
Narrators are the interview subjects of oral histories contained in the Densho Digital Repository. Our interviewees, or narrators, share their life histories to preserve history, educate the public, and promote tolerance. We urge our users to approach these materials in the same spirit.

1002 narrators

Take Murayama

Issei female. Born 1895 in Nagano, Japan. Married Mr. Kazuyoshi Murayama, an Issei who returned to Japan temporarily for an arranged marriage. Immigrated to the …

Peggy A. Nagae

Sansei female. Born July 25, 1951, in Boring, Oregon, a small town outside of Portland. Graduated from Vassar College, then earned a law degree from …

Fred Nagai

Nisei male. Born June 25, 1918, in Selleck, Washington. Grew up in Selleck, a lumber community, before moving with family to Santa Monica, California. During …

Miyoko Sakai Nagai

Nisei female. Born October 4, 1925, in San Diego, California. Grew up in Los Feliz, California, where family ran a successful flower shop. During World …

Paul Nagano

Sansei male. Born, June 17, 1920, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in "Little Tokyo," and the Boyle Heights area. During World War II, was …

George Kazuharu Naganuma

Born August 20, 1938, in Lima, Peru. Parents ran a laundry business and father was a prominent community leader. During World War II, the FBI …

Jimmy Naganuma

Born May 23, 1936, in Callao, Peru. Spent early childhood in Peru, where parents ran a laundry business, and father was a prominent community leader. …

Kazumu Naganuma

Born July 28, 1942, in Callao, Peru. Before World War II, parents ran a laundry business and father was a prominent community leader. When Kazumu …

Ted Nagata

Sansei male. Born October 5, 1935, in Santa Monica, California. Raised in Berkeley, California, where father worked as a salesman. Removed to Tanforan Assembly Center, …

Nick Nagatani

Sansei male. Born August 6, 1948, in Chicago, Illinois. Spent in early life in Chicago before family moved to Los Angeles, California, where father worked …

Hitoshi "Hank" Naito

Nisei male. Born April 20, 1926, in San Diego, California. Grew up in Terminal Island, California, where father was a fisherman. During World War II, …

Marian Uyematsu Naito

Nisei female. Born November 30, 1927, in Montebello, California. Grew up in Montebello where father ran a wholesale nursery business. During World War II, removed …

Sam Naito

Nisei male. Born December 10, 1921, in Portland, Oregon. Grew up in Portland where father ran a store. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, family …

Irene Najima

Nisei female. Born August 9, 1927, in Petaluma, California. During World War II, removed to the Merced Assembly Center, California, and the Granada concentration camp, …

John Nakada

Nisei male. Born January 14, 1931, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Azusa, California, where parents ran a farm. During World War II, removed …

Giro Nakagawa

Nisei male. Born March 13, 1921, in Seattle, Washington. Grew up in Kent, Washington, where parents ran a farm. In the 1930s, moved to South …

Mako Nakagawa

Nisei female. Born February 1, 1937, in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar childhood in Seattle. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington; Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho; …

Mark M. Nakagawa

Sansei male. Born February 16, 1955, in Los Angeles, California. Graduated from UCLA and the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley. Served as pastor in …

Miyoko Tsuboi Nakagawa

Nisei female. Born March 8, 1925, in Portland, Oregon. Lost mother at an early age and helped to take care of the family. During World …

Roy Nakagawa

Nisei male. Born December 28, 1916, in Missoula, Montana. Spent early part of childhood in Montana, where parents ran a farm. Moved with family to …

Yosh Nakagawa

Nisei male. Born December 27, 1932, in Seattle, Washington. Grew up in Seattle, and was in the third grade during mass removal to the Puyallup …

Rose Nakagawa

Nisei female. Born May 7, 1915, in Auburn, Washington. Mother died at a young age, and was adopted by aunt and her family. Grew up …

Masahiro Nakajo

Nisei male. Born May 17, 1927, in Moneta, California. Grew up in the Garden Grove area where parents ran a farm. Was taken to Japan …

Grace Shinoda Nakamura

Nisei female. Born February 18, 1927, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Los Angeles. During World War II, removed to the Manzanar concentration camp, …

Mary Haruka Nakamura

Nisei female. Born March 21, 1924, in O'Brien, Washington. Grew up in the Auburn/Kent area of Washington, where parents ran a farm and then a …