Green Lake Young People's Club

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ddr-densho-136-39 (Legacy UID: denshopd-p136-00039)

Tanagi Collection

Members of the Green Lake Seinenkai (young people's club), a social club primarily for Nisei in their teens and twenties. This club organized athletic, cultural, and social activities. Back row (L to R): Tadashi Kumagai, Toge Fujihara, Tak Nakawatase, Akira Kumasaka, Tom Nishitani, Naoshi Kumagai, Nobuo Tanagi, Nobi Yamada, Shuichi Abe. Middle row (L to R): Chuck Kambe, Kiyoshi Tada, May Kumasaka, Mrs. Kumagai, Mr. Tanagi, Eddie Kanno, Teruo Tada, Mac Sasaki, Sumio Mochizuki. Front row (L to R): Violet Yokoyama, Sayo Tanagi, Toshiko Fukano, Ko Suzuki, Mitsu Fukano, Kimi Taguchi, Chieko Matsuda.


Still Image


Courtesy of the Tanagi Family Collection

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