Clipping regarding husband and wife artists

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Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-4-1273 (J1323.001)

Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Japanese" Collection

Caption on front [translation]: "Teacher and student. Mr. & Mrs. Wako. He is only 35 years old and in the prime of his manhood, and fortunate enough to show his work in the Imperial Exhibition in the future, the artist Nakano and his new wife, Michiko, who draws like the sweet-smelling flower she is. This sweet woman is the daughter of District Chief of Police [?]. They married this April. Their love for art changed to love for family in front of the canvas step by step. Like in this photo, they are a truly great, sweet couple."



Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

Courtesy of the Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

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