Japanese acting troupe posing with Nichibei Kinema banner

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Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-4-7 (J803.002)

Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Japanese" Collection

Caption on reverse: "GALAXY OF JAPANESE STARS ARRIVE: These luminaries of the Japanese stage and screen arrived by Pan American stratocruiser this morning to present a show at McKinley auditorium from September 7 through 10. Standing, left to right: Kimiko Mizumachi, Otome Arakawa, Nijiko Kiyokawa, Ranko Edogawa and Teruko Ohmi. Sitting, left to right: Masaichi Shirakawa, Achako Hanabishi and Junzaburo Ban. Achako and Miss Kiyokawa are the headliners of the show which will consist of 'shibai' with songs between acts. The troupe's American tour is promoted by Nichibei Kinema Co. of Los Angeles, of which Muneo Kimura is vice president and Hawaiian representative, and the McKinley show is sponsored by Mikkyo YBA of Sheridan Shingon Mission. Tickets for the show are now on sale at Nippon Theater, priced at $1.80 reserved and $1.50 general admission.--(Hawaii Times photo by Don Nagano)"


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Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

Courtesy of the Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

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