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744 items
Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 107 (September 7, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-194)
doc Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 107 (September 7, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-194)
Selected article titles: "Camp Folks Ready for Relocation"; "'Tokyo Rose' Taken Into Custody by Yank M. P.S."; "On the Other Hand"; "'Gentlemen, He'll Have to Answer to Me!'"; "Over the Top"; "Heap Praises on Mayor of Bay City"; "Missionaries Prepare to Go Back to Japan"; "Medicaid Care for Veterans"; "These are Some of the Things Soldiers …
Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 126 (October 22, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-212)
doc Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 126 (October 22, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-212)
Selected article titles: "Inertia Prevents Tule Relocation"; "'He Seems to Have Been Born Brave'"; "Interior Secretary States WRA to Drop Tule Lake Management by February 1"; "Fear Mother Atomic Bomb Victim in Japan"; "Committee Supporting Non-Deportation Plan"; "Tokyo Rose Jailed on Suspicion of Treason"; "'They Speak Only Japanese at Restaurant'"; "Still Remembered"; "Soldier Killed in Plane …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4376 (October 18, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-87)
doc Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4376 (October 18, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-87)
Selected article titles: "Berkeley, Calif. Proves 'Test Tube' for Postwar Racial Problems"; "To Investigate Attack on Evacuee in Wyo."; "Nisei Find Selves Stuck in Japan"; "'Guaranteed Housing' Asked for Relocatees"; "YBA Goblin's Frolic"; "Cal. Equalization Board Finally Yields to Issei Demands"; "Nisei Wins Scholarship at College in Boston"; "Local Nisei Bowling League"; "Bears Meet Zebras in …
Methodist Banquet (ddr-one-1-344)
img Methodist Banquet (ddr-one-1-344)
Black and white photographic negative of guests at a banquet held inside a church. Guest seated along right side of table in foreground from left to right: May (Ebihara) Gelfand, Rose Namba, unidentified, Loretta (Fujii) Kaneko, unidentified, Betty Ishida, and Jayne (Katada) Furukawa. All other guests unidentified. Sign behind the pulpit reads: "Just a Happy Smile: …
Issei men around a table (ddr-densho-259-341)
img Issei men around a table (ddr-densho-259-341)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of 33 Issei men in business suits in a small room gathered around a white cloth-covered long table."
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 10 (September 8, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-36)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 10 (September 8, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-36)
Selected article titles: "Army Revokes All Coast Exclusion Orders. Proclamations By Gen. Pratt, Stimson End Military Ruling Which Implemented Evacuation" (p. 1), "Anti-Nisei Group Organizers Face Fraud Charge in Seattle" (p. 1), "Five Tule Lake Youths Freed From Camp Jail" (p. 2), "Protest Canadian Program for Repatriation of Evacuee Group" (p. 2), "U.S. Coast Guard Revokes …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 11 (September 14, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-37)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 11 (September 14, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-37)
Selected article titles: "California Farm Bureau Endorses Prop. 13, to urge 70,000 members" (p. 1), "Organization Stand on 'Tokyo Rose' Hearing to be Considered" (p. 1), "Nat'l JACL convention coverage noted in top Atlantic seaboard newspapers" (p. 1), "Nisei statistician notes more women over 50 dying of heart disease lately" (p. 2), " "Final half of …
Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 110 (September 14, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-197)
doc Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 110 (September 14, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-197)
Selected article titles: "Vets Present for Gift to Truman"; "On the Other Hand"; "Niseis in Japan Called 'Cute,' Uninfluential"; "'Ordained Stars' Topic for Sermon This Sunday"; "Order to Deport Certain Aliens"; "Sergeant Gosho Guest of League at Denver in N.Y."; "Seek to Extradite 'Tokyo Rose' on Treason Charge"; "10 Families Get Housing"; "Nippon Liberals 'Have Christian …
Garden dance (ddr-one-1-529)
img Garden dance (ddr-one-1-529)
Color slide taken from the top of a hill behind a crowd watching what appears to part of an event for the Rose Festival. There are eight girls in colorful gowns, and one girl is leading them in a dance in a short white dress. A military band is seated in the background on the left. …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 16 (April 20, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-16)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 16 (April 20, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-16)
Selected article titles: "Colorado Nisei Named as Top Farmer of Year" (p. 1), "State supreme court backs up Nisei in damage suit against sand-rock firm" (p. 1), "Senate Passes Bill Amending Fulbright Act" (p. 1), "JACL Regional Office Vandalized, Burglarized for Sixth Time" (p. 1), "JACL raps flood of anti-Semitic letters" (p. 1), "Tokyo Rose to …
Two young women standing in front of barracks (ddr-csujad-52-22)
img Two young women standing in front of barracks (ddr-csujad-52-22)
Two young women standing in front of barracks at Minidoka incarceration camp in Hunt, Idaho. Caption next to image reads, "OUTSIDE--Sharon Aburano, 16, left, stands outside the barrack where she was confined in a Japanese American interment camp in Hunt, Idaho during World War II. The upper part of the barrack behind her is covered with …
Class of 1938 Electrical Engineers (ddr-densho-287-690)
img Class of 1938 Electrical Engineers (ddr-densho-287-690)
Group photograph of 26 men. The image is of the Oregon State College (not Oregon State University) Electrical Engineering Class of 1938. Written on the image are the numbers 1-26. Identified: 1 Bob Welty 2 Milton Maeda 3 Fred Clausen 4 Vic Carson 5 Dan Smith 6 Dav Fulton 7 Dav Cox 8 Phil Brownell 9 …
Scatterbrain masterpieces: short stories, poetry, jokes, cartoons, carnival editions (ddr-csujad-26-45)
doc Scatterbrain masterpieces: short stories, poetry, jokes, cartoons, carnival editions (ddr-csujad-26-45)
Student created magazine consisting of several drawings, poems, and short stories including: "Spectacular flight" by Mary Furuta, "Nisei learns to smile again" by Teiko Hamaguchi, "Small but solid" by Sam Himoto, "Terrific teens" by Rose Hiraoka, "Too young" by Toshi Iwasaki, "Glamour ain't hay" by Helen Kanemasu, "Alone with brother" by Natalie Nakamura, "17 a boy" …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXII, No. 5, May 1985 (ddr-sjacl-1-347)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXII, No. 5, May 1985 (ddr-sjacl-1-347)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Hirabayashi Hearing scheduled for June 17. Note, Korematsu Hearing complete, with favorable outcome; bios on David Okimoto, Bob Sato; Senate Joint Memorial Bill 104 asks Congress and the President to enact CWRIC recommendations; Op Ed appears in Seattle Times opposing Redress, by three civilians using misinformation about ?Magic Cables? that has …
Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 128 (October 26, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-214)
doc Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 128 (October 26, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-214)
Selected article titles: "Estimate Return Will be One-Half"; "Council Awards Rank to Boy Scout Matsumoto"; "Thank Bay City Mayor"; "Births are Reported"; "He Volunteers for Service to See Sister in Shanghai"; "Equity Censures Frank Fay for Criticism"; "Policy Stated"; "Returnees Donate $700 to JACL, Other Groups"; "Hayasaka-Takeuchi Rites Held in Whitemarsh, PA"; "Rose was Signing Snorter …
White River Valley Chapter, Valley Civic League Social/Sunshine leaders (ddr-densho-277-68)
doc White River Valley Chapter, Valley Civic League Social/Sunshine leaders (ddr-densho-277-68)
A list of the JACL White River Valley Chapter members who acted as the "Social/Sunshine" leaders from 1930 to 2009.
Pacific Citizen Vol. 21 No. 10 (ddr-densho-121-1)
doc Pacific Citizen Vol. 21 No. 10 (ddr-densho-121-1)
Selected article titles: "Army Revokes All Coast Exclusion Orders" (p. 1), "Japanese American Soldiers Among First U.S. Troops to Land on Japan's Home Islands" (p. 1), "Anti-Nisei Group Organizers Face Fraud Charge in Seattle" (p. 1), "Harper's Article Says Coast Evacuation of Nisei Citizens "Our Worst Wartime Mistake"" (p. 1), "Nisei Sergeant Reported Killed on Day …
Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-321)
img Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-321)
Black and white photographic negative of the attendees of the Northwest Methodist Rally in Portland on November 23-25, 1951. The group is posed in front of the old Epworth Methodist Church building. Front row left to right starting third from left: Rupert Fujii, Shig Tada, and Reverend Francis Hayashi, other unidentified. Second row left to right: …
Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-324)
img Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-324)
Black and white photographic negative of the attendees of the Northwest Methodist Rally in Portland on November 23-25, 1951. Inscription on photograph reads "Northwest methodis Rally Portland Nov. 23-". The group is posed in front of the old Epworth Methodist Church building. Front row left to right starting third from left: Rupert Fujii, Shig Tada, and …
Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-74)
img Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-74)
Original black and white photographic print of the attendees of the Northwest Methodist Rally in Portland on November 23-25, 1951. The group is posed in front of the old Epworth Methodist Church building. Inscription on photograph reads "Northwest Methodist Rally Portland Nov. 23-25, 1951". Front row left to right starting third from left: Rupert Fujii, Shig …
Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-322)
img Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-322)
Black and white photographic negative of the attendees of the Northwest Methodist Rally in Portland on November 23-25, 1951. Inscription on negative reads "Northwest methodis Rally Portla Nov. 23-25, 1951." The group is posed in front of the old Epworth Methodist Church building. Front row left to right starting third from left: Rupert Fujii, Shig Tada, …
Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-319)
img Northwest Methodist Rally Portland (ddr-one-1-319)
Black and white group photographic negative of the attendees of the Northwest Methodist Rally in Portland on November 23-25, 1951. Inscription on negative reads "Northwest Methodist Rally Portland Nov. 23-25, 1951." The group is posed in front of old Epworth Methodist Church building. Front row left to right starting third from left: Rupert Fujii, Shig Tada, …