Men meeting with a lawyer to resolve a patent dispute

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Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-4-421 (J937.001)

Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Japanese" Collection

Caption on reverse [translation]: "Jippo Kineya Mitsugi, Hiroshima Nagauta master (People #1, March 14, 1931). Electric Shamisen's Head Family Fights. To solve the head family's fight over the electric shamisen, a new worldwide instrument, 'Igen,' tried by Sakichi Kineya, the Metropolitan Police Department counsel called Jippo Kineya, nagauta master, who lives in Miyashi town, Fukuyama city, Hiroshima-ken as Shigeharu Kanbara (32), and former Ministry of Communications engineer Ichiji Ishida, and questioned them. Now everyone will pay attention to who is the true inventor of this instrument. The picture is, on the left, Nakai, the manager; right, Mr. Ishida; ____ left, Kanbara; and showing his back is the lawyer."



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Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

Courtesy of the Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

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