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979 items
Clara S. Hattori Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-427)
vh Clara S. Hattori Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-427)
Nisei female. Born May 21, 1919, in Sacramento, California. Grew up in the Loomis area of California, where parents ran a farm and fruit orchard. Just prior to World War II, worked in the Japanese Pavilion at the San Francisco World's Fair of 1939-1940. During World War II, removed to the Marysville Assembly Center, California, and …

Narrator Helen Amerman Manning

White female. Born March 23, 1916, in Bloomfield, New Jersey. Attended Michigan State College, then Stanford University for graduate courses, before becoming a high school teacher at the Minidoka concentration camp. After World War II, worked for various organizations in the field of race relations, including the San Francisco Council for Civic Unity, and the Oakland …

Narrator Toru Saito

Sansei male. Born December 11, 1937, in San Francisco, California. Nearly age four when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Removed with family to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. In this interview, Mr. Saito discusses many of the harmful psychological effects of the World War II experience on himself and other Japanese …

Narrator Minoru J. Shibata

Nisei male. Born 1928 in San Francisco, California. Spent most of childhood on Terminal Island, California, where father was a fisherman. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, father was arrested by the FBI and the rest of the family moved to Ogden, Utah, to farm. Served in the Army Air Corps in Japan during the U.S. …
Hibari Misora posing with her mother, Haruhisa Kawada and a Nichibei Kinema agent (ddr-njpa-4-970)
img Hibari Misora posing with her mother, Haruhisa Kawada and a Nichibei Kinema agent (ddr-njpa-4-970)
Caption on reverse: "FAREWELL TO HAWAII: Hibari Misora and Haruhisa Kawada are pictured on the roof of The Hawaii Times yesterday afternoon as they waved farewell after a fabulously successful personal appearance tour of the islands. Left to right: Muneo Kimura of Nichibei Kinema Co. of Los Angeles which is sponsoring the stars' American tour; Mrs. …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 25 No. 21 (November 29, 1947) (ddr-pc-19-48)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 25 No. 21 (November 29, 1947) (ddr-pc-19-48)
Selected article titles: "Urge JACL Chapters Adopt French Town of Bruyeres" (p. 1), "Two Renunciants File Suit to Regain Rights. Coercion at Tule Lake Center Charged by Spokane Couple" (p. 1), "National JACL Will Enter Restrictive Covenant Cases Before U.S. Supreme Court" (p. 1), "House Committee Will Study Restrictions on Japanese Aliens Residing in Hawaii" (p. …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 27 No. 5 (July 31, 1948) (ddr-pc-20-30)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 27 No. 5 (July 31, 1948) (ddr-pc-20-30)
Selected article titles: "Attorney General Clark Will Order Arrest of 'Tokyo Rose' For Wartime Radio Broadcasts" (p. 1), "Ennis, Masaoka Discuss Claims Program for Evacuees With Justice Department Officials" (p. 1), "Ennis, Masaoka Discuss Claims Program for Evacuees With Justice Department Officials" (p. 1), "President Sets Up Government Anti-Bias Policy. Anti-Discrimination Board Created by Executive Order" …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 27 No. 17 (October 23, 1948) (ddr-pc-20-42)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 27 No. 17 (October 23, 1948) (ddr-pc-20-42)
Selected article titles: "President Truman Revokes Limited Passports Order. 40-Year Old Restriction Barred Some Hawaii Japanese from Traveling to U.S. Mainland" (p. 1), "Report Relaxation of Exit Permit Ruling on Issei Group" (p. 1), "Veterans Seek Ruling on Claims for Treatment of Mental Ills" (p. 1), "Limited Passports Regulations Originated from Segregation in San Francisco Schools" …
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 20, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-187)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 20, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-187)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Features discussion of the Memorial Day cleanup, JACL-sponsored party for local graduates, participation in the Fourth of July parade, using donations collected from loaning out the chapter's American flag for its upkeep, and the San Francisco District Council meeting. See this object in the California State …
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 12, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-161)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 12, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-161)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Features discussion of the Fourth of July parade, the upcoming talent show in Salinas, the cost of the new mimeograph, the women's auxiliary, suggestions for a benefit show, the Pacific Citizen newspaper, and the San Francisco District Council meeting. See this object in the California State …
Tribute to the life of Michi Nishiura Weglyn (ddr-csujad-24-130)
doc Tribute to the life of Michi Nishiura Weglyn (ddr-csujad-24-130)
An announcement for a tribute to Michi Weglyn, organized by her friends in San Francisco. The following people are listed as hosts of the event: Clifford Uyeda, Kiku Funabiki, Wayne M. Collins, Kenji G. Taguma, Rosalyn Tonai, Toshiko Kawamoto, Grace Shimizu, Fumie Shimada, Mits Koshiyama, Jean Ishibashi, Audee Kochiyama-Holman. See this object in the California State …
Judy Furuichi Interview (ddr-ajah-1-8)
vh Judy Furuichi Interview (ddr-ajah-1-8)
Sansei female. Born December 27, 1942, in the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Prior to World War II, parents lived and worked in Alameda, California. During World War II, the family was sent to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. After the war, the family returned to Alameda, where Judy grew up. …
Jimmy Naganuma Interview (ddr-densho-1000-480)
vh Jimmy Naganuma Interview (ddr-densho-1000-480)
Born May 23, 1936, in Callao, Peru. Spent early childhood in Peru, where parents ran a laundry business, and father was a prominent community leader. During World War II, the FBI arrested Jimmy's father and the entire family was placed on a ship and sent to the Department of Justice camp at Crystal City, Texas. After …
Kazumu Naganuma Interview (ddr-densho-1000-482)
vh Kazumu Naganuma Interview (ddr-densho-1000-482)
Born July 28, 1942, in Callao, Peru. Before World War II, parents ran a laundry business and father was a prominent community leader. When Kazumu was still an infant, the FBI arrested his father and sent the entire family to the Department of Justice camp at Crystal City, Texas. After leaving camp, the family was not …
View of Encinal Yacht club at night (ddr-ajah-6-715)
img View of Encinal Yacht club at night (ddr-ajah-6-715)
Caption below photo: Night scene of the Encinal Yacht Club. It was founded in 1890 and was famous for its moonlit parties, regattas, and cruising events. The clubhouse, seen here at the end of the pier, was an elaborate Victorian design, the main floor was reserved for dancing and the second floor was the resident of …
Two fatherless families awaiting mass removal (ddr-densho-151-112)
img Two fatherless families awaiting mass removal (ddr-densho-151-112)
Original caption: San Francisco, California. Families of two Shinto priests who were interned on December 8, 1942, immediately upon declaration of war. The mother at right has nine American born children and has been in the United States ten years. The mother on the left has been in this country two years, and neither speak English. …

Narrator Fred Oda

Nisei male. Born September 2, 1923, in Watsonville, California. Grew up in Watsonville, where parents operated a joint barbershop and bathhouse business. During World War II, removed to the Salinas Assembly Center, California, and the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, worked in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, before returning to Watsonville. Attended barber school in San Francisco, …

Narrator Shig Yabu

Nisei male. Born June 13, 1932, in San Francisco, California. During World War II, removed to the Pomona Assembly Center, California, and the Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. While in camp, found an injured magpie bird, named it Maggie, and adopted it as a pet. Following the war, wrote a children's book, Hello, Maggie! and became …

Narrator Lloyd K. Wake

Nisei male. Born January 12, 1922, in Reedley, California. Grew up in Reedley, where parents ran a farm. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, was removed to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. Left camp in 1943 to attend Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky, and entered the ministry. After the war, lived in San Francisco, California, and …

Narrator Phil Shigekuni

Yonsei male. Born March 28, 1934, in San Francisco, California. Grew up in Los Angeles. During World War II, removed to the Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, and the Granada (Amache) concentration camp, Colorado. Following the war, became a counselor in the public school system in Los Angeles. Active in a number of community causes including …

Narrator Noboru Richard Horikawa

Nisei male. Born 1926 in San Francisco, California. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, moved with family to stay with relatives in Watsonville, California. During World War II, removed to the Salinas Assembly Center, California, then to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. Left camp early to attend school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Drafted into the military and …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 16 No. 10 (March 11, 1943) (ddr-pc-15-10)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 16 No. 10 (March 11, 1943) (ddr-pc-15-10)
Selected article titles: "Hawaii Nisei Volunteers Near Ten Thousand" (p. 1), "WRA Reports 301 Evacuees Volunteer for Combat Service at Minidoka Relocation Center" (p. 1), "Nisei Evacuee Arrested After Return to San Francisco" (p. 1), "Details of Plan to Return 200 Evacuees to Former Homes In Arizona Left in WRA Hands" (p. 2), "Bainbridge Island Evacuees …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 6 (February 6, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-6)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 6 (February 6, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-6)
Selected article titles: "Issei first to get new DAR pin" (p. 1), "26 State Solons Co-Author Cal. FEPC Measure" (p. 1), "IDC to discuss marriage bias laws" (p. 1), "Hawaii maintains vigorous campaign to push citizenship training classes for aliens" (p. 3), "Chinese tongs provided insurance against want, place to stay in San Francisco" (p. 3), …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 11, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-186)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 11, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-186)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of co-sponsoring the Boy Scouts troop with the church, the graduation party, the dance class at the Bay View Grammar School, the Fourth of July parade, donations collected from use of the chapter's American flag, and the San Francisco District Council meeting. See …
Hawaiian Nisei veteran presenting lei (ddr-densho-114-186)
img Hawaiian Nisei veteran presenting lei (ddr-densho-114-186)
Original caption: Colonel Joseph P. Sullivan, Sixth Army Quartermaster, represents General Mark W. Clark, CG, Sixth Army, at a ceremony where Sam Kinoshita, Nisei veteran of the 442nd Combat Team, holds Hawaiian lei of 1,100 individual flowers, which is on route to Paris to be placed on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arch …