Nisei soldier and the staff of the Minidoka Irrigator

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ddr-densho-10-1 (Legacy UID: denshopd-p10-00001)

Kinoshita Collection

T-Sergeant Ben Kuroki (center front), a famous Nisei war hero, poses with the staff of the Minidoka Irrigator, the Minidoka concentration camp newspaper. Front (left to right): Mitsu Yasuda, Cherry Tanaka, Ben Kuroki, Kimi Tambara, and Kerry Soejima. Middle: Mitsuko Miyoshi, unidentified, Sachi Yasui, Miye Takatsuka, Masako Tsujikawa, and Watson Asaba. Back: Johnny Okamoto, Peter Ohtaki, Hideo Hoshide, Hiro Nishimoto, Ben Matsumoto, and Hank Hirabayashi. The Minidoka Irrigator, a weekly paper, ran from September 10, 1942, through July 28, 1945, and contained news about the camp and of the war when Nisei began enlisting. Japanese Americans with a background in journalism worked on the Minidoka Irrigator and were paid $16 per month. Because Japanese Americans were not allowed to have cameras or radios, all photographs for the newspaper were camp sanctioned. The paper was published in the city of Jerome, under the supervision of the WRA. A copy of each issue was sent to Washington, D.C.


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Courtesy of the Kinoshita Family Collection, photo by the War Relocation Authority

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