Work and jobs
Both Issei and Nisei took jobs within the camps, at wages set not to exceed soldiers' pay: $12 per month for unskilled labor, $16 for skilled labor, and $19 for professional employees. WRA staff was paid much more for the same jobs. Though public opinion mandated such low pay, dissatisfied Japanese Americans objected to losing their right to make a decent living. They had to use their sparse income for necessities, such as warm clothing and shoes.
World War II
Concentration camps
Work and jobs
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Densho Encyclopedia :
Amache Silk Screen Shop
1408 items
Help wanted signs (ddr-densho-93-47)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Phil Hara relocation: in charge of work-offer signs / photograph by Ansel Adams.
Hog farm (ddr-densho-93-41)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Hog farm, Manzanar Relocation Center, California / photograph by Ansel Adams.
Camp co-op store (ddr-densho-93-28)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Co-op store (Segregees), Manzanar Relocation Center / photograph by Ansel Adams.
Japanese Americans bundling clothing (ddr-densho-93-6)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Bert K. Miura and Toshiko Kadonada, bundling and shipping, Manzanar Relocation Center, California.
Japanese American with harvested squash (ddr-densho-93-35)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Benji Iguchi with squash, Manzanar Relocation Center / photograph by Ansel Adams.
Japanese Americans in front of camp newspaper office (ddr-densho-93-2)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Roy Takeno (Editor) and group reading Manzanar paper in front of office, Yuichi Harata, Nabuo Samamura, Manzanar Relocation Center, California. (Note: original caption contains misspellings. "Harata" should be, "Hirata", and "Nabuo Samamura" should be, "Nobuo Sawamura".)
Toshio Oku photo album (ddr-csujad-3-22)
Photo album is a collection of landscape and panoramic photos of Tule Lake incarceration camp, holiday greeting cards, photos of a fire, graduation portrait of Toshio Oku, group photo of the Electrical Department, and inside the print shop of the Newell Star. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tos_01_001_023
Newell Star printers (ddr-csujad-3-20)
Group photograph, including Toshio Oku, of the publication printers in the print shop of the Newell Star weekly newspaper printed for the Tule Lake segregation camp. The group has printed stacks of Vol. III, no. 2 of the Newell Star next to them. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: …
Toshio Oku printing (ddr-csujad-3-21)
Toshio Oku prints the weekly newspaper at Tule Lake using a mimeograph machine. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tos_01_001_022
Electrical Department warehouse 348 (ddr-csujad-3-1)
Posed group photo of the Electrical Department in front of a building at Tule Lake with department sign. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tos_01_001_001
Seven women with corsages, man standing behind (ddr-densho-464-96)
Women standing before Heart Mountain YBA sign. Inscription on front: 1943 / 9-1943 / Bussie Coronation Ball
Man standing by fire truck outside fire station (ddr-densho-464-8)
Inscription on front: Morito Sako. Sign on building: Heart Mountain Fire Department
Man sitting on running board of fire truck (ddr-densho-464-11)
Inscription on front: George Takeshita
Four woman standing outside building with sign, Station 21-27 (ddr-densho-464-22)
Names inscribed on front: (l to r) Itsuko, Tsuye, Kazuko, me.
Man sitting on running board of fire truck (ddr-densho-464-3)
Inscription on front: Dick Matsuhira