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1320 items
img "Nikkei farm family scene" (ddr-densho-259-133)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A Nikkei farm family scene, taken at one of the early Yasui farms in Summit, which is slightly north and a little west of Odell, Oregon. The farm 'family' was mostly the young Masuo and Shidzuyo Yasuis Sitting back left is, I believe, Yoshizaemon Mori...I think that standing in the center is …
Marjorie Matsushita Sperling Interview (ddr-densho-1000-273)
vh Marjorie Matsushita Sperling Interview (ddr-densho-1000-273)
Nisei female. Born July 27, 1922, in Wapato, Washington. Grew up in Wapato, where family ran a farm. Was attending the University of Washington when the war broke out on December 7, 1941. Removed with family to the Portland Assembly Center, Oregon, and the Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. While in camp, worked for the recreation …
Bill Nishimura Interview (ddr-densho-1000-119)
vh Bill Nishimura Interview (ddr-densho-1000-119)
Nisei male, born June 21, 1920, in Compton, California. Raised on a farm in Lawndale, California. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, his father was picked up by FBI and detained at a Department of Justice (DOJ) internment camp in Lordsburg, New Mexico. His family voluntarily moved to Visalia, California, then was forcibly moved to Poston …
Department of Justice Alien Enemy Hearing Board Report and Recommendation page 3 of 4 (ddr-one-5-155)
doc Department of Justice Alien Enemy Hearing Board Report and Recommendation page 3 of 4 (ddr-one-5-155)
Photocopy of a declassified report detailing the reasoning behind the recommendation that Dr. Keizaburo Koyama be interned as an alien enemy. This page continues with the assessment of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber felt it was under FBI investigation in 1940 and someone there suggested they conduct their meetings in secret. The report states …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 6 (February 8, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-6)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 6 (February 8, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-6)
Selected article titles: "Nisei hopes for U.S.-Japan ties told to new envoy Masaoka confers with MacArthur II, newly U.S. ambassador to Japan" (p. 1); "See boost in Japan quota of immigrants" (p. 1); "Masaoka to speak at Philadelphia fete" (p. 1); "JACL urges early enactment of civil rights bill this session" (p. 1); "College Scholarship plus …
Pacific Citizen Vol. 22 No. 7 (ddr-densho-121-13)
doc Pacific Citizen Vol. 22 No. 7 (ddr-densho-121-13)
Selected article titles: "Rep. Miller Introduces Bill to Eliminate Discrimination From U.S. Immigration Law" (p. 1), "Equal Rights Sought for Canadian Nisei" (p. 1), "Legal Defense Planned in Land Act Cases" (p. 1), "Charge Violation of Alien Land Act in Madera Area" (p. 1), "President Truman Pays High Tribute to Nisei Soldiers" (p. 1), "Barber Refuses …
Tad Sato Interview (ddr-densho-1000-82)
vh Tad Sato Interview (ddr-densho-1000-82)
Nisei male. Born May 9, 1922, in Portland, Oregon. Moved to Seattle with father after parents divorced. Grew up in Seattle's Nihonmachi where father ran a secondhand store. Disinterested in college after seeing a lack of employment opportunities for graduating Japanese Americans. Went to work for Great Northern Railway, laying and maintaining tracks on the West …
Takeharu Inouye Collection (ddr-densho-365)
Collection Takeharu Inouye Collection (ddr-densho-365)
At the age of thirteen, Takeharu Inouye and his immediate family experienced forced relocation to the Sacramento Assembly Center (Walerga), and were subsequently moved to the Tule Lake concentration camp. They remained at Tule Lake for the duration of WWII due to their "disloyal" sentiments. Takeharu recorded his experiences at Tule Lake in three diaries, which …
Letter written on behalf of Keizaburo Koyama by Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Goodenough. Page 3 of 4. (ddr-one-5-114)
doc Letter written on behalf of Keizaburo Koyama by Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Goodenough. Page 3 of 4. (ddr-one-5-114)
Photocopy of a declassified letter written to Dr. William G. Everson, President of Linnfield College in McMinneville, Oregon and Chairman of the Alien Enemy Hearing Board by Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Goodenough. This is the third page of a four-part letter. Mrs. Goodenough notes that per the morning newspaper, the Examining Board for Dr. Koyama's hearing …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 4 (July 26, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-30)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 4 (July 26, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-30)
Select article titles: "TV Critic says Anti-Nisei Films Should be Junked" (p. 1); Aliens seeking adjustment of residence status allowed trips to U.S. possessions; Japanese circus performer can visit Hawaii" (p. 1); Library Named in Memory of Ex-Calif. Issei" (p. 2); "U.S.-Japan gov't cooperation assured for Nisei businessman's international confab" (p. 2); Hawaiian students gather material …

Narrator Tad Sato

Nisei male. Born May 9, 1922, in Portland, Oregon. Moved to Seattle with father after parents divorced. Grew up in Seattle's Nihonmachi where father ran a secondhand store. Disinterested in college after seeing a lack of employment opportunities for graduating Japanese Americans. Went to work for Great Northern Railway, laying and maintaining tracks on the West …
Letter written on behalf of Keizaburo Koyama by Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Goodenough. Page 2 of 4. (ddr-one-5-113)
doc Letter written on behalf of Keizaburo Koyama by Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Goodenough. Page 2 of 4. (ddr-one-5-113)
Photocopy of a declassified letter written to Dr. William G. Everson, President of Linnfield College in McMinneville, Oregon and Chairman of the Alien Enemy Hearing Board by Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Goodenough. This is the second page of a four-letter. The letter continues, stating that early on in their relationship with the Koyamas, Mrs. Koyama confessed …
Minoru Kiyota Interview (ddr-densho-1000-36)
vh Minoru Kiyota Interview (ddr-densho-1000-36)
Kibei male, born October 12, 1923, in Seattle, Washington. Raised primarily in San Francisco, California, spending four years in Hiratsuka, Japan. Was incarcerated with his family at Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Refused to sign the so-called "loyalty questionnaire," and as a consequence was moved to Tule Lake Segregation Center, California. In Tule, he renounced his U.S. …
Case file for Keizaburo Koyama from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Page 4 of 6. (ddr-one-5-101)
doc Case file for Keizaburo Koyama from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Page 4 of 6. (ddr-one-5-101)
Photocopy of a declassified report on Keizaburo Koyama. The page starts with a review of the 1928 census which states that Koyama entered the United States in December of 1918 and that he has a wife, a son named Katsumi, and two daughters named Eva and Kes. Myron Johnston, a neighbor of Koyama, tracked Koyama's family …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 10 (March 8, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-10)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 10 (March 8, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-10)
Select article titles: "Salt Lake bids for 1958 convention 15th Biennial may be co-sponsored by Mt. Olympus; dates not yet announced" (p. 1); Over $250,000 Awarded for Claims in Jan." (p. 1); "L.A. race relations progress in Look" (p. 1); "Repatriates Denied Right to Sue for Vested Property Return" (p. 1); "Flood Damage Light for Nisei …
Keiko Shinmoto Interview (ddr-densho-1021-3)
vh Keiko Shinmoto Interview (ddr-densho-1021-3)
Keiko Shinmoto's father migrated from Hiroshima to Portland, Oregon, where his brother was an owner of a grocery store. After returning to Hiroshima to see his ailing father, Keiko's father found it impossible to return to America as his mother hid his passport to keep him in Japan. Shortly, Keiko's mother joined him in Hiroshima, also …

Narrator Keiko Shinmoto

Keiko Shinmoto's father migrated from Hiroshima to Portland, Oregon, where his brother was an owner of a grocery store. After returning to Hiroshima to see his ailing father, Keiko's father found it impossible to return to America as his mother hid his passport to keep him in Japan. Shortly, Keiko's mother joined him in Hiroshima, also …

Narrator Bill Hosokawa

Nisei male. Born in Seattle on January 30, 1915, and attended Washington grade school, Garfield High School and the University of Washington. He grew up as a typical Nisei, working summers in Alaska salmon canneries and Western Avenue produce brokerages to pay for his education. He became interested in writing at Garfield where he was sports …
Bill Hosokawa Interview (ddr-densho-122-26)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview (ddr-densho-122-26)
Nisei male. Born in Seattle on January 30, 1915, and attended Washington grade school, Garfield High School and the University of Washington. He grew up as a typical Nisei, working summers in Alaska salmon canneries and Western Avenue produce brokerages to pay for his education. He became interested in writing at Garfield where he was sports …
Bill Hosokawa Interview (ddr-densho-1000-129)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview (ddr-densho-1000-129)
Nisei male. Born in Seattle on January 30, 1915, and attended Washington grade school, Garfield High School and the University of Washington. He grew up as a typical Nisei, working summers in Alaska salmon canneries and Western Avenue produce brokerages to pay for his education. He became interested in writing at Garfield where he was sports …