Alameda Japanese American History Project: Alameda Sports Collection ddr-ajah-5

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110 items
Team photo of two baseball teams in stadium (ddr-ajah-5-103)
img Team photo of two baseball teams in stadium (ddr-ajah-5-103)
Caption below photo: AlamedaTaiiku Kai (ATK) vs. Mainichi Japanese Baseball Team Alameda, CA
Clipping with photo of Hayashi Florist Baseball team (ddr-ajah-5-104)
doc Clipping with photo of Hayashi Florist Baseball team (ddr-ajah-5-104)
Caption below photo: Harry Kono and his business's baseball team, Hayashi Florist in Alameda, CA, January 10, 1931. Kono retained the name of the original business owner, Harry Hayashi, on the store. It was located at 2305 Santa Clara Ave.
Portrait of Saitaro
img Portrait of Saitaro "Cy" Towata (ddr-ajah-5-109)
Caption below photo: Saitoro "Cy" Towata of Alameda, CA., 1925
Team photo with tall ships in background (ddr-ajah-5-110)
img Team photo with tall ships in background (ddr-ajah-5-110)
Caption below photo: Alameda Taiiku Kai Old Stars baseball team, circa 1915

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