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472 items
Lucy Nishina and Emiko Sasaki (ddr-csujad-38-272)
img Lucy Nishina and Emiko Sasaki (ddr-csujad-38-272)
Photographed are two young female children, Lucy Nishina and Emiko Sasaki, standing in front of a barrack, "I. Sasaki, S-09-F," at the Jerome camp in Arkansas. The handwritten note on the back side reads: Jerome Relocation Center, Amy-36 1/2" tall, 32 lbs, Lucy-37" tall 31 lbs. The photo was sent from Sally Sakaye Sasaki at the …
Messages between Tomosuke Masukawa in the Poston in Arizona and Hidetaro Myoren in Hiroshima, Japan, October 29, 1942-September 2, 1943 (ddr-csujad-38-545)
doc Messages between Tomosuke Masukawa in the Poston in Arizona and Hidetaro Myoren in Hiroshima, Japan, October 29, 1942-September 2, 1943 (ddr-csujad-38-545)
Messages exchanged between Tomosuke Masukawa at the Poston camp in Arizona and his father-in-law, Hidetaro Myoren, in Hiroshima, Japan. The original message informed Hidetaro of the safety of Tomosuke's family in the camp. The reply message informed of deaths of Hidetaro and Kazuko Myoren. The two messages were exchanged with the assistance of the Red Cross, …
Lucy and Emi (ddr-csujad-38-268)
img Lucy and Emi (ddr-csujad-38-268)
Photographed are young female children, Lucy Nishina and Emiko Sasaki, incarcerated at the Jerome camp in Arkansas. They are dressed in kimono. The photo was sent from Sally Sakaye Sasaki at the Jerome camp to Mitzi Masukawa Naohara at the Poston camp in Arizona. The caption reads: Lucy and Emi. Title from caption. The handwritten note …
Mitzi Naohara photo album (ddr-csujad-38-163)
img Mitzi Naohara photo album (ddr-csujad-38-163)
A photo album compiled by Mitzi Masukawa Naohara. Contained are photographs mainly taken during the war, depicting lives at the Poston camp in Arizona, where the Masukasa family was incarcerated. Mitzi was a preschool teacher at the Poston camp, and photographs of the children incarcerated at the camp are included. She also belonged to a young …
Lumbering (ddr-csujad-38-291)
img Lumbering (ddr-csujad-38-291)
Photographed are incarcerees cutting trees. The handwritten note on the back side describes the trees. Some of the trees have holes in which squirrels, snakes, raccoons stay during the winter. Once the animals are found, 20-30 people chase them to capture. The trees with holes are __ [In Japanese]. The photo was sent from Sally Sakaye …
Takenori Yamamoto Interview (ddr-densho-1003-7)
vh Takenori Yamamoto Interview (ddr-densho-1003-7)
Nisei male. Born February 21, 1938, in Los Angeles, California. Age three when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, and was removed with family to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, returned to Los Angeles. After World War II, served in the U.S. Air Force, and later became involved in numerous Japanese American community organizations, including …
Desert echoes 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-143)
doc Desert echoes 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-143)
Yearbook, "Desert echoes" 1943, created by the members of the 1st Junior Christian Church at the Poston incarceration camp, Poston Arizona. Includes essays by church leaders, history of vacation bible school and the first Junior Church, parish and inter-parish activities, biographical information on pastors, list of officers, essay competition, parish organizations and activities, "Ideal Girl" and …

Narrator Wakako Yamauchi

Nisei female. Born October 23, 1924, in Westmorland, California. Grew up in the Imperial Valley before being removed with family to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona, during World War II. After leaving camp, attended art school in San Diego before marrying and moving to Los Angeles. Published short story And the Soul Shall Dance, which was …

Narrator Masako Yoshida

Nisei female. Born July 14, 1924, in Seattle, Washington. Spent early years in Seattle before family moved to the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, where father worked as a janitor at a wholesale produce market. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, removed to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. Left camp to work in Detroit, …

Narrator Kiyoko Masuda

Sansei female. Born May 4, 1940, in Alameda, California. During World War II, as an infant, was sent with family to the Jerome concentration camp, Arkansas, then to the Gila River concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, family lived for over a year in Dayton, Ohio, before returning to Alameda. Kiyo grew up in Alameda, eventually …

Narrator Grace Watanabe Kimura

Nisei female. Born May 2, 1925, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Boyle Heights, where father was a prominent Baptist minister, establishing his own church. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, removed with family to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. Obtained student leave to finish high school in Abilene, Texas. Post-World …

Narrator Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz

Nisei female. Born September 15, 1932, in Lodi, California. Grew up in Jersey Island, a small island in the Sacramento Delta. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, removed to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, returned with family to Los Angeles, California. Graduated from Long Beach State and earned a …

Narrator Yukio Kawaratani

Nisei male. Born May 30, 1031, in San Juan Capistrano, California. Grew up in various places in California. During World War II, was removed with family to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. While in Poston, family signed "no-no" on the so-called "loyalty questionnaire" and was transferred to Tule Lake. Father and two older brothers renounced their …

Narrator Sam Araki

Nisei male. Born July 12, 1931, in Saratoga, California. Grew up in Saratoga, where father worked as a gardener on a large estate. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, father moved the family inland to Reedley in an attempt to avoid mass removal. Eventually removed to Poston concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, returned to California …

Narrator Charles Olds

White male. Born 1913 in Karuizawa, Japan, to missionary parents. Attended Canadian school in Kobe, Japan, before coming to the United States with his older brother. He attended the University of Chicago School of Social Work, then volunteered to work for the War Relocation Authority (WRA). He later worked as a relocation officer in the concentration …
Lumbering (ddr-csujad-38-282)
img Lumbering (ddr-csujad-38-282)
Photographed are two male incarcerees lumbering. The photo was sent from Sally Sakaye Sasaki at the Jerome camp to Mitzi Masukawa Naohara at the Poston camp in Arizona. The handwritten note on the back side reads: The tree survived for 50 years and did not expect to be cut down by us. Two people cut the …

Narrator Sumiko M. Yamamoto

Nisei female. Born May 12, 1925, in Spreckels, California. Moved frequently with family as a child, eventually settling in Gilroy, California. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, removed to the Salinas Assembly Center, California, and the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. Following father's desire to repatriate to Japan, transferred to Tule Lake concentration camp, California, when it …
Yoshihiro Uchida Interview (ddr-densho-1000-411)
vh Yoshihiro Uchida Interview (ddr-densho-1000-411)
Nisei male. Born April 1, 1920, in Calexico, California. Grew up in the Orange County area. Drafted into the army during World War II, while family was removed to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. Father and brothers were all transferred to Department of Justice camps, and eventually went to Japan. After military service, Mr. Uchida returned …

Narrator Hisaye Yamamoto

Nisei female. Born August 23, 1921, in Redondo Beach, California. Raised in California before mass removal to Parker Dam Assembly Center, Arizona, which was later converted into Poston concentration camp. An aspiring writer, worked for the camp newspaper, the Poston Chronicle, while incarcerated. After leaving camp, returned to California and worked for the Los Angeles Tribune. …

Narrator Carolyn Takeshita

Sansei female. Born June 2, 1937 in Los Angeles, California. Family removed to Poston concentration camp, Arizona, and resettled in Denver, Colorado, after World War II. Moved to Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles in 1950. Returned to Colorado and attended high school and college in Denver. Worked as a speech pathologist and educator. Active in …
Pacific Citizen Vol. 21 No. 20 (ddr-densho-121-2)
doc Pacific Citizen Vol. 21 No. 20 (ddr-densho-121-2)
Selected article titles: "Navy Opens Ranks to Japanese Americans" (p. 1), "Sgt. Ben Kuroki to Speak on "Town Meeting of the Air"" (p. 1), "1000 Tule Lake Renunciants Enter Suit to Regain Rights" (p. 1), "Evacuee Group Leaves Seattle for Hawaii" (p. 1), "Native Sons Want Relocation Camps to be Kept Open" (p. 1), "Southern Pacific …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 16 (April 17, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-16)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 16 (April 17, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-16)
Selected article titles: "Yen debt claimants seeking pre-war exchange rate" (p. 1), "Cal. FEPC bill signature by governor due" (p. 1), "442nd RCT linked with famous U.S. Army regiments of history" (p. 1), "Nisei greeted as 5-millionth visitor of United Nations" (p. 1), "Fair housing bill in Minnesota reported" (p. 1), "'Nothing in common' between language …
Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (ddr-csujad-38-341)
img Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (ddr-csujad-38-341)
A scrapbook compiled by Mitzi Masukawa Naohara. Contained are items collected by Mitzi Masukawa during her incarceration at the Poston camp in Arizona, which include postcards, greeting cards, birthday cards, and invitation cards to events, such as, weddings, farewell parties, and dance events. She was a preschool teacher at the Poston camp and the collected items …
Invitation to freedom - A proposal for a program of liberal adult education (ddr-csujad-18-1)
doc Invitation to freedom - A proposal for a program of liberal adult education (ddr-csujad-18-1)
Detailed proposal for an "adult education system for the Japanese relocation project at Poston, Arizona"; the author credits the American Friends Service Committee for financial support for research and a trial of the plan. Sections of the report include "Background at Poston"; "Foreground of the Problem"; "The Great Books"; "The Seminar"; "The Schedule and Organization"; "The …
Dentists of Rivers Community Hospital (ddr-csujad-11-196)
img Dentists of Rivers Community Hospital (ddr-csujad-11-196)
A photograph of the dentists at the Rivers Community Hospital at the Gila River incarceration camp in Arizona. Each of the dentists' names are provided as well as their hometowns. Standing, left to right: Dr. Obo Sakaguchi- Los Angeles, Dr. Kawamura- San Jose, Dr. Kiyoshi Sonoda- Los Angeles, Dr. C. Nishi- San Francisco, Dr. Masao Sugiyama- …