Narrators are the interview subjects of oral histories contained in the Densho Digital Repository. Our interviewees, or narrators, share their life histories to preserve history, educate the public, and promote tolerance. We urge our users to approach these materials in the same spirit.
1002 narrators
1002 narrators

Rose Niguma
Nisei female. Born April 14, 1915, in Hood River, Oregon. Grew up in Portland, Oregon. During World War II, removed to the Portland Assembly Center, …

Flora Ninomiya
Nisei female. Born April 8, 1935, in Richmond, California. Grew up in Richmond, where grandfather established a flower nursery business. During World War II, removed …

Frances Kajita Nishi
Nisei-Sansei female. Born in February 24, 1934, in Mosier, Oregon. Grew up in Mosier, where parents worked on an orchard and did truck farming. During …

Henry Nishi
Nisei male. Born March 20, 1919, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in several cities in California, where father owned and operated several nurseries and …

Nancy Nishi
Nisei female. Born June 25, 1936. One of four sisters, grew up near Los Angeles, California, where parents ran a nursery business. Following the bombing …

Mo Nishida
Nisei male. Born August 11, 1936, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in the Los Angeles area. During World War II, was removed to the …

Eiko Nishihara
Nisei female. Born June 4, 1926, in Watsonville, California. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Jerome …

Yoshiko Nishihara
Nisei female. Born August 17, 1927, in Watsonville, California. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Jerome …

A. Hirotoshi Nishikawa
Sansei male. Born in April 23, 1938, in San Francisco, California. Spent first few years in San Francisco where parents were farming. During World War …

Arthur Nishimoto
Nisei male. Born August 28, 1923, in Honolulu, Hawaii. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, volunteered for the army and served in Europe with the …

Bill Nishimura
Nisei male, born June 21, 1920, in Compton, California. Raised on a farm in Lawndale, California. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, his father was …

Hiro Nishimura
Nisei male. Born August 8, 1919, in Seattle, Washington. Grew up in Seattle, and was attending the University of Washington when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor …

James Nishimura
Nisei male. Born February 6, 1930, in Seattle, Washington. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, was removed to the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka …

Ko Nishimura
Nisei male. Grew up the Pasadena, California, area, where parents worked in a family-owned nursery. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, family moved to Reedley, …

Alan Nishio
Sansei male. Born August 9, 1945, at the Manzanar concentration camp, California, where his parents were incarcerated during World War II. Grew up in the …

Esther Takei Nishio
Nisei female. Born February 20, 1925, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Venice, California, where father and uncle ran a carnival concession stand. After …

Mitsue Nishio
Kibei female. Born May 27, 1917, in Seattle, Washington. As a child, sent to Japan for education, and returned to the U.S. in the 1930s. …

Alice Nishitani
Nisei female. Born July 2, 1918, in Emmett, Idaho. Grew up in Idaho before family moved to Eastern Oregon while Alice was still in high …

Martha Nishitani
Nisei female. Born February 27, 1920, in Seattle, Washington. Family owned and operated the Oriental Gardens, the first nursery in Lake City. Incarcerated at Puyallup …

Doris Nitta
Nisei female. Born December 28, 1929, in Florin, California. Grew up in Florin where parents ran a farm. During World War II, removed to the …

Ujinobu Niwa
Nisei male. Born August 15, 1926, in Los Angeles, California, where father ran a fruit stand and mother was a Japanese language school teacher. During …

Yoshino Grace Fukuhara Niwa
Nisei female. Born October 29, 1942, in the Manzanar concentration camp, California. Daughter of well-known artists Henry Fukuhara. After leaving camp, the family moved to …

Andy Noguchi
Sansei male. President of the Florin chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League in 1999, and one of the authors of a resolution to recognize …

Thomas T. Noguchi
Thomas Noguchi was the first Japanese American to serve as the Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner of Los Angeles Country. Well-known for conducting autopsies of public figures …