211 items
211 items

Manzanar Free Press Vol. 7 No. 10 (August 4, 1945) (ddr-densho-125-361)
Selected article titles: "Block Consolidation Begins August 15. Ten Blocks Scheduled for Closing by September 12" (p. 1), "Minidoka Co-op to Dissolve in October" (p. 1), "Minidoka Irrigator Stops Publication" (p. 1), "Legal Residents Now Eligible for Entrance in State University" (p. 1), "Community Activities to Cut Down Local Functions" (p. 2).

Nisei soldier and the staff of the Minidoka Irrigator (ddr-densho-10-1)
T-Sergeant Ben Kuroki (center front), a famous Nisei war hero, poses with the staff of the Minidoka Irrigator, the Minidoka concentration camp newspaper. Front (left to right): Mitsu Yasuda, Cherry Tanaka, Ben Kuroki, Kimi Tambara, and Kerry Soejima. Middle: Mitsuko Miyoshi, unidentified, Sachi Yasui, Miye Takatsuka, Masako Tsujikawa, and Watson Asaba. Back: Johnny Okamoto, Peter Ohtaki, …

Scrapbook page (ddr-densho-35-323)
One article from Pacific Citizen titled: "Hawaiian stars of 442nd Unit Give Exhibition in Milan." Three articles from the Minidoka Irrigator, one of which is titled "Japanese Americans Honor Fallen Comrades." From scrapbook page titled: "Nisei in Europe (cont'd)."

Scrapbook page (ddr-densho-35-395)
Clippings from the Minidoka Irrigator, Christian Science Monitor, and other unknown newspapers. Article titles include: "Vandalism Fails to Deter Coast Grocer," "Monterey Rallies - and Intolerance Bows," "Nisei Choir Featured Over Army Hour," and "Girl Scouts Play Prominent Role in Center Activities."

Minidoka Irrigator Special Edition (February 23, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-171)
Selected article titles: "Blks. 26, 28, 30 Lead Volunteer Enlistment Here" (p. 1), "Why a Segregated Unit? War Secretary Answers" (p. 1), "Comments on Army Move Favorable" (p. 1), "Editorial: No Time for Confusion" (p. 2), "Volunteers May Get Legal Advice" (p. 2).

Minidoka Irrigator Special Edition (February 19, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-170)
Selected article titles: "Extend Army Policy! Non-Citizens May Volunteer Now" (p. 1), "Special Form Available for Technical Men" (p. 1), "Combat Unit Formation Hit" (p. 1), "Printed Irrigator May be Sent Out for 5 Cents a Copy" (p. 1), "Magic Valley J.A.C.L. Chapter Plans Pushed" (p. 3), "Army Move Lauded. Nation's Press Comments Favorably" (p. 4), …

Minidoka Irrigator: -Under the shadow of the cross (ddr-densho-483-71)
Newspaper clipping of Young People's Christian Conference (YPCC) event.

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 34 (October 16, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-185)
Selected article titles: "Three Youths are Jailed. Two Face Federal Charges as Result of Provo Incident" (p. 1), "Hunt Evacuees Work Hard in Fields of Nearby Farms. Staff Members Tour WFA Labor Camps, See Conditions, Watch Laborers" (p. 1), "First Frost Hits Project; Stoves Back in Use Again. Farm Products Now Being Harvested Not Harmed; Cold …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 19 (July 1, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-94)
Selected article titles: "Army Induction Set for July 19. Pre-Induction Physical Exams Scheduled in Center on Same Day" (p. 1), "22,000 Evacuees Now Relocated From Centers" (p. 1), "Property Must Be Removed From L.A." (p. 1), "Calif. Group Backs Return. 150 Letters Sent to War Department Promise Evacuee Aid" (p. 1), "7 Draft Evaders Taken To …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 8 (October 10, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-7)
Selected article titles: "City Planners to Meet With Dillon Myer" (p. 1), "September Pay Delayed Here" (p. 1), "3-Day Conference to Open on Farm Self-Subsistence" (p. 1), "Dr. Neher Goes to Arkansas" (p. 1), "Fire Force Seeks Women for Wardens" (p. 1), "Hunt Needs 125 Tons Coal Daily" (p. 1), "Editorial: This Must Be Our Goal!" …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 10 (May 1, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-37)
Selected article titles: "First Contingent of 39 Volunteers Leaves for Ft. Douglas" (p. 1), "Final Physicals Await Enlistees Before Induction" (p. 1), "Hunt's Army Volunteers Parade as Impressive Flag Dedication is Held" (p. 1), "JACL Purchases $2000 in Bonds" (p. 1), "Former Governor of Oregon Urges Ousting of Aliens" (p. 2), "Sentry Who Killed Topaz Man …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 45 (January 20, 1945) (ddr-densho-119-122)
Selected article titles: "First to Return Under New Rule" (p. 1), "3,817,311 Pounds Vegetables Grown on Project in 1944" (p. 1), "Friends Committee Will Assist Evacuee Return" (p. 1), "Gate Control Soon to Be On 24-Hour Basis" (p. 1), "Federal Positions Available to Eligible Evacuees" (p. 1), "Oregon Post Bars Japanese, Negroes" (p. 1), "Journal Editorial …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 43 (January 6, 1945) (ddr-densho-119-120)
Selected article titles: "Solon Kimball Studies Center Situation Here. Questions Pertaining to Closing of Center Asked at Joint Meet" (p. 1), "Ore. Licenses Available For Business" (p. 1), "Insurance Data Available on Deceased Soldiers" (p. 1), "Absence of Nisei Names From Honor Roll Stirs Gardenans" (p. 1), "Father Tibesar to Go to Chicago to Help Evacuees …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 7 (April 10, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-35)
Selected article titles: "Army Physical Exams Begin Tuesday" (p. 1), "7-Man Committee Will Intervene In Mess Disputes" (p. 1), "Re-entry Possible For Those Leaving Center-Williamson" (p. 1), "Beautification Program Under Way in Project" (p. 1), "Supreme Court to Decide Legality of Evacuation" (p. 1), "Emergency Financial Assistance Available to Evacuees on Leave" (p. 1), "FBI Chief …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 40 (November 27, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-65)
Selected article titles: "Hunt Boosts Third War Fund Drive $1,907.93" (p. 1), "New York Church Groups Aid Nisei Relocatees" (p. 1), "Income Tax Must Be Filed Before December 15" (p. 1), "Christian Week Begins Tomorrow" (p. 1), "Repatriates Reach Yokohama Harbor" (p. 1), "15,000 lbs. Mochi-gome Ordered for New Years" (p. 1), "Groups Oppose Selling Land …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 11 (May 8, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-39)
Selected article titles: "Miss. YWCA Offers Opportunity for Wives to be Near Soldier Husbands" (p. 1), "May Issue Certificate to Serve as Evidence of Volunteering" (p. 1), "Rejected Volunteers Get Priority in War Plant Jobs" (p. 1), "Ticklish Housing Problems Clarified for Residents. I.S. May Dispossess Occupants of Rooms, Says Hunt Counsel" (p. 3), "Status of …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. V No. 8 (April 21, 1945) (ddr-densho-119-135)
Selected article titles: "Meeting Held in Seattle on Coast Evacuee Return" (p. 1), "Draft Card Classifications Clarified by WRA Office" (p. 1), "Regulations About Relocatees' Cars Issued by H. Mann" (p. 1), "Hunt Pays Homage in Memory of Roosevelt" (p. 1), "Hughey Releases Alien Leave Ruling" (p. 1), "Citizens' Committee Set Up in Portland for Returnees" …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. V No. 16 (June 16, 1945) (ddr-densho-119-143)
Selected article titles: "Leave Grants to Be Issued Directly to Outgoing Evacuees" (p. 1), "4-C Classification Can Be Changed" (p. 1), "Hint Nisei May Be Sent to Pacific" (p. 1), "Ins. Protection Available for Coast Returnees" (p. 1), "Vandalism Against Evacuees Caused by Premature Return" (p. 2), "Rules for Disposal of Surplus Goods Received Here" (p. …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 19 (November 18, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-152)
Selected article titles: "4,511 Persons Attend Arts, Craft Exhibit" (p. 1), "Blaze Damages Apartment While Occupants Away" (p. 1), "Several Recruited by Savage Language School Will Enroll for Army Class Starting Dec. 10" (p. 1), "Labor Board Raps Wire Fencing" (p. 2), "Mail Boxes Will Speed Delivery" (p. 3), "Chairs, Pianos Here for Project Use" (p. …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. V No. 19 (July 7, 1945) (ddr-densho-119-146)
Selected article titles: "Relocatees Should Contact G.E. Gaff for N.Y. Hostel" (p. 1), "Special Pullman Leaves on July 12" (p. 1), "Army Reports 2111 Nisei Casualties" (p. 1), "Calif. CIO Unions Practice Fairness Toward Evacuees" (p. 1), "Sweeping Blaze Threatens Tower" (p. 1), "WRA Investigates Boycott Cases Reveals D.S. Myer" (p. 1), "Soldiers Demand Working Rights …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 15 (November 4, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-14)
Selected article titles: "Selection of Co-op Board Completed" (p. 1), "Evacuees With Civil Service Ratings Listed" (p. 1), "Evacuees Out on Farm Work May Have Leaves Extended" (p. 1), "Editorial: Politics as Usual?" (p. 2), "Confidential Survey of Hunt Residents Completed" (p. 2), "WRA Employment Head Expected" (p. 2), "School Offers Wide Choice of Subjects" (p. …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 37 (November 6, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-62)
Selected article titles: "Tule Lake Strikers Hold Mass Meeting. Residents Nearby Ask Protection" (p. 1), "Evacuees In Denver Area Top 65,000 Tons Of Beets" (p. 1), "Basic Assumptions of WRA Policy of Relocation Outlined by Beeson" (p. 1), "Agriculture Division Converts Sageland Into Productive Farms During Past Year At Hunt. Vegetable, Hog/ Poultry Projects to Be …

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. IV No. 25 (August 12, 1944) (ddr-densho-119-98)
Selected article titles: "Five Councilmen Re-Elected for Second Term" (p. 1), "King George Chats With Nisei Soldiers" (p. 1), "Crystal City Bound" (p. 1), "DeWitt Assigned to Secret Post" (p. 1), "We Point With Pride: Sakuma Family Boasts Six Blue Stars in Service Flag" (p. 1), "Gloves, Aprons Turned Out by Sewing Project" (p. 3).

Minidoka Irrigator Vol. I No. 14 (October 31, 1942) (ddr-densho-119-13)
Selected article titles: "Barbed Wire Seen for Community" (p. 1), "Four Soldiers Visit Hunt" (p. 1), "N.M. Internee Arrives Here" (p. 1), "Army Intelligence Calls Sansei, Kibei" (p. 1), "Hirabayashi, Convicted, Asks for Longer Sentence Term" (p. 1), "Green Stamps Replace Cash Register Receipts" (p. 2), "National YWCA Leader Here for Conference Next Week" (p. 2), …