Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Japanese" Collection ddr-njpa-4

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2889 items
Ryojun Kinoshita seated at his desk (ddr-njpa-4-602)
img Ryojun Kinoshita seated at his desk (ddr-njpa-4-602)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Dr. Kinoshita, Osaka University oncologist, performs on a first-class stage. (Osaka) August 7, 1939. Ryojun Kinoshita, Professor of Pathology at Osaka University, was appointed to attend the third International Cancer Research Conference and give a speech. The conference will be held this fall in Atlantic City in the U.S. from September 11th …
Article regarding Kanze Sakon (ddr-njpa-4-609)
doc Article regarding Kanze Sakon (ddr-njpa-4-609)
Article title [translation]: "The prince of Noh play Sakon Kanze."
Kentaro Kaneko (ddr-njpa-4-611)
img Kentaro Kaneko (ddr-njpa-4-611)
Caption on front: "THE OLDEST LIVING JAPANESE ALUMNUS OF HARVARD. Count Kentaro Kaneko, 83 years, of the class of '79, who plans to attend the Tercentenary celebrations in September in Cambridge. He was a friend of President Theodore Roosevelt and was a factor in bringing to Portsmouth the Peace Conference which ended the Russo-Japanese war. (Davart.)"
Kentaro Kaneko (ddr-njpa-4-612)
img Kentaro Kaneko (ddr-njpa-4-612)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Drafting Constitution. (Tokyo) February 8, 1938. On the 50th anniversary of the enactment of the constitution, Kentaro Kaneko, who drafted the articles, will be deeply emotional. He is 86 years old and resides in a cottage in Hayama. The photo is Mr. Kaneko at his home."
Kentaro Kaneko in formal dress (ddr-njpa-4-614)
img Kentaro Kaneko in formal dress (ddr-njpa-4-614)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "At a celebration marking the completion of Kaneko's biography of Emperor Meiji."
Kentaro Kaneko (ddr-njpa-4-615)
doc Kentaro Kaneko (ddr-njpa-4-615)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "At a celebration marking the completion of Kaneko's biography of Emperor Meiji."
Wife of Masahide Kanayama (ddr-njpa-4-618)
img Wife of Masahide Kanayama (ddr-njpa-4-618)
Caption on reverse: "Mrs. Yasuko Kanayama 12-20-54."
Article regarding Masahide Kanayama's arrival in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-4-622)
doc Article regarding Masahide Kanayama's arrival in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-4-622)
Article title [translation]: "New Japanese Consul-General Arrives"; Photo caption: "The photo is Mr. Kanayama, new Japanese consul-general, in Hawaii."

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