Wounded Men" (p. 1), "Those Who Fell in Line of Duty" (p. 1), "Four Former Hunt Men Reported Wounded" (p. 1), "Wounded Veteran of Italian Campaign Refused Service" (p. 1), "P.I. Interprets Hosokawa Story in Ht. Mt. Sentinel" …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 22 (November 28, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-155)
Selected article titles: "Special Christmas Fund Drive on December 3-5" (p. 1), "Preserve Rights, Act Now -- Yasui. Advocates Cooperation With Govt." (p. 1), "Co-op Ready to File Papers of Incorporation" (p. 1), "Permit Needed for Alteration of Buildings" (p. 3), "Issei Advised to Lend Assistance Toward Adopted Land to Utmost" (p. 3).
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. V No. 2 (March 10, 1945) (ddr-densho-119-129)
Selected article titles: "Gate Procedure for Visitors to Center Now Put in Effect" (p. 1), "Approved Relocation Suspended" (p. 1), "Lost Battalion Gives Plaque to 442nd Infantry for Rescue" (p. 1), "Bar Association Acts to Protect Minority Rights" (p. 1), "Hood River Legion Post to Restore Names of Nisei Men" (p. 1), "Oregon Alien Land Law …
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 33 (October 14, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-108)
Selected article titles: "Public Opinion Change Due to Record of 442nd. Nisei Born in Relocation Centers Have Same View of Democracy at Outset as Puritans" (p. 1), "30 Draft Evaders Leave for McNeil" (p. 1), "Transplanted From the West Coast Evacuees Create Nine Artificial Cities" (p. 1), "Lawyers Ask Rescinding of Exclusion Act. Korematsu, Endo Case …