North Portland Evacuazette Collection ddr-densho-120
29 items
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North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 3 (May 26, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-1)
Selected article titles: "250 Leaving Tonite. Beet-Workers Leave Wed." (p. 1), "Fire Dept. Holds Movie" (p. 1), "Salem Not Coming Here" (p. 1), "20 Pass Fire Exam" (p. 1), "Staff Holds Weiner Feed" (p. 3), "Ladies' Rendezvous" (p. 3), "Nurse's Aids Needed" (p. 5).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 4 (May 29, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-2)
Selected article titles: "3rd Baby" (p. 1), "12 Students Arrives From OSC and O of O" (p. 1), "Art Exhibit" (p. 1), "Visiting Rules Changed" (p. 2), "A Tribute to Women" (p. 21).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 5 (June 2, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-3)
Selected article titles: "Maeda and Shiiki Added to Board. Board Well Balanced" (p. 1), "Leonetti to Tule Lake" (p. 1), "Who's Coming and Where From" (p. 1), "Glenn Miller In "Sun Valley Serenade"" (p. 1), "17 Arrived Last Wk.end" (p. 1), "50 Students Visit First Aid Car" (p. 1), "Soldier Reports" (p. 2), "Rec. Dept. Dance …
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 6 (June 5, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-4)
Selected article titles: "Volunteer Beet Workers Leave Sunday" (p. 1), "Graduation Wednesday" (p. 1), "520 Arrived Today From Washington. 627 More Evacuees Due on Saturday" (p. 1), "2000 Persons Attend Show" (p. 1), "'Hi Neighbor' Jig This Sat!" (p. 3), "Shower Schedule" (p. 3), "Hospital Adds New Mess Hall" (p. 3), "Mattresses Available" (p. 3), "500 …
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 8 (June 12, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-5)
Selected article titles: "71 Graduates Receive Diplomas" (p. 1), "16 Elementary Holds Party" (p. 1), "Canteen Enlarged" (p. 1), "Educational Program Opens" (p. 1), "Food Exams Being Conducted" (p. 1), "Symbol of God" (p. 2), "Religious Services" (p. 2), "Lab. Added to Hospital" (p. 3).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 9 (June 16, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-6)
Selected article titles: "Zombie-Day is Now Set for Sat." (p. 1), ""Kiss the Boys Goodbye"" (p. 1), "Grads Hold Banquet and Dance" (p. 1), "Have Any Talent? How About it You Guys 'N Gals!" (p. 3), "11 More for Fire Dept." (p. 3), "Health Hints" (p. 4), "Financial Report Recreation Department" (p. 4).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 10 (June 19, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-7)
Selected article titles: "500 Expected for the Zombie Day Schedule All Set" (p. 1), "Four Families Leaving Tonite Bound for Tule Lake" (p. 1), "46 Pass Exam to Become as Competent First Aiders" (p. 1), "Information Pliss. "You Askem Maybe We Tellem"" (p. 4), "For College Students -- New for Further Education" (p. 6).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 11 (June 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-8)
Selected article titles: ""Mark of Zorro" to Show Tonite. Power Co-Starred With Darnell in Melodrama" (p. 1), "134 Return Today. Beet Workers Anxious to Go Back to Fields" (p. 1), "Nurses Leave for Tule Lake" (p. 1), "Handcraft Art Exhibition Held" (p. 5), "Movies Give Rec. Dept. Problems" (p. 6).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 12 (June 26, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-9)
Selected article titles: "Prominent Chicagoan is Speaker" (p. 1), "Coupon Book Set-Up Revised. Higashi in Charge" (p. 1), "Nisei Forum to be Held Wednesday Problems to be Aired" (p. 1), "Americanism" (p. 2), "Mann Visits Center on Inspection Tour" (p. 4).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 13 (June 30, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-10)
Selected article titles: "McFarland Cautions Smokers. Increase of Fire Hazards Noted" (p. 1), "Girl Injured" (p. 1), "Sixth Group of Sugar Beet Workers Leave" (p. 1), "Young Men Register" (p. 1), "No. of Pages to Diminish" (p. 2), "Canteen Now Most Popular Department in Center" (p. 3), "Jobs Open to Populace" (p. 3).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 15 (July 7, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-11)
Selected article titles: "Bican Succeed Sandquist. Leaves for San Francisco" (p. 1), "300 Enroll for Social Dance Class" (p. 1), "Cakes Baked for Fourth" (p. 1), "Large Throng Attends First Aid Dance" (p. 3), "2500 Books Issued" (p. 3), "Food Inspectors Visits Assembly Center" (p. 4).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 16 (July 10, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-12)
Selected article titles: "Measles Close-Up School" (p. 1), ""Center Improvements" Topic of Nisei Forum. Initial Panel Meet to Commence at 7:50 P.M." (p. 1), "Fire Hazards Reduced by Youth's Aid" (p. 1), "Employment Dept. on Duty" (p. 4), "Issuance of Free Books Nears End" (p. 4).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 18 (July 17, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-13)
Selected article titles: "New Orders Regarding Transfers" (p. 1), "Bican Outlines Policy for This Center" (p. 1), "Pay Checks Due Again Saturday" (p. 1), "Firemen Promoted" (p. 3), "Sabbath Day Speakers" (p. 3), "Early Teen-Age Youths to Hold Big Day July 25. Shig Sakamoto and Eunica Torii Chosen Co-Chairmen" (p. 3).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 20 (July 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-14)
Selected article titles: "Coupon Books to be Issued. New Set-Up to be Used" (p. 1), "Curfew Orders Received" (p. 1), "Vital Meeting Monday Night" (p. 1), "Issuance of Clothing Under-Way" (p. 1), "Pygmy's Day Program All Set for Saturday" (p. 1), "Epidemic of Measles End" (p. 3), "Model Plane Contest. Contest to be Held August 8" …
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 21 (July 26, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-15)
Selected article titles: "Pygmy Day Acclaimed Success. Teen-Age Youths Take Over Day" (p. 1), "Tea Planned for Mothers Saturday" (p. 1), "Join in the War Effort" (p. 1), "Center Draws Praise" (p. 1), "Bars, Cigs for Soldiers" (p. 3), "Welfare Dept. Serves Many" (p. 3).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 22 (July 31, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-16)
Selected article titles: "Bulletin Embracing Regulations Received. Rules to go Into Effect When Manager Announces" (p. 1), "Asai Leaves to Rejoin Husband" (p. 1), "Special Clinic Now Being Conducted" (p. 1), "Education Department Opens Office" (p. 1), "400 Youths Immunized Yesterday" (p. 1), "70 Garments Turned Over to Red Cross" (p. 3), "260 Attend Waitresses' Weiner …
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 23 (August 4, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-17)
Selected article titles: "Administrative Change in Order. Bican Announces New System" (p. 1), "3rd Pay Roll Checks Total $11,000" (p. 1), "Board of Section Mgrs. Organized" (p. 1), "Buddhists Hold First Social Fete" (p. 3), "17 Registers for Art Class" (p. 3), "Japanese Music Night Coming" (p. 3), "375 Articles Turned Over to Soldiers" (p. 3), …
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 24 (August 7, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-18)
Selected article titles: "Puyallup Leaves for Eden, Idaho" (p. 1), "Candidates May Soon File for Positions. Panel of 21 to be Elected" (p. 1), "600 Families Served by Welfare Dept." (p. 1), "Beauty Parlor Now Opened" (p. 3).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 26 (August 14, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-19)
Selected article titles: "45 Candidates Vie in Election. Advisory Council of 7 to be Appointed" (p. 1), "37 Return From Beets" (p. 1), "Few Changes in Orders" (p. 1), "School to Close" (p. 1), "Moving?" (p. 1), "24 Hours of Service" (p. 4).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. II No. 1 (August 18, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-20)
Selected article titles: "8th Group to Leave for Beets" (p. 1), "Boy Scout Court of Honor August 25" (p. 1), "Final Report. Recreation Department" (p. 1).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. II No. 3 (August 20, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-21)
Selected article titles: "Evacuation Instructions. Regarding Train Discipline" (p. 1), "Concerning Gov. Supplies" (p. 1), "Departure Regulations" (p. 1), "Info. on New Homes. Wyoming" (p. 1), "Idaho" (p. 1), "Appeal to Workers" (p. 3), "Departure Forms" (p. 3), "An Editorial -- Task Ahead" (p. 4), "Articles May Be Sent Later" (p. 4), "Change of Address" (p. …
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 1 (May 19, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-22)
Selected article titles: "Tulelake Crew Being Recruited" (p. 1), "Fire Tests to be Held" (p. 2), "Explosion One Injured" (p. 3), "Typhoid Inoculations Wednesday Morning (May 20)" (p. 4).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 2 (May 22, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-23)
Selected article titles: "Canteen Opens Today!" (p. 1), "Boy Injured" (p. 1), "Population Increase 278" (p. 1), "15 Left for Beet Fields" (p. 1), "Aged Man Collapses" (p. 3), "No Fire! False Alarm" (p. 3).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 7 (June 9, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-24)
Selected article titles: "Sign Painters Move" (p. 1), "Comm. - Exer. Coming Wed. 75 Students to Graduate in Arena" (p. 1), "190 Workers Heads for East Ore." (p. 1), "Canteen Now Busy" (p. 5), "General Aid for Your Health" (p. 6).
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 14 (July 3, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-25)
Selected article titles: "S.R.O's Filled Out by 125 Students" (p. 1), "Insurance Survey Being Held by WCCA" (p. 1), "Barber Shop Now Open for Business" (p. 1), "Men's Glee to Appear" (p. 3).
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