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Wedding party (ddr-densho-363-1)
Photograph of the wedding party at Sam Sakamoto and Hanaye (Fujiwara) Sakamoto's wedding. The photograph was taken by Frank C. Hirahara.\n\nTo view more photographs of the Sakamoto wedding and other photographs taken by Frank C. Hirahara please visit the Oregon Nikkei Endowment's Frank C. Hirahara Collection.
Group of soldiers (ddr-densho-201-525)
Back row, left to right: Joe Sakamoto, Asada [?], Otsaka, Koshiba, Kuwahara, Saiyuki, Sakata, Masao Sakagami, Okamoto, Wataki, Fujihara, Inukai, Yoshimura. Front row, left to right: Fujimori, Arisumi, Watanabe, Ezuka, Saito, Shiroma, Sam Fujii, Thomas Fujimoto.
Kuwahara Family Collection (ddr-densho-363)
Photograph of the wedding party at Sam Sakamoto and Hanaye (Fujiwara) Sakamoto's wedding. The photograph was taken by Frank C. Hirahara. To view more photographs of the Sakamoto wedding and other photographs taken by Frank C. Hirahara please visit the Japanese American Museum of Oregon's Frank C. Hirahara Collection.
Heart Mountain photographs concentrating on Kimi Kuwahara …
Scatterbrain masterpieces: short stories, poetry, jokes, cartoons, carnival editions (ddr-csujad-26-45)
Student created magazine consisting of several drawings, poems, and short stories including: "Spectacular flight" by Mary Furuta, "Nisei learns to smile again" by Teiko Hamaguchi, "Small but solid" by Sam Himoto, "Terrific teens" by Rose Hiraoka, "Too young" by Toshi Iwasaki, "Glamour ain't hay" by Helen Kanemasu, "Alone with brother" by Natalie Nakamura, "17 a boy" …
Inaugural opening of Elk Grove Japanese School (ddr-csujad-55-1588)
Sepia-toned photograph of a group of students and adults at the inaugural opening of the Elk Grove Japanese language school. Photograph includes identification of some individuals. From left to right, Yamada, Hatsutaro Ishigaki, Kanjiro Omae, George Haruto Omae, Harry Kaname Omae, Frank Yamada, George Shigeru Matsumoto, Shigeo Sakamoto, Makishima, Robert Masaru Matsumoto, Tsunematsu Sugimoto, Elwood Norio …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 21 (November 24, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-48)
Selected article titles: "New NIMH Grant of $118,000 Assures Continuance of Issei History Project" (p. 1), "Nisei Editor Quits Over Negro Issue: Charges College Administration Kills Free Press" (p. 1), "L.A. museum to show photos of Japanese town" (p. 1), "All-Oriental human relations council forms in Los Angeles" (p. 1), "Deportation of Unwanted Alien Upheld: Japanese …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 24 (June 12, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-24)
Selected article titles: "JACL objectives for 1960-70 to be drafted by commission" (p. 1), "Special Issei citizenship class of nine ranging in ages 77-92 await taking of oath, hope Supreme Court Chief administers it" (p. 1), "L.A.-born strandee restored citizenship on basis of 'certificate of identity'" (p. 3), "NBC radio series on minorities begins in L.A." …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 22 (November 30, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-48)
Selected article titles: "Central California JACL officers to be installed en masse Dec. 2" (p. 1), "Issei mainlanders more Americanized" (p. 1), "Separate statehood bills may succeed, says Engle; "Arizona Nuptial Law Test Case May be Blooped" (p. 1), "Democracy in Japan should be reconsidered" (p. 2), "'No' Votes on Prop. 13 viewed as strong testimonial …
1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted
Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. I No. 1 (October 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-97-99)
Selected article titles: "Residents to Name Charter Delegates" (p. 1), "Heart Mountain Inspires Name for New Project Newspaper" (p. 1), "Griffin Warns Reckless Drivers" (p. 1), "First Copies Sent Roosevelt, Myer" (p. 1), "Two Cases Tried by Heart Mountain Court" (p. 2), "Residents Warned of Bogus Wardens" (p. 2), "USO Plans for Center Under Way" (p. …
Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-176)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1973-1974.
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