Kikunosuke Makino

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Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-4-1030 (J1189.001)

Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Japanese" Collection

Caption on reverse [translation]: "Supreme Court President Makino's retirement
Kikunosuke Makino, the Supreme Court President, reaches the retirement age of 65 years on the 20th of next month, so he has decided to retire. He was born on December 21, 1867 in a village in the Miyamoto area, and he graduated from Tokyo University Law School, after which, in 1893, he was appointed as a justice. In 1910 he attended an international law conference as a representative of the Empire. After his return he held important posts such as Tokyo Appeal Director, among others. In August 1927 he was appointed President of the Supreme Court after the retirement of Yokota, the former president. With his calm and fair policy, he was respected as a model judge and had much prestige among his subordinates. His retirement is very reluctant. The picture was taken in the President's chambers today."

c. Nov. 1931


Still Image

Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

Courtesy of the Hawaii Times Photo Archives Foundation

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