Hibari Misora posing with her mother, Haruhisa Kawada and a Nichibei Kinema agent

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Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-4-970 (J1161.008)

Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Japanese" Collection

Caption on reverse: "FAREWELL TO HAWAII: Hibari Misora and Haruhisa Kawada are pictured on the roof of The Hawaii Times yesterday afternoon as they waved farewell after a fabulously successful personal appearance tour of the islands. Left to right: Muneo Kimura of Nichibei Kinema Co. of Los Angeles which is sponsoring the stars' American tour; Mrs. Kimie Kato, Hibari's mother; Hibari, and Kawada. They left for San Francisco last night by Pan American Airways.--(Hawaii Times photo by Don Nagano)."

c. 1950


Still Image

Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

Courtesy of the Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

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